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aurllcooljay's picture

Silent Clearing and George Washington's Death
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

The Braddock Expedition - Silent Extermination (full synch)
At the beginning of the memory you have to kill a target to use his clothes as a disguise. The full synch is to kill at least two guards without being detected. In actuality the game developers meant BEFORE being detected. The mission is designed so that you are detected by the other guards after you kill the target no matter what. Therefore the only way to remain anonymous throughout the mission is to silently kill all the guards before killing the target. As an added challenge I reamain completely unseen (no yellow or red triangles) and use only fists. Here's the step by step process:

Guard #1: Start out with the guard standing by the haystack. At the beginning of the checkpoint turn right, and then left.

Guard #2: From the haystack use whistle to lure a nearby guard (yes, you can use whistle even while killing someone from the haystack).

Guard #3: From the haystack move right along the tall grass. Be careful not to bump into the Indian hiding in the grass, or you're likely to be seen. From the grass move into the haystack and kill the guard standing by it. If you kill the guard while in the grass you might be seen.

Guard #4: A guard walks by the haystack. Whistle when he gets close. There's a glitch where he isn't lured by the whistle (usually happens if you use whistle when he's farther away). If that happens you can still kill him when he walks close enough to the haystack.

Guard #5 and 6: The next two guards are tricky. They stand close together, and it doesn't help that the target walks in that area. Here's a way to separate them. Go behind the large rock and whistle. Then hide in the tall grass. One of them will search the nearby haystack. Kill the other guard before he walks back to his post. Then kill the other guard when he is lured by the dead body.

Guard #7: The last guard is standing by the tents. Kill him when the target isn't walking in that area.

Target: By this time the target will see one of the dead bodies. Kill him anytime you want.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture

You've Forced My Hand (and Blade) - Edward Braddock Mini-Variety Pack
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Sat down today trying to come up with some fun things to do with Edward Braddock. This video has three different assassinations. I call it a Mini variety pack, not because there's not enough, but because there is an obvious missing that I was not able to accomplish in 20+ tries.

Braddock Doesn't Fight Like a Bulldog... - Nothing special about this one. It's a basic chase after the Bulldog with no weapon equipped. Haytham hip-checks Braddock and he dies instantly. I thought someone with a nickname of Bulldog would fight a little better than that.

Braddock's Swirly - In this assassination, Haytham plays bully to his old friend and dunks him under the water. I guess Braddock can't hold his breath, as Haytham drowns him. The only way to get to him while he's still in the water is to call a horse. You have to stay within 50m of Braddock before desyncing... and I was close in this play through. (Yes, I know this isn't death by water, but rather death from his skull crushing into the ground).

Eagle Strike - This one took some set up. First, you need to break Braddock's AI. To do this, simply do a "gentle push" on him at the end of the chase. This will cause him to think he's a regular soldier and he will chase you. Now you run to the cliffs. Once you break Braddock's line of sight and return to incognito mode, he has a case of waypoint separation and stands still. From here you can push him into position for the Eagle Strike. Yes, this counts as an Eagle Strike - if you miss the cliff, you die.

aurllcooljay's picture

Hostile Negotiations Eagle Strike and Early Death

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

Eagle Strike

Start off by taking a fast stealthy path. Run to the left of the docks (shallow water, no swimming necessary). One of the guards there can see me, but you don't have to worry about getting into open conflict. After that continue forward, keeping to the edge of the restricted area. After climbing up a cliff turn right along the edge. Running up the low hanging tree will lead you to the cliff where the scene starts. There are two guards patrolling, so wait until their backs are turned (or just double kill them) to get past anonymously. If you are aiming for full synch, go behind the house right behind William Johnson, or skip the cinematic.

For the Eagle Strike climb the house in front of you and wait for the scene to end (if you skip the cinematic or start from the last checkpoint you spawn at a default location). The setup after the scene allows you to stay on the roof until the assassination. Shoot the two previously mentioned patrolling guards with the bow (guns will alert all the enemies in the area, which can ruin the assassination). You being detected will cause the target to flee. Wait until he reaches the right place to perform the Eagle Strike.

Now for the kill itself. From standing on the roof a fall to the ground below the cliff is high enough to cause death. Most of the cliff is just far enough away that you can't jump past the edge, but luckily a small part of it is closer.

stabguy's picture

William Johnson: Dynamic Human Bait

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The goal here was to assassinate William Johnson by bear while he was still running. Thus Dynamic Human Bait. It was more challenging than anticipated because there are two time requirements:

  1. You have approximately 2:30 to assassinate Johnson or enter Open Conflict. Otherwise it says, "Ally Died: Desynchronized".
  2. It takes little more than a minute for Johnson to run down to the dock and cower.

