Speaking of getting things back...
I let a friend borrow my Batman Arkham City. That was like two weeks ago!. And i know he had to beat the damn game already. It only took me three days to bet the story. He'd better have it by Wednesday of the coming week or....well i haven't really decided what i was gonna do to him.But It'll be bloody, and assassin's creed inspired.
You can't fix her, Joey. That way lies madness. Demand your stuff back and cut ties completely. You can still feel sorry for her craziness - from a long distance.
And see a doctor for those headaches.
(This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it, naturally. )
speed trap locations.
Kind of know what you mean there. On the road to my work the speed limit is sixty. When I'm about to enter the city it's forty five. People usually don't go that slow until they reach the stoplights, so I just have to hope there aren't any cops around.
Wow, all because of her step-brother eating her favorite bread sticks...
Why can't people get along with their step-family? Here's what family basically is: You put people together under the same roof and force them to live together. It should have little to do with being closely related.
You can't fix her, Joey. That way lies madness. Demand your stuff back and cut ties completely. You can still feel sorry for her craziness - from a long distance.And see a doctor for those headaches.
(This advice is worth exactly what you paid for it, naturally.
I've been demanding my stuff back for months. She can apparently go out and party with friends multiple times a week, but she can't stop by the post office to send back a box. I did it for her stuff in less than a week after she demanded it more often than I do. And I thought I was lazy!
I would go to a doctor but student loans don't see aneurysms as forgivable. I'm afraid I'd just get even more bills to pay if it ends up being more serious than I thought. Speaking of which, that art school I wanted to get into (don't know if I mentioned it on here) ended up being too expensive even with scholarships and grants. That sucks because I was going to go there for video game design and animation (Disney representatives were actually interviewing a number of students for animators when I took a tour the other week).
EzioAltair17 wrote:
Wow, all because of her step-brother eating her favorite bread sticks...Why can't people get along with their step-family? Here's what family basically is: You put people together under the same roof and force them to live together. It should have little to do with being closely related.
I've met them all and they're pretty crazy. Remember how I said she has panic attacks over sushi? She thinks the other people in her family are crazier.
I've met them all and they're pretty crazy. Remember how I said she has panic attacks over sushi? She thinks the other people in her family are crazier.
So what you're saying is it has more to do with him eating her breadsticks than with him being her step-brother?
does she get panicked just by seeing sushi?
what's so scary about it?
JoeyFogey wrote:
I've met them all and they're pretty crazy. Remember how I said she has panic attacks over sushi? She thinks the other people in her family are crazier.So what you're saying is it has more to do with him eating her breadsticks than with him being her step-brother?
I'm saying she's the sane one out of all of them. And she's f*cked up. She thought he was a burglar or that one guy that caused all this drama. I guess that's enough for her to hate her step-brother? I don't really get it.
does she get panicked just by seeing sushi?
what's so scary about it?
I'm not sure, actually. One of our mutual friends tells me all about her "episodes". That was one that really made people question it. Personally, I don't think she knows what panic attacks are. People describe her as just getting angry/upset with no clear reason. She doesn't show any severe symptoms of a real panic attack. More people think she's just bipolar and using the "panic attack" story as an attention-grabber.
Sounds like she should see a psychiatrist.
You ought to see a doctor.
Sounds like she should see a psychiatrist.
She has been. Not sure if she's really letting it work, though.
You ought to see a doctor.
I know right? (see new sig for what I'm doing INSTEAD of seeing a doctor)
see new sig for what I'm doing INSTEAD of seeing a doctor
Your new sig looks familiar. One of my cats drinks water like that (my black cat, not the one named Joey). What he really likes is to jump in the shower with me for a drink. Basically anything to avoid using his water dish.
LisaMurphy wrote:
using a youth ticket when she is over age 18How was he sure she is over 18? If she were buying cigarettes they'd ask to see her ID.
