Hey Lisa!How many time have you wanted to do this?
Are you kidding? I'm doing that RIGHT NOW!
So I'm getting a bit annoyed at my Elgato Game Capture. It worked fine when I first started using it and uploading videos, but now when I upload them to youtube, it's slightly pixelated. Not enough to ruin the entire video, but enough to make you gain a new pet peeve if you didn't have it already. Even in 720 resolution, it has pixels. Phi pointed this out on my "Chasing Lee" video. Since then, it hasn't gone back to good quality, even with videos I recorded BEFORE "Chasing Lee".
The only thing I can think of that caused this problem is that I recently changed the display settings of the Xbox 360 from its highest resolution to one lower because Elgato claimed there was a problem with it. I'm afraid if I turn it back to the highest, it'll just not work with it. First world problems...
Those videos come directly from your Elgato? If that's the case I'd check your Elgato's video recording settings.
No, I edit them in Adobe Premiere, then upload them from THAT to Youtube. That's how I've been doing it with every video for a while, now. It seems to be only AC3 singleplayer ones. There was one multiplayer video that had a few pixel problems as well, but not as noticeable or often.
How's the source material before you import it into Premiere?
It's pretty high quality. Much better than when I'm watching on Youtube.
What about Premiere's export material? How's that?
Could be re-encoding done by YT.
It might be Youtube. Though I've noticed that there are multiple HD formatting options when I want to share the video to Youtube. They're the same except one has "PAL" in front of it. I don't know what that means, so I've never selected it.
Google/wiki PAL vs NTSC vs SECAM...AC 3 is NTSC, as noted on the top right of the front of the case.
My cap card broke
Great. I spend about an hour trying something to record, and it fails. Then I realize there's something I could have done about that. *sigh*
Fucking Ubisoft.
What was the point in buying the Season Pass if I can't download the DLC at the same time as everyone else who is paying for it now? We pay first but can't download first or even at the same time? What's the fucking point?
Fucking Ubisoft.What was the point in buying the Season Pass if I can't download the DLC at the same time as everyone else who is paying for it now? We pay first but can't download first or even at the same time? What's the fucking point?
According to recent reports, it is now available to Season Pass buyers... that doesn't help me download it before work so it's ready to go the moment I step in the door after work though...
Yeah it got me, too. I was staying up a little late and noticed it was up in the marketplace. I went to download it, only to find that my Season Pass wasn't working. I went to bed, woke up, and was able to download it with the Pass.
That only calms you down for like an hour or two.
Try to find something that you love doing and do that.
For me, that's writing. I write about my sorrow, and its power leaves me and gets transferred into words. It doesn't hurt that people always love what I write too.I know that's hard to do in school, I'm in school too of course.
Honestly.. School is the worst/most stressful environment anyone will ever go through in their lives.
I earnestly believe that, no matter what else anyone says.
Believe me when I tell you this, give yourself two years to be out of college, you'll long for the days when you were there. I miss being able to play videogames basically whenever I wanted and being able to hang out with friends by sticking my head out into the hallway. Once you start working, those things disappear. All the bills you used to not think about when your parents mentioned them, well, now they're your burden as well. I'm fortunate to be one of the most laid back people I know, so it's tough for me to get stressed out (plus whatever you're doing, chances are you'll suck more if you're stressed than you will if you're relaxed).
Don't lie, TMA... You are one of the most stressed out people I know... from August to January, anyway.
Don't lie, TMA... You are one of the most stressed out people I know... from August to January, anyway.
Fantasy football isn't real life. And I've come to grips with my losing ways now.
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
Don't lie, TMA... You are one of the most stressed out people I know... from August to January, anyway.Fantasy football isn't real life. And I've come to grips with my losing ways now.
You only lose in December.
Fair points TMA.
In more humorous news, I just Gizoogled Assassin's Creed - in essence.
Spoiler'd for Profanity.
^ lol.
...that's what you call friends. We had arranged to hang out at my place and watch Toy Story 3, but due to circumstances I had to cancel the Toy Story 3 part. What do they do? They decide to go somewhere else without discussing the issue. Asshats.
A friend that refuses to watch any Toy Story was never your friend in the first place.
They actually went somewhere else because we couldn't watch Toy Story at my place.
They actually went somewhere else because we couldn't watch Toy Story at my place.
Did they watch Toy Story without you somewhere else?!
Also, for those interested, a group of people working over many years recently completed Toy Story in live animation. worth a watch if you want to watch Toy Story for 80 minutes. They said they perfected their methods over time. They initially only did certain scenes, then decided to do the whole movie. So every once in a while, but rarely, you can see their arms holding the toys... overall, very awesome and very fun to watch a classic done this way.
I have lost my Noche, my Big Man, the kitty love of my life.I feel like I've been hit by an atomic bomb.
