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Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
1) Guard spots me from 50m away while I'm in the water and it's pitch black out.
2) Guard spots me with his back turned to me while he's fighting a comrade I've berserk darted.
3) After I take out the first guard, I'm working over to the second guard and try to quickly taking out a patrolling guard. Eddie elects to bypass the running assassination and go with the "let's shoulder check the guard instead while running past him," leading to my being detected.

There's your problem... berzerk the first lookout from the edge of the water where you can barely target him... then go back to the water and swim out of notice of everyone up the side of the whole area to the second one.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

TheMethodicalAssassin's picture
New Jersey
Joined: 10/22/2012

Yeah, got that part down (finally). Now if the game would let me rope assassinate the captain, all would be swell. Do people know if, once I start swinging, I can just mash the button and it'll do its job when prompted?

Slowly, but surely, the job gets done.

XBL Gamertag: BigRouge04

TheMethodicalAssassin's picture
New Jersey
Joined: 10/22/2012

Yeah, got that part down (finally). Now if the game would let me rope assassinate the captain, all would be swell. Do people know if, once I start swinging, I can just mash the button and it'll do its job when prompted?

Slowly, but surely, the job gets done.

XBL Gamertag: BigRouge04

TheMethodicalAssassin's picture
New Jersey
Joined: 10/22/2012
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
Yeah, got that part down (finally). Now if the game would let me rope assassinate the captain, all would be swell. Do people know if, once I start swinging, I can just mash the button and it'll do its job when prompted?

So I finally got the rope assassination. After probably 20 tries. I'm not sure if there was a problem with the timing of when the assassination prompt came on screen, but I basically started mashing the button as soon as I started swinging on the rope. This really was no different than what I'd done in previous attempts that resulted in either stunts or overshooting the captain entirely. THB can breathe easier now. Except you, Stabguy, I'm coming for you.

Also, had another BS detection. Two patrolling guards began changing direction and I was sneaking up behind them. While they turned, they bumped into each other and one guard dropped his lantern. This process led to him getting turned around and staring directly at me. Goddamnit, Ubisoft.

Slowly, but surely, the job gets done.

XBL Gamertag: BigRouge04

gerund's picture
The Netherlands
Joined: 10/29/2012
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
Yeah, got that part down (finally). Now if the game would let me rope assassinate the captain, all would be swell. Do people know if, once I start swinging, I can just mash the button and it'll do its job when prompted?

So I finally got the rope assassination. After probably 20 tries. I'm not sure if there was a problem with the timing of when the assassination prompt came on screen, but I basically started mashing the button as soon as I started swinging on the rope. This really was no different than what I'd done in previous attempts that resulted in either stunts or overshooting the captain entirely. THB can breathe easier now. Except you, Stabguy, I'm coming for you.

Also, had another BS detection. Two patrolling guards began changing direction and I was sneaking up behind them. While they turned, they bumped into each other and one guard dropped his lantern. This process led to him getting turned around and staring directly at me. Goddamnit, Ubisoft.

Yeah, the rope assassination is something that shouldn't be an optional objective to get 100% synch, but rather one of the ways to take out the target with style. We should be able to happen upon it, not be forced to get it if you want to 100% the game.

And seriously? Guard caused his comrade to drop his lantern and turn around? That's not just bullshit, that's ridiculous bullshit.

"...and if I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know."

TheMethodicalAssassin's picture
New Jersey
Joined: 10/22/2012

I think Ubisoft wanted to be kind to me today. In S12M02 there's an optional objective to kill 8 guards by blowing up powder reserves.

I tried to become detected and run a bunch of guards over by reserves and then shoot the barrel, but was having no luck because I kept getting attacked. Then a brute decides to lob a grenade, which explodes the reserves and wipes out ALL of the guards (probably around 10 or so) in the area. I got credit for the optional objective.

Thanks Ubi!

Slowly, but surely, the job gets done.

XBL Gamertag: BigRouge04

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Ah, the infamous bodycheck-assassination bait-and-switch!