Part of the problem is that it formerly was a youth card. I was required to show her birth certificate to TransLink (at the time) in order to get it. When she turned 18, the card automatically changed over to an adult card, at least as far as Clipper Card (formerly TransLink) is concerned. Clipper and Muni computers apparently don't communicate with each other.
The Muni official checked her ID and then checked the card with Muni records. He didn't even consider checking what the actual fare paid was (and if he can't access that information, that's INSANE) which is, of course, the only information which matters at all.
I would go to a doctor but student loans don't see aneurysms as forgivable.
Emergency Room. Go.
Your new sig looks familiar. One of my cats drinks water like that (my black cat, not the one named Joey). What he really likes is to jump in the shower with me for a drink. Basically anything to avoid using his water dish.
Oh yeah, I forgot you mentioned one of them was named Joey. haha. Yay! Ima cat!
I know right? (see new sig for what I'm doing INSTEAD of seeing a doctor)
this just amde me want to get a sig pic of my own. and i know just the thing to do it
I guess now that it's taken care of, it's time to rant.
I left my home Sunday morning to run some errands. On my way back from said errands not more than 2 hours later I got an email telling me that my xbox purchase had been confirmed. I was like, "WTF, mate?" Still on the way home, I checked out my Xbox live profile. Apparently, I had played some FIFA 12 and gotten some achievements. Yay me.
Also, to add to the fact that my Xbox LIVE account was hacked, it's linked to my computers. I run Windows Live Mesh to do remote desktop connect to my work laptop and my home desktop. I also have remote backup of my computers all using Windows Live, which is linked to, you guessed it, my Xbox LIVE account and password.
So I get home and change all my passwords immediately (fortunately, I could still log in). I make it so the profile has to be redownloaded to the Xbox with the new password. Fortunately, all that was lost was the 1640 MS points to my profile, plus the 800 more they purchased. (TBH, only losing $35 would be lucky given everything else they could have had access to).
I called Support, told them the situation, told them I still had access and mitigated losses by changing the password. They said they'd look into the situation. They did. Today I got my 1640 points back, got an extra 1000 points, and am getting refunded the $10 charged to my account. So I'm fine with the outcome, but not so much the situation. It's not like I ever put my password and name together anywhere but the xbox site. Oh well.
Fortunately, I remembered to call mom in the middle of all this to wish her a happy mothers day.
So at about 9:10 A.m. i was in gym class. Since we are still on testing schedule, my first two classes are two hours instead of one. Gym happens to be my second class today. So about three hours in, me a a friend were playing basketball. We've played a couple games together ,me winning 0,he winning all. Hes also a pretty sore looser. So me winning this game wasn't good for me anyways. As i go to tie my sneakers, the b*tch aims the basket ball at my head. Thus giving me the worst head pains I've had so far. Even though almost incoherent , i manage to finish the game, I lost obviously. But at least i didn't get Knocked out or anything.
The only symptoms i suffered were spacing out every couple of minutes.
Never underestimate basketballs, I remember throwing one into the air and kicking it real hard and absolutely fucking up my foot, couldnt see straight for days.
First time I heard of a foot injury screwing up someone's brain...
Try getting a basketball thrown into your chest by someone who knows what they're doing. That hurts.
First time I heard of a foot injury screwing up someone's brain...Try getting a basketball thrown into your chest by someone who knows what they're doing. That hurts.
Pain is inherently linked to brain activity so if it's bad enough it can affect vision and other normal functions of the body. Some people even vomit due to pain.
Once in high school, I was hit in the side of my face (almost centered on my left temple) by a basketball. The kid kicked it from across the gymnasium and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Broke my glasses and caused my whole left side to be covered in red. Not blood, it was just deep red from the impact (I don't bruise easily). It caused me to be dizzy for about 20 minutes.
I was in the grocery store the other day and saw a magazine with Johnny Depp on it. I thought, he seems like a sweet boy; it would be fun to be his mom.
