Back to the Future exploit:
Found that if Tamir sees a dead body, he'll go back to the souk and do his scripted route/speeches. During the scene he teleported to one of the merchants (first time I did this he didn't teleport but rather was out of synch with the scene). Afterward he walks away.
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What did I say about DOUBLE POSTING?! These spambots are ignorant.
The previous superfast blitzes seemed fair because it was all about moving closer to the target. In this case you glitch the game up to move the target closer to you. That's what bothers me.
Here's a way to think about blitz timing. Is the instance of Tamir you kill in this video, the same one that quits his job and comes walking out of the Souk in the BTTF exploit? In that case, I wouldn't call it a blitz. If all that is just elaborate set up, and the game spawns a new Tamir for you, well...
Although we aren't as strict about blitz rules as before, especially with exploit/non exploit blitz categories, a line still has to be drawn somewhere. That is why instant kills in AC1 don't count; you technically took out the target before the cutscene.
However, if people think this should count, we could debate it, maybe take a vote.
I summon IanXO4. Come forth!!!
I summon IanXO4. Come forth!!!
[epic fantasy voice] Aurel... What have you done...?!
We would call that a superfast blitz, Aurel
You didn't have to frontpage this, Stabguy. One good use is if you timed it so that during the scene Tamir was talking to one of the merchants on your side of the invisible barrier, so that you can kill him as soon as the scene ended. Of course that would be so unfair I refuse to call it a blitz.
Of course that would be so unfair I refuse to call it a blitz.
Since when were we at THB so concerned with "Fair"? ;] Nothing is true, everything is permitted. We break these games and life goes on. <3