That mission is a PITA though.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

gerund's picture
The Netherlands
Joined: 10/29/2012

I checked my mailaccount and saw an email from Ubisoft about an online survey. Apparently they wanted to hear my opinion about playing games in my mother language. By this point I was already rubbing my hands. I've had some issues with badly translated mission prompts, menus, and dialogues, so I was ready to let them know exactly how i think about it.
First question: Are you a Ubisoft employee? Nope.
Second question: What country do you live in? The Netherlands.
Wait, that's it...? Apparently living in the Netherlands disqualifies me from taking the survey. Why is that? Ubisoft made the Dutch versions of the games, I should be able to give them feedback on it...

"...and if I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know."

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
gerund wrote:
Second question: What country do you live in? The Netherlands.

"Thank you for completing our survey!"

You won't even feel the blade.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
aurllcooljay wrote:
Okay, I've found out a bit more about the copyright issues. Youtube recently had a stricter change with their content ID matches, and now a lot of people's videos are getting blocked for containing a little bit of owned content, such as gameplay footage and even background music (ever heard of "fair use"?). A famous Youtuber even ranted about over sixty videos of his getting blocked (one of them was just an interview, no gameplay footage at all).

Things seem to have been settled. The famous Youtuber Angry Joe has continued making videos since (because some of his vids were getting blocked he was worried about making future vids since he somehow made an income off them).

Last time I checked my account was in good standing, so everything is good for now.

This brings me to another point. There isn't any good reason videos shouldn't be monetized. No one pays to see them; the ads are paid for by the people who wish to advertise their product(s). So because the vids indirectly make money and contain some owned content companies think they're somehow getting ripped off. If anything violates copyright it shouldn't be on Youtube; but if it's fair use there's nothing to complain about. Instead anyone hoping to make a quick buck is being forced to make videos completely from scratch. Every frame, every pixel, every word of dialogue. Stare FLAE's eye roll

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

I really wish college wasn't so damn expensive. I've been saving up for 2 years at a job I've learned to hate to go back, and after everything but payments have been set up, I'm told that my scholarship is no longer valid and that one semester costs nearly every penny I've accrued. I can't work during school, because I have an issue with focusing on multiple things like those at one time. It's always been one or the other. I need to sell some art...

Or a kidney.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Kidney it is.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Any idea what you're going to college for? There are a few things I'm interested in, but not enough to for sure want to take classes.

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010
aurllcooljay wrote:
Any idea what you're going to college for? There are a few things I'm interested in, but not enough to for sure want to take classes.

I went before for Graphic Design and am going back with that selected, but I'm also taking Writing and Videography courses so I'm a bit more well-rounded in the fields that I'd like to pursue after graduation. A Graphic Design job doesn't pay as well as you'd like it to, so that's why I'm looking at other things.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011

Good luck Joey. Hope you'll work something out.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

My alma mater, University of Washington in Seattle, recently made the list of best bargain universities or somesuch. The report stated that tuition for residents was only $4,056 per quarter (a typical school year is three quarters - the summer quarter is optional). stabgal asked, "How much was it when you went there?" My answer, "About $500 a quarter." I can't believe how much the cost of college has gone up lately. It's outpacing inflation by about 3 - 4 times.

See if you can get your scholarship renewed, Joey. If not then at least you're free to choose any college. Shop around for one that has lower tuition for residents of Indiana and a good financial aid package. There is both need-based and merit-based financial aid. That's free money. Also, there are certain student loans that will be partially forgiven if you later go to work for the government (federal or local) or a non-profit organization. There are many ways to raise money for college besides working. A counselor at a university's financial aid office should be able to go over them with you.

You won't even feel the blade.

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010
stabguy wrote:
My alma mater, University of Washington in Seattle, recently made the list of best bargain universities or somesuch. The report stated that tuition for residents was only $4,056 per quarter (a typical school year is three quarters - the summer quarter is optional). stabgal asked, "How much was it when you went there?" My answer, "About $500 a quarter." I can't believe how much the cost of college has gone up lately. It's outpacing inflation by about 3 - 4 times.

See if you can get your scholarship renewed, Joey. If not then at least you're free to choose any college. Shop around for one that has lower tuition for residents of Indiana and a good financial aid package. There is both need-based and merit-based financial aid. That's free money. Also, there are certain student loans that will be partially forgiven if you later go to work for the government (federal or local) or a non-profit organization. There are many ways to raise money for college besides working. A counselor at a university's financial aid office should be able to go over them with you.