I know how you feel, Lisa! I lost my cat when my house burned. After about a month, we found her, but couldn't bring her into our care (because the hotel didn't allow cats for some reason). Not sure which was worse: not being able to see her, or seeing her and not able to save her.
This thread seemed the most appropriate for this image...
This thread seemed the most appropriate for this image...
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
This thread seemed the most appropriate for this image...image removed for space
+1∞+1 ...
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
This thread seemed the most appropriate for this image...image removed for space
+1∞+1 ...
Did you know that...
a) That is not a valid operation
b) If it were a valid operation, the result would still be 1
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
TheMethodicalAssassin wrote:
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
This thread seemed the most appropriate for this image...image removed for space
+1∞+1 ...
Did you know that...
a) That is not a valid operation
b) If it were a valid operation, the result would still be 1
Haha... yes.
It's an inside joke between TMA and myself... a carry-over from a different message board where I had to argue with someone proving that exact point.
Someone had posted +12 (or something similar)... which morphed into us all making fun of said person and posting +1[anything]... which ultimately turned into TMA and I always posting +1∞+1 ...
Or I would sometimes post: -(eiπ)
That horrible time when no one posts anything for a day and 16 hours.
That horrible time when no one posts anything for a day and 16 hours.
So, in a way, we kind of do need another AC game to come out?
We need more people making vids, really. With studying and everything else I play regularly, I don't really have time to make AC videos, though.
And I'm still in the process of recording for the compilation video. Also I don't have as much free time as I used to. I suggest some people start pulling their weight around here. Or we could try to come up with more interesting topics that aren't entirely AC related.
Sorry I haven't been very active here lately. I do come by and check out the new posts most days but don't always have time to say something.
I have been busy with work (and with trying to hustle up some more work) for the last couple of months. One project I've been working on is a revenue generating website. I'd much rather be spending that time here but The Hidden Blade isn't exactly a cash cow . It's too bad because we have a true "authority site" with many members who are passionate about Assassin's Creed. So I may tinker with a few things to increase search engine traffic and such. Don't be surprised if you see minor layout changes, more FAQ videos, or different advertisers.
At the moment I'm experimenting with Amazon ads in the footer . If you plan to buy something from Amazon anyway (even if it's not one of the items shown in the ad), then please click on the ad and then find the item you want on Amazon's site. It won't cost you anything, your identity will be kept private, and it will help to pay the operating expenses of The Hidden Blade.
Next month I will be on vacation. Maybe this summer I will be able to record some more videos on my backlog.
So... Boston. It's probably not possible to say this without sounding really stupid and useless in these circumstances but, all my sympathy and compassion to you all across the Atlantic. I saw again some 9/11 footage just yesterday and all that happened since the beginning of the century is so damn infuriating.
It's never stupid and useless to say that, sync. Thank you.
And I'm still in the process of recording for the compilation video. Also I don't have as much free time as I used to.I suggest some people start pulling their weight around here. Or we could try to come up with more interesting topics that aren't entirely AC related.
And based on the videos I make I have so much free time on my hands. I haven't made a video in nearly a month, shame on me!
The May break is coming up, my Elgato is coming...
Working on it, alright?
The May break is coming up, my Elgato is coming...Working on it, alright?
Damn straight.
Driving in a rainy city at night bothers you? That was, like, my third driving lesson.
Never had that experience before tonight. I've just never had to deal with it yet. The worst part was trying to find my friend's place with their horrible directions for it. That's really what made it unpleasant.
Don't worry, aurll... I'll post something tomorrow (21-Apr).
Filming done... time to do some sound and video editing... I'm branching out from the trombone fail sound.
Cheese, it was the 21st when you posted that.
That's why I added the date... tomorrow for me... the 21st for most... putting the finishing touches on it now.
First time I ever drove on the motorway by myself it was just bucketing down with rain, going like 80 Kph without being to see a thing in front of me, but was all good, scary though.
Sorry for not making vids or anything I still havent gotten around to DLing new software on my laptop that can record, I don't play games as much these days im simply not that big on making videos anymore. Maybe if ubisoft put some heart in their games I would put heart into playing them.
First time I ever drove on the motorway by myself it was just bucketing down with rain, going like 80 Kph without being to see a thing in front of me, but was all good, scary though.Sorry for not making vids or anything I still havent gotten around to DLing new software on my laptop that can record, I don't play games as much these days im simply not that big on making videos anymore. Maybe if ubisoft put some heart in their games I would put heart into playing them.
I want a video of you driving 50mph down the highway in pouring rain.
And yes, I translated/converted motorway and KPH. Go USA.
Don't worry, aurll... I'll post something tomorrow (21-Apr).Filming done... time to do some sound and video editing... I'm branching out from the trombone fail sound.
Oh, so that's what you promised me. I didn't get to read this comment until after watching the video.