Version 2.0 contains updated blitzes of Tamir, Abu'l, Majd, Jubair, Maria, Robert and Al Mualim.
Blitz assassinations of all the main targets. The concept of this style is to assassinate as quickly as possible, while remaining Anonymous before the kill on certain targets: Tamir, Garnier de Naplouse, Abu'l Nuqoud, Majd Addin, William de Montferrat, Jubair Al Hakim and Sibrand.
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Easter Eggs in Assassin's Creed...
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This guide is directed at those who are still playing through Assassin's Creed for the first time. The greatest joy in the game comes from figuring out how to stealth assassinate one of the main targets on your first try, without reading a walkthrough first. For me, this satisfaction came much too late (the eighth target). I was good at the "not cheating" part but lousy at planning an assassination, mostly because there were aspects of the game play which I did not understand.
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You all know by now that I'm a big fan of air to assassinate. Ubisoft must have rushed it in at the last minute because both they and Prima failed to document how to do it. Whenever someone on the internet asks for help, at least one well intentioned player comes to their aid with advice like, "Jump at your target and hit the attack button when you get close." That's what I call a "jump assassinate" (or "stunt assassinate" if the fall is high enough to cause partial desynchronization). Air to assassinate is actually easier and more reliable. The problem with jump assassinate is you have to judge where you will land and make sure it's close to the target. I usually end up jumping way over the target's head.
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Your first main target in Assassin's Creed is Tamir the Black Market Merchant. This is a really easy assassination. If you still need your "Blade in the Crowd" achievement just select your Hidden Blade, walk up behind him and press the X button (Square on PlayStation 3). If you've already done it that way and want to try a fancy pants assassination, then this guide is for you! Remember that this happens in Memory Block 2 so you won't have Throwing Knives or the Counter ability during the investigation.