If we made college cheaper, so many people would go and be able to actually live comfortably!

Yeah I've been told to look for state colleges to transfer to after this semester or year because they're cheaper than my private university. I'll look into my scholarship renewal as well, at least.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
stabguy wrote:
My alma mater, University of Washington in Seattle


but in all seriousness... good luck, Joey

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

Hey, things were different back when I lived in Seattle! In the two decades from 1974 to 1994 Washington led the series with Oregon 17-3. But, yeah, the Huskies haven't been the same since coach Don James retired and the Ducks have been strong in recent years. I generally root for Oregon except when they're playing against Washington.

You won't even feel the blade.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
stabguy wrote:
Hey, things were different back when I lived in Seattle! In the two decades from 1974 to 1994 Washington led the series with Oregon 17-3. But, yeah, the Huskies haven't been the same since coach Don James retired and the Ducks have been strong in recent years. I generally root for Oregon except when they're playing against Washington.

shhh... there were no years before 1994 and "The Pick" ... you know the one...

but yeah... I started at Oregon in 2004... so 10-0 in my years of really caring. Wink

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Oh bother. When I tried uploading my last video it says "upload failed unable to convert file", and I tried uploading nearly several times, each with the same result. Angry I'll have to try something else.

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Re-encode the file?


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
aurllcooljay wrote:
Well this sucks. Warner Bros claimed copyright on an old video of mine (a mashup of Home Alone and Dark Knight) because it contained audio from The Dark Knight trailer. So I had to switch the audio.

Looks like the copyright claim has been dismissed because some muted videos are now available to watch publicly and I was allowed to switch the audio back. Now you all can watch my video in it's original low quality splendor. Tongue

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Yipe! I just found out the store I'm working at is being sold to another company. The only reason I've heard is "we are not living up to standards". FLAE's eye roll Luckily there's a safeguard in the form of a sixty day notice, but after that a few hundred people will be out of a job, some of whom have been working for the company for longer than I've been alive.

I wouldn't really call it a rant because it wasn't much of a job to make a career out of in the first place, although the nearly seven years will look good on my resume. It was about time I moved on. But don't worry, even if I end up living in a tent I can still make videos. Tongue

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
aurllcooljay wrote:
Yipe! I just found out the store I'm working at is being sold to another company. The only reason I've heard is "we are not living up to standards". FLAE's eye roll Luckily there's a safeguard in the form of a sixty day notice, but after that a few hundred people will be out of a job, some of whom have been working for the company for longer than I've been alive.

I wouldn't really call it a rant because it wasn't much of a job to make a career out of in the first place, although the nearly seven years will look good on my resume. It was about time I moved on. But don't worry, even if I end up living in a tent I can still make videos. Tongue

More time for videos! Innocent

Seriously though, good luck.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

Usually when a business is sold, the buyer keeps most/all of the employees. A well trained staff is more valuable than other company assets: inventory, retail space, etc. Unless they're just buying the building to open a different type of store, you may be able to stay on.

You won't even feel the blade.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

That's just it; it's a different type of store with a different kind of contract (a competitor I think, but you probably know by now after stalking investigating). We'd have to re-apply, and there are no guarantees.

One employee is taking this well. Just today he announced on the intercom "it was the second day of the store's farewell tour".

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

I've never been sick for so long in my life. I think it's going on 2 1/2 weeks right now. I feel like I'm going to die any day now (I know I won't, but it's an expression).

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

Got called into a meeting from 3-430pm next Tuesday... don't they know that that's video game release day and I was going home at lunch? Tongue

On the plus side... no reason to stay at work after that meeting... so still early release!

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

About two weeks ago Remote Desktop to my home office computer suddenly stopped working. I checked all the usual suspects: firewall, port forwarding, etc. Everything looked good. In the past it would give the error "Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer..." but this was different. I would get the login prompt and enter my password. It would say "Securing remote connection", "Configuring remote session", and then disappear.

