This video is the result of a collaboration between aurllcooljay, JoeyFogey and myself. Our goal was to document the ten greatest achievements in AC1 by members of The Hidden Blade. We hope to publish this video to a wide audience and let them see what THB is all about. To that end, I've joined the Union For Gamers program to partner with Curse. They have agreements with publishers like Ubisoft that let them monetize and promote gameplay videos (as long as they don't contain copyrighted music). If your channel qualifies it's a good deal: 90% revenue share, no lock-in, and no branding requirements.
See the following links for more information on the original discoveries.
1. Robert and Al Mualim Early Death
Reported on Gamefaqs
Original Robert Death
Original Al Mualim Death
2. King William's Death
3. Shock and Awe
[Front-paged. -stabguy]
A collection of additional assassinations in AC1, made possible by back to the future exploit.
Start this the same way as the original early assassination of Maria.
Reinitialize the memory by going through the city entrance in the south of Jerusalem. The game doesn't recognize Maria as a target anymore. Now there is no memory corridor scene, and Maria stays dead. It's probably possible to get an instant kill from this by taking out her health and talking to the bureau leader, but I didn't have enough time to record more.
Start this the same way as the original early assassination of Sibrand.
Reinitialize the memory by going through the city entrance in the north part of Acre (there's also an entrance in the eastern part, but you desynch before getting there from the game thinking you already started the mission). Sibrand usually goes onto the docks and walks back and forth along them just like the guard patrol. He's unresponsive to you, but still reacts to seeing dead bodies (in the original Back to the Future assassination he can detect you and would run back to the ship to get to the guard tower). Now that the game doesn't recognize him as a target there's no memory corridor scene. You can also take out his health for an instant kill, but it isn't very interesting.
[Front paged. - stabguy]
An early death on Sibrand, made possible by glitching out of the city and restarting the mission. For those not familiar with this exploit watch the original video.
Early Death
Since the game knows you started the assassination mission Sibrand is already on ship before you start the cutscene. Getting to him is another matter entirely since he appears back at the scene location if you enter the shipyard directly. So enter it from the south wall by the way shown in the video. There are some guards along the way that can easily detect you, so be careful (or fight them all off like I did). Before you reach the ship Sibrand gets on the docks nearby. He seems to just walk back and forth along it. Killing him results in the memory corridor scene.
Getting out of the city after the assassination is trickier in Acre than in Jerusalem since Acre has two closed gates at the entrance. So I used a different method. I did the save citizen mission outside of Acre and gentle pushed the citizen all the way to the bureau, then started the mission. Then I moved the citizen all the way to the cutscene and afterward to the target. After assassinating Sibrand I talked to the saved citizen, which resulted in saving the game. Then I desynchronized. When I respawned it was outside of Acre. Saving the game by a talking to a save citizen results in spawning where the save citizen mission started.
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I put away my Assassin's Creed disc when Assassin's Creed 2 was released about 21 months ago. Shortly afterward, I lost the disc, and I was pretty much convinced that I would never see it again. Much to my surprise, I found the disc about a month or two ago, and I started playing it again a few days ago. It was nice to play Altair again...
[From the forums - stabguy]
Getting in the huddle of Sibrand's scene prior to the assassination is possible although it doesn't affect the assassination itself. Start by going to the docks then get on the boat close to the scene location. Jump to the spot by the stairs. Since this area is supposed to be unreachable you are able to walk right into the scene. There isn't much point to this besides some hilarity. During the scene I don't move the camera much since it follows Sibrand. Also I don't use memory glitches to zoom the camera in since that would make Altair disappear.
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The Turkey Shoot: The goal in these assassinations is to immobilize the target so that you can easily stab him/her with the hidden blade. Of course, the developers never intended such assassinations to be possible, so you have to rely on several exploits in order to pull off these types of assassinations.
Here are video walkthroughs for the assassinations shown in "The Turkey Shoot".
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Here are some extremes of hiding in plain sight.
William: After William is done lecturing his men, he goes to his desk to study a map. You can climb down behind William and blend right next to him. If you bump into the table, William will notice you, so you need to be careful as you approach the table. In this video, I line up Altair's shoes with William's shoes to ensure that Altair doesn't bump the table.
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Version 2.0 contains updated blitzes of Tamir, Abu'l, Majd, Jubair, Maria, Robert and Al Mualim.
Blitz assassinations of all the main targets. The concept of this style is to assassinate as quickly as possible, while remaining Anonymous before the kill on certain targets: Tamir, Garnier de Naplouse, Abu'l Nuqoud, Majd Addin, William de Montferrat, Jubair Al Hakim and Sibrand.
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You all know by now that I'm a big fan of air to assassinate. Ubisoft must have rushed it in at the last minute because both they and Prima failed to document how to do it. Whenever someone on the internet asks for help, at least one well intentioned player comes to their aid with advice like, "Jump at your target and hit the attack button when you get close." That's what I call a "jump assassinate" (or "stunt assassinate" if the fall is high enough to cause partial desynchronization). Air to assassinate is actually easier and more reliable. The problem with jump assassinate is you have to judge where you will land and make sure it's close to the target. I usually end up jumping way over the target's head.