Those results sound good. Well done. (TBH I don't really understand the standard grade stuff as I'm English )
I get my GCSE results on the 24th
Standard grades are roughly equivalent to GCSE's, except we do them a year earlier. Scottish Highers however are said to be a lot easier than A levels, the closest equivalent we have to your A-levels are our Advanced Highers.
Ah right that makes more sense now. Thanks Do you still get free University places too?!
Well, we don't have to take out a student loan, it's all paid by the Scottish government, which should mean I won't be in a lot of debt by the time I leave college!
Lucky things. Oh well, I still have 2 years to Uni (hopefully) which is plenty of time for Cameron to make things even worse What are parents for though...?
You guys realize this topic can on forever? Unless it is forgotten somehow which I doubt it will. So how can one actually win this game????
well. winning isn't really the point. it's just another title instead of "spam-topic"
lol okay. I forgot who said it, but whoever did said something about a prize...
I don't believe them...
there's a prize?!what is it? what is it?!
i want it!!
I have no idea, FLAE just said on the last page:
I don't think many people have grasped the fact that there's a prize for being the last person to reply. You all did know this, yes?
Okay FLAE, what's the deal here? Is this prize fer real or are you just trying to get the most posts?!
The prize is probably just the knowledge that you are the most persistent member of THB who spends too much time on the internet. What prize could be better than the bragging rights gained from that...?
Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz and all have arrived on Oahu to film Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. The ship pictured below is anchored at He'eia Kea Boat Harbor. People are calling it The Black Pearl but I think it's going to be Blackbeard's flagship Queen Anne's Revenge.
I've lost interest in the POTC franchise by now, it feels like they are trying to sell a dead horse to me...
I'm curious about this "Expendables" now though, it seems like the biggest deliberate money spinner in cinematic history, just stick most of the biggest names in movies (and has beens) of the past 30 years in a blender, pour what comes out onto celluloid, and voila, one potentially high grossing box office movie. The magic of it is that people will want to see it, just to see their favorite movie stars in their first film for nearly a decade (I'm looking at you Arnold).
they're making a fourth Pirates movie?!
the first was great
the second was crap and i never even bothered with the third
however, i'm really looking forward to this movie called Iron Sky
Wow that looks cool. Other than the last bit it doesn't look like a comedy but I wantto see it already. Nice soundtrack too.
I finally saw Toy Story 3 today. Brilliant!
Wow, look, Firestorm of AC Maps just registered.
Yes! Hello there.
Oh yeah I win thx. <--- Hmm now where did I see that before..
fire fire fire, yay.
i was wondering when you'd show up
This is the topic that never ends, never ends, never ends.
It keeps on going like a box of thread, box of thread.
My PS3 is playing up so I'm having it exchanged tomorrow. As I'm sure most of you know Assassin's Creed II has copy protection on the game saves so I can't copy it to the new cosnsole.
But hey I have still have my Platinum Trophy and all my other game trophies right?! Wrong. I have no PSN Account as I don't have a wireless connection so I can't sync any of my trophies. ACII Platinum and 80% completion on CoD:WaW straight down the drain. I'm so annoyed right now.
can't you just keep the harddrive with the saves like you can with the xbox?
I thought that but apparently when it is plaed in a new ps3 it will require formatting, deleting the saves anyway. Plus the game saves don't save your trophies to prevent people sharing/selling games to get more Platinums so a meassage would just come up saying "Trophies are disbaled for this game save"
TBH I'm quite looking forward to completing ACII again, the only things I'm bothered about are CoD:WaW andCoD:MW2 on Veteran, and collecting all 100 feathers again. The feathers are a breeze compared to the level Heart of the Reich on Veteran though Kill me now
i just got 1000/1000 on Modern Warfare 2.
you are now officially asked to worship me as though i were a god
i just got 1000/1000 on Modern Warfare 2.
you are now officially asked to worship me as though i were a god
All hail Rob. Master of noobtubes, tactical nukes and every juggernaut in special ops.
Random AC thought that doesn't deserve it's own topic:
Who else doesn't like bribing heralds to bring down your notoriety, I like that they are scaring the public with your reputation, and making Ezio this shadowy demonic figure who stalks the rooftops.