So I've been working on this problem off and on for two weeks. Evenings when I'd rather be playing Unity are spent debugging Remote Desktop. Finally I found this thread. It's two years old and appears to be an unrelated issue. Most of the answers are also from 2012 but if you scroll down there are two new comments from October 2014. Both say the same thing: uninstall Windows update KB2984972.

That fixed it. Fucking Microsoft screwed us over again. Angry I probably lost 10 hours working on this.

I registered for the site above so I could thank the guy who provided the correct answer. When I tried to leave a comment it said "You need 50 reputation points to comment". Okay. Can I at least give him a thumbs up? "You need 15 reputation points to upvote." Aw, screw it.

You won't even feel the blade.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
stabguy wrote:
I registered for the site above so I could thank the guy who provided the correct answer. When I tried to leave a comment it said "You need 50 reputation points to comment". Okay. Can I at least give him a thumbs up? "You need 15 reputation points to upvote." Aw, screw it.

I know this isn't what I'm supposed to take away from this, but how do you get reputation points without being able to do anything?

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
I know this isn't what I'm supposed to take away from this, but how do you get reputation points without being able to do anything?

StarkRavenous suggested that I post a bunch of meaningless questions that would draw answers like "RTFM" and "That question was already answered over here."

You won't even feel the blade.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

Motorcycles are dumb. That is all.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
stabguy wrote:
That fixed it. F****** Microsoft screwed us over again. Angry I probably lost 10 hours working on this.

I registered for the site above so I could thank the guy who provided the correct answer.

You know Stabguy is mad when he gets unprofessional. Would you be able to make a thank you topic, or is it considered spam? Or are private messages available?

Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
Motorcycles are dumb. That is all.

I secretly want to own a motorcycle. Innocent

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
aurllcooljay wrote:
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
Motorcycles are dumb. That is all.

I secretly want to own a motorcycle. Innocent

Long story short: one of my best friends got into a motorcycle accident last night on the freeway. we spent a lot of the night at the hospital with him. he's having short term memory loss (asking the same questions over and over again. sometimes knowing that he's asked previously and can't remember the answer, other times not even that). head CT last night showed small bruise on his brain. no broken bones. from what i understand, he's doing better this morning with memory things. but still... motorcycles are dumb. (thank heavens he was wearing a helmet and riding jacket though!)

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

previously vegetable's picture
previously vegetable
Joined: 04/21/2011

I'm playing Unity, the mission where you assassinate

Spoiler: Highlight to view
Marie Levesque

and have just cleared out the guards in the entire palace. Then as I'm about to climb back to the main target for the assassination, I get stuck in a wall. Been perfecting this run for an hour or so. uuuugggghhhhh

Edit: You guessed it. Next try, game crash. Holy sh*tb*lls.

Altair Auditore's picture
Altair Auditore
Joined: 12/18/2012
slembroccoli wrote:
I'm playing Unity, the mission where you assassinate
Spoiler: Highlight to view
Marie Levesque

and have just cleared out the guards in the entire palace. Then as I'm about to climb back to the main target for the assassination, I get stuck in a wall. Been perfecting this run for an hour or so. uuuugggghhhhh

Edit: You guessed it. Next try, game crash. Holy sh*tb*lls.

I know that feeling, can be controller breaking frustrating Stare

But why are you clearing the entire palace exactly?

previously vegetable's picture
previously vegetable
Joined: 04/21/2011
RaccoonSandwich wrote:
But why are you clearing the entire palace exactly?

Tried to get 100% which requires that nobody rings any alarm bell. I don't know if it's a bug, but even if I destroyed every alarm bell and every guard, after killing the target, the bells would start. It wasn't until I gave up and just escaped anyway that I realized that bell was scripted - got 100% regardless.

Poor game design? I don't know.

And on top of all this, the Palais du Luxembourg is probably the laggiest place in the game on PC - 5 FPS (15% of my regular).

Asaic's picture
Joined: 11/11/2009
slembroccoli wrote:
And on top of all this, the Palais du Luxembourg is probably the laggiest place in the game on PC - 5 FPS (15% of my regular).

I noticed that too. Really bizarre.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

If you're playing the AC(colon)Unity companion app... MAKE SURE YOUR NOMAD MISSIONS ARE AT 100% BEFORE STARTING THEM!