Oh, Lisa. You're way too young to be Johnny Depp's mom. This weekend he will be 49 years old (whereas Paul Giamatti and Anderson Cooper just turned 45). Depp's real mother is 77.
So don't sell yourself short. You've still got it going on!
I was joking about the whole seeing straight thing. got an exam in a few hours.... really cbf
So...zombie apocalypse...its pretty much confirmed.
Speaking of Johnny Depp, apparently they're making a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean.
So...zombie apocalypse...its pretty much confirmed.
If thousands of people got bath salts all at once, then yeah.
Speaking of Johnny Depp, apparently they're making a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean.
I hate when your house burns down while everyone that lives there is out of town. (I'm currently in Cleveland, Ohio and my house is in Indianapolis, IN). Kinda sucks.
I hate when your house burns down while everyone that lives there is out of town. (I'm currently in Cleveland, Ohio and my house is in Indianapolis, IN). Kinda sucks.
I hate when your house burns down while everyone that lives there is out of town. (I'm currently in Cleveland, Ohio and my house is in Indianapolis, IN). Kinda sucks.
Not good. I feel for you.
Could be worse though.... Your house could burn down with everyone that lives there stuck inside.
But that sucks. Keep us posted.
As far as we can tell, it sounds like an electrical fire. No one was there at the time. And it's mostly the bedrooms that were destroyed. Apparently the other side just has smoke damage. Good thing I brought my xbox. If I have to, I might have to sell it. Too bad I left most of the games, though. :/
Sorry to hear about that, Joey.
As EA says though, the important thing is that you and everyone else is safe. Video games can be replaced; you can't.
Yeah. What would you guys do without me? ;D
I would create an AI that sorts through all your posts and responds in the same way that you do to particular comments.
.......you heartless bastard.
I would create an AI that sorts through all your posts and responds in the same way that you do to particular comments.
just because i already had this in my copy/paste
I hate when your house burns down while everyone that lives there is out of town. (I'm currently in Cleveland, Ohio and my house is in Indianapolis, IN). Kinda sucks.
Damn i hope you can get all that straight.
OMG Joey! I'm glad everyone is all right - but damn! That sucks.
My kitten is still missing, but she was outside when it happened. Food was left for her when she comes back for food (she always comes back to the house). I raised that cat since she was born. She's like my baby...with lots of body hair...and a tail...
Oh @#%* man.. I feel for you, I'm so sorry crap like that happened..
You were all pretty lucky you weren't there though. Is that house covered by anything? Any insurance or something like that to help with loss of property or damages?
Yep, we got insurance. It'll pay for almost a week at a hotel and apparently the first several payments of a brand new house. I guess that's actually pretty nice.
Ahh man, thank goodness. I'm still worried but not as super much as I was before. Hang in there, fratello mio.
Yeah man that sucks what happened to your kitten, hope it turns out ok, keep us updated.
do you know how i started?
really hope the kitten comes back.
do you know how it started?really hope the kitten comes back.
He mentioned it possibly being an electrical fire.
That's how most fires tend to start when nobody is there as there is no cooking or anything else going on for it to be something like that. It only takes one overheated appliance or overloaded socket for a small spark to start a major fire.
We still can't leave until tomorrow morning. Everyone else is relieved about their own problems with it, but I still have my cat. My friend was sweet enough to drive by and take some quick looks to see if she was anywhere in sight. Still nothing, but she was most likely hiding and/or sleeping. Doesn't help that she has dark fur and he looked for her close to midnight.
So on http://omgpop.com and i run into what i think is a pedo...instead...it was a P*rn star. She kept sending me pic of her...lady parts...i feel like i just got rapped...thru the internet.
She kept sending me pic of her...lady parts.
Someone peddling pics of lady parts - definitely a dude.
Yeah, you were being "seduced" by a guy posing as a girl.
Ah, no wonder he wanted me to give him a link to a pic of me. Of course i didn't. I used a very good line that gets me outta 45% of my problems.
"We assassins don't reveal our selves. "