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[AC Syndicate] One Good Deed - Ghost and Reaper

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Style: Pacifist / Non-Lethal / No Kills / Ghost
Additional Modifier(s): No Smoke Bombs

Evie Frye must take back from the Blighters the deed to Attaway Transport, which Ed Bayley, the only remaining omnibus builder in the city, needs in order for him and his allies to begin their company. Evie feels this is a good opportunity to practice her stealth skills, and treats the guards in and around the factory like toys for her own amusement and training. She lays hands on no one, steals back the deed, and leaves the area without ever causing a single disturbance.

This mission is super Ghostable because all it's about is pickpocketing an item off of a guard. Pretty satisfying stuff, and I felt like using no Smoke at all in this mission. I'll usually not place such restrictions on myself, because Smoke increases the flow of a video and therefore also increases its watchability for my viewers, but this time it wasn't much of an issue to go Smokeless and to just use some classic Stealth. Pretty satisfied with this one, definitely one of my favorite checkpoints in the whole game. A damn shame that it's immediately preceded by a loud and boisterous horse chase against some enemies during which you have to kill a bunch of them while smashing into everything all throughout the city. This checkpoint, though, this checkpoint is lovely.

Leo K's picture

AC Syndicate - No Upgrades/No Leveling [Full Commentated Playthrough]

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Some time ago I posted a playthrough of myself beating all of Assassin's Creed Unity without upgrading anything or leveling up at all. I would only really advise watching that one if you really want to, because the microphone quality isn't as great as my newer videos. Actually, the run I'm about to post right now doesn't have fantastic mic quality until Episode 5, when I started taking what I was doing much more seriously and invested a decent amount of money into getting a Blue Yeti microphone. Despite that, it's something a few people here were quite interested in. I don't know if this will still be the case by now, because it took me a while. I actually halted production on this playthrough until I bought a good microphone once I recorded Episode 4, because I was just not happy with how my vocal quality sounded, and I was not willing to produce more commentary without a decent microphone. Suffice it to say that I got one, and here's the run.

[Front-paged. -JoeyFogey]

aurllcooljay's picture

Tamir Quits His Job

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Back to the Future exploit:

Found that if Tamir sees a dead body, he'll go back to the souk and do his scripted route/speeches. During the scene he teleported to one of the merchants (first time I did this he didn't teleport but rather was out of synch with the scene). Afterward he walks away.

aurllcooljay's picture

Suicidal Assassinations

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[Front-paged. -JoeyFogey]

One character AI flaw in the early AC games is that enemies can't do anything if they are crouching on a railing/beam/other climbable object while you are hanging below. This was changed later in the series by giving them the ability to stomp down on you in that situation, but in the meanwhile enemies jumped to their deaths as a result. Here are some examples in AC2.

Leo K's picture

[Syndicate] Unnatural Selection - Pacifist and Reaper (Stealth)

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[Front-paged. -JoeyFogey]

Game: Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Memory: Unnatural Selection
Style: Ghost / Non-Lethal / Pacifist (...sort of)

aurllcooljay's picture

Guard Assisted Assassination on Majd Addin

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]


For this I couldn't get the target to fight any guard attacking me, and the guards in this mission are recognized as regular Saracens, preventing fight between them and other Saracen guards.

So then I resorted to starting a fight between another type of mission based guard (the one outside of Talal's warehouse) and other guards. This meant pushing him all the way to the execution area. Luckily Majd Addin goes into fight mode after seeing other guards fighting.

If you aren't aware of how guards fight each other in AC1, watch this video.

To make things easier, I took out most of his health with throwing knives. The guards in the immediate area are all low level and can't perform combos, counters or grabs, which are the only way to hurt targets and Templars. So you'll need to run around and find higher level guards to fight him until he dies.

Leo K's picture

[AC Chronicles Russia] Memory 1 - Plus Hard / Shadow Gold [Speedrun]

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
Memory Sequence 1: Dawn of the Tsars
Difficulty: Plus Hard
Style: Ghost / Shadow Gold (No Kills, No Sightings, No KOs) Speedrun

In Plus Hard difficulty:
- Enemy Vision Cones are only visible in Eagle Vision
- Nikolai and Anastasia only have 1 HP
- Upgrades and Helix Abilities carry over into the New Game+

Killing certain guards or causing Alerts in certain areas does not nullify Shadow Gold mission rating.

aurllcooljay's picture

Dynamic Explosion on Adéwalé

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Edward Kenway's first mate, now an assassination target.

Dynamic Explosion

Adéwalé can be quite a challenge because he'll run, but get into combat mode when you get close enough, and he fights pretty darn well. Now for a stylish way to get him from afar.

Enter the area by the way that leads to Haytham. Then circle around to the spot with a barrel. Watch out for the two assassin stalkers hiding in the bushes.

The target starts fleeing when you get detected while within a certain range (also if you do something suspicious, but I haven't investigated that). Just wait for him to pass by to throw the barrel. The memory corridor gets delayed for whatever reason.

aurllcooljay's picture

Winning the Chase Against Hope Jensen

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

During the assassination of Hope Jensen.


At the start of the chase, veer left to vault over the railing instead of running into the cloud of gas unleashed by Hope. An agile guard will try to tackle you, but you'll almost always make it over the railing before that can happen.

Once outside the gate, an assassin stalker hiding on a bench will come after you, so be prepared to assassinate. From there follow the target on ground instead of taking the rooftops, where you'll always be behind her. An agile guard might still be following you, in which case sleep dart him.

Take the path in the video to reach the haystack the target uses to transition to ground level. Keep in mind Hope's immune to ranged weapons until she stops running and goes into fight mode.

Leo K's picture

[AC Unity] La Halle aux Bles - Stealth Kills

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]


Game: Assassin's Creed Unity
Memory: La Halle aux Bles
Style: Lethal / Stealth Kills / Stealth Reaper

Arno harvests the lives of his enemies inside and around La Halle aux Bles, applying liberal use of his Phantom Blades.


Trivia: This took me 49 Checkpoint Restarts. This mission is hilariously easy to Ghost through, but as soon as you try to actually start killing people Unity starts shaking its finger at you and being an insufferable wreck.

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