I had a mission at 93% chance of success with my top 3 assassins (lvl 20, and 2 lvl 11s, I think). They failed and all died. now my top recruit is lvl 10 and I have no points to get another top assassin (because I spent them getting a lvl 17 and upgrading all the other ones up to their current levels).

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
If you're playing the AC(colon)Unity companion app... MAKE SURE YOUR NOMAD MISSIONS ARE AT 100% BEFORE STARTING THEM!

I had a mission at 93% chance of success with my top 3 assassins (lvl 20, and 2 lvl 11s, I think). They failed and all died. now my top recruit is lvl 10 and I have no points to get another top assassin (because I spent them getting a lvl 17 and upgrading all the other ones up to their current levels).

Yeah, the odds of success in that game are messed up. I had a 95% mission with one character ending up dead and the others seriously wounded. You can't win often unless it's at 100%.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

So my school pulled another fast one on me. They told me a few weeks ago that I owed about $560 to them. I thought: "Man, that's a lot. But it could be worse."

Fast-forward to this morning when I go in, check in hand, and they tell me I still have over $2,100 left to give them before I can even take classes next semester.

That leaves me with less than $1,000 to my name. I think I'll end up having to "get lucky" with a job opportunity than actually working for it like I planned on.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
JoeyFogey wrote:
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
If you're playing the AC(colon)Unity companion app... MAKE SURE YOUR NOMAD MISSIONS ARE AT 100% BEFORE STARTING THEM!

I had a mission at 93% chance of success with my top 3 assassins (lvl 20, and 2 lvl 11s, I think). They failed and all died. now my top recruit is lvl 10 and I have no points to get another top assassin (because I spent them getting a lvl 17 and upgrading all the other ones up to their current levels).

Yeah, the odds of success in that game are messed up. I had a 95% mission with one character ending up dead and the others seriously wounded. You can't win often unless it's at 100%.

But I've done PLENTY of missions less than 100% and they all worked with no deaths... even down to 83% (most at about 91% or so, many at 95%, many in the 80%s). Who knew that the 93% mission would kill my top 3 assassins!?

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
JoeyFogey wrote:
So my school pulled another fast one on me. They told me a few weeks ago that I owed about $560 to them. I thought: "Man, that's a lot. But it could be worse."

Fast-forward to this morning when I go in, check in hand, and they tell me I still have over $2,100 left to give them before I can even take classes next semester.

That leaves me with less than $1,000 to my name. I think I'll end up having to "get lucky" with a job opportunity than actually working for it like I planned on.

Dude... that sucks...

If it's any consolation, this month I'll finally owe less than $75k on my student loans...

I really fucked that one up, considering I went to a state school, had a 4.0 GPA in high school and was valedictorian of my class... surely I should have been eligible for SOME scholarships along the way instead of stupid loans...

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

I expect loans, but my school won't allow me to get any more, so I have to shell out about $7,000 each semester or else they deem me not worthy. I thought I could make it one more semester, but it's not looking like it.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

previously vegetable's picture
previously vegetable
Joined: 04/21/2011

Just a tip, if you have Android (or an emulator or virtual machine), you can exploit the date to finish the companion app in a few minutes/hours. Make sure to read the comments in the thread as some people have different results and ways of overcoming meta-glitches.

Then, to collect the artifacts: (the images in the bottom link are related to the video)


Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009
slembroccoli wrote:
Just a tip, if you have Android (or an emulator or virtual machine), you can exploit the date to finish the companion app in a few minutes/hours. Make sure to read the comments in the thread as some people have different results and ways of overcoming meta-glitches.

Then, to collect the artifacts: (the images in the bottom link are related to the video)


Savior, thank you so much.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

eh, what else am I doing all day when I don't have my PS4... i'll slog through it.

it's probably the same time exploit used for most timed games (i remember farmville having and exploit like this years ago)

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
I went to a state school, had a 4.0 GPA in high school and was valedictorian of my class...

Shock Dang, Stabguy has met his match.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

There are a lot of smart dudes on The Hidden Blade. What sets me apart is that I had the sense to choose parents who would pay my way through college. Grade

You won't even feel the blade.