What I do is bribe heralds to bring my notoriety down significantly, then pickpocket my money back
That gets your notoriety back up a tiny bit though.
does anyone here play Halo ODST?
i just borrowed it from the library for two weeks incase someone wanna play Firefight or whatever. Firestorm is already onboard
i just got 1000/1000 on Modern Warfare 2.
you are now officially asked to worship me as though i were a god
*kicks from throne*
1000/1000 Red Dead Redemption
Put that in your pipe an smoke it (or mix that in your Julmust and sip it, idk whatever you sweeds do over there).
does anyone here play Halo ODST?i just borrowed it from the library for two weeks incase someone wanna play Firefight or whatever. Firestorm is already onboard
Mehhh, I like the single player of ODST, I find Firefight pretty boring though tbh.
Among the many things about AC that are hard to believe is that Altaïr/Ezio can hide by simply sitting on a bench. So I decided to give it a try...
One afternoon, stabgal and I went shopping and split up. She went to the pet store while I bought groceries. Afterward, I waited for her along the sidewalk. It was deserted except for some people waiting at a bus stop. It's more of a bus "shelter": a square concrete bench under a roof but no walls.
I sat facing the sidewalk and did my best impression of Altaïr. Sure enough, stabgal walked right past me! She was surprised when I stood up and joined her. I was surprised at how well it had worked. As a tall guy with long blond hair, I ordinarily stand out in a crowd in Hawaii.
Wow, it really works? And Stab, I now have a mental image of you as a well toned "surfer dude"
Haha, Stab has long golden locks. I honestly never would have guessed.
you never saw the pictures? they are glorious
I bet he was a model before a master Assassin...
I don't know if I'd call them "glorious" but here are a few pictures of me on AC-maps:
I don't know if I'd call them "glorious" but here are a few pictures of me on AC-maps:
- Mugshot for international driver's license.
Yep, thats pretty much how I imagined you looked, Stabgirl seems to have got a good catch there.
But then that topic , oh god...I didn't realise that picture was still there...that picture of me in that topic, I hate that photo so so so so much, I took it around 1am and I just look like im 10
, thank god I look older now!!
For some reason I have no mental image of anyone on THB. I think its probably because I don't know how old most people are and have just never really considered what they may look like
If stab grew a mustache he'd be the perfect image of a 1970s porn star
If stab grew a mustache he'd be the perfect image of a 1970s porn star
Never a truer word spoken on THB.
Or anywhere else for that matter!
So, my local town is home to the Mod. What is the Mod? Well, it's a Gaelic music festival, and my town is completly packed because of it. People from across Scotland and beyond for this week have flocked to the Mod, Prince Charles opened it (but no-one cares about him), and it is really catering to the tourists. For this week only, think of the most stereotypical image you can of the Scottish Highlands. Endless bagpipe playing in the middle of the town, Gaelic singing, the local off liscence is doing a big sale of Highland Single Malt whiskey, all the local shops are decked out in tarten in some way, the local supermarket was promoting traditional Orkney tablet and Shortbread etc, and on top of that, it is raining very heavily.
All it needs is some Dropkick Murphy's and it sounds like my kind of party
I already had an idea of what Stabby looks like.
(Assuming he made his xbox360 avatar to look like him)
dammit, it just started snowing here. and it's not even november yet.
it's gonna be a cold winter this year
It's been hailing here much of the past week, with snow in higher regions, surprisingly, the Aurora Borealis was visible tonight, at least thats what I think it was, it's not uncommon to see it up here in the winter. It was a sort of blue/light green sort of colour. To put it into prospective kinda where I am, without broadcasting my location to the interwebs, my town is around about the same Latitude as Oslo and nothern Quebec. During the day currently, it feels arctic, Winter is definetly here.
Its starting to get pretty cold here too. People keep saying it's going to snow this weekend but I think they've been looking at Scotland's weather forecast Still, another couple of weeks and i wouldn't be surprised.
It's still not cold in Chicago. Something is wrong...
Isn't it windy either?
So it looks like Portsmouth FC may be going into liquidation I'm a Coventry fan but I hate to see another club lose out purely because of money problems rather than football. And we'll lose our 3 points from beating them early in the season
It's still not cold in Chicago. Something is wrong...
Last week it was 89 degrees! IN OCTOBER. Global warming is legit, I'm telling you
It's still not cold in Chicago. Something is wrong...
Last week it was 89 degrees! IN OCTOBER. Global warming is legit, I'm telling you