The bear walks slowly. If you play your cards right, you have 3:30 to find the bear and slow walk him over to Johnson's escape road. The key is to aggravate the guards on the dock at the proper moment (and to remain Anonymous up until that point). It starts with a brazen escape past four guards at the respawn point. As long as you give them a wide berth and don't do any free-running, they will yell at Connor but not enter Open Conflict. If they do enter Open Conflict then it's too late. Johnson starts running for the dock.

stabguy's picture

Hostile Negotiations: Full Sync and Firecracker

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Firecracker Assassination

I placed William Johnson at the end of the dock by first using Rope Dart and then bumping him into position while carrying a Powder Keg. To move him with Rope Dart just tap Head button. Connor will not kill him unless you are standing close together (or you accidentally drag Johnson over a Trip Mine). My thought was that if the explosion didn't kill him then falling into water would.

It turns out that the explosion does indeed kill the target. I have confirmed this result on dry land. When Double McStab with Cheese experimented with this style of assassination he reported that Johnson was moved but not killed. The difference must be the proximity of Connor to the target. I wanted a clear shot to the first Powder Keg and a good view of the assassination, so I arranged the Powder Kegs and Trip Mines in a semicircle around a high vantage point. The maximum distance between Powder Kegs seems to be about 8 walking paces for Connor.

Full Sync

The requirements for 100% Synchronization are:
1. Reach Johnson Undetected (both before and after the "Are you threatening us?" cutscene)
2. Limit Native American casualties - 0/1
3. Perform a swan dive to escape

If you skip the cutscene or reload from last checkpoint, it places Connor a distance north of the Johnson House, even if you approached from the south. This got me thinking that there must be a viable approach from the north. That's when I discovered this route which essentially goes up the face of a cliff. The first time you come this way you will find a feather on the log at 2:03.

One good thing about this route is that you encounter few guards. I chose to stealth assassinate the first one at 2:30 so that his body would distract the second one (visible on the left at 2:33). If you just try to run past the second guard you will usually get a brief SSI indicator, blowing an otherwise ghost run.

The air assassination from the roof of Johnson House is standard. There are several places to perform a swan dive to escape. I chose one that is easily accessible but often overlooked. It plunges Connor into shallow water just off the beach with two guards.

aurllcooljay's picture

The Templars' Early Deaths in The Braddock Expedition
[Front-paged. -stabguy]

The Braddock Expedition
The Braddock Expedition is the third and last memory of sequence three. I will focus at the beginning, when you ride with your allies. Their names from front to back are:

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Benjamin Church - killed in sequence 9
Thomas Hickey - killed in sequence 8
William Johnson - killed in sequence 6
John Pitcairn - killed in sequence 7

Early Deaths
Killing these targets early depends on them riding their horses. You can move the horses by riding a horse by them (if you get directly behind them you can make them move from as far as about fifteen to twenty feet away). Now since the targets themselves are invincible, it prevents you from pulling off easy deaths. You can shoot at them with range weapons, which are ineffective. They will counter any attempts to tackle them off their horses. However the horses they ride on can be shot. Shooting the horse will cause it to fall, dismounting the rider.

Since water is the only thing that kills characters, even invincible ones (in a sense), that is what I need to use. Here are the results of my attempts to move the targets into water.

For one of them, I moved his horse onto a cliff and shot it. The target fell onto a lower cliff. I was able to slowly move the target off the cliff by attempting to tackle him. Moving the horse at him also seemed to move him, although not as effectively. After that he fell off, but the water wasn't deep enough to drown him. After moving him further with a bunch of tackles, I accidentally discovered that you can move him while swimming (collision mechanics must be different while swimming, which is understandable). For the other targets I simply led them to a lake shore and shot their horse, causing them to fall into the water.

I also included the database entries for the targets as proof of their identities.

stabguy's picture

Execution is Everything: Full Sync and Assassination

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The two people you're tailing in Sequence 3.2 are George Washington (in blue) and John Fraser. Historical note: On the final evening of the Braddock expedition, the Indians requested a conference. Braddock sent Washington and Fraser. The Indians suggested a cease fire to allow the French to peacefully withdraw from Fort Duquesne. Washington and Fraser recommended this truce but Braddock pressed ahead with his plan to attack Fort Duquesne the next day. That's what George and John are talking about when you eavesdrop.

Full Sync

The requirements for 100% Synchronization are:
1. Do not kill any guards.
2. Sabotage cannon - 2/2

You also must avoid detection until you steal the map. After that it's okay to enter Open Conflict (as long as you don't take down Washington or Fraser). You just have to become anonymous before talking to Kaniehtí:io again.

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