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stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
joecool280 wrote:
What would happen if the suction pads went?

The suction cups are to assist with stability and side-to-side motion. Each person is responsible for three columns of windows: the center window and the ones to the left and right. Without the suction cups they would swing back and forth too much. That's all.

You won't even feel the blade.

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

Anyone who remotely follows the NBA will love this:

And in other NBA news, my Bulls gave up a 35 point lead last night to the Kings and eventually lost the game.\\


Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

every year, usually at new years, my dad drags me off to see grandma for a couple of hours and it is the most boring time of the year. they and another dull woman sit there talking about ye olde times while i just space out.

this year i was hoping to escape it by going to a new years party instead. but then they decide to move the damn thing to another day. i just got back.
i'm not even sure i'm alive anymore

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Pty James's picture
Pty James
Panama City
Joined: 12/05/2009

It's a shame that younger generations don't see old people in there former glory, we just see 'em as boring elders who just talk about the old days. And the worst part is, we are all going to be like that someday.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Way to ruin that nice story, huh guys?
I know I did, thank you, thank you, don't mention it. Really.
Do not mention it.
Like.. at all.
In the next... 3 days.
In fact, don't click on this topic the slightest bit.
Don't even THINK about clicking on it.

You'll see the Recent Posts and you'll be like "Hmm. I'm NOT gonna click on that post!"

lightchipster's picture
Joined: 11/29/2009
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
You'll see the Recent Posts and you'll be like "Hmm. I'm NOT gonna click on that post!"

Oh noes! Shock Too late!

Thanks to SBIzokronus for the fantastic sig!

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Well, NI!
Ah.. gotta love Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

"An African or European Swallow?"
"I don't know THAT!"

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

That must be the king.

Why's that?

Cause he ain't got sh*t all over him.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Haha yeah!

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

Just finished reading the book "Brave New World." Anyone else ever read it? It's a very very good book.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

lightchipster's picture
Joined: 11/29/2009
Fly Like an Eagle wrote:
Just finished reading the book "Brave New World." Anyone else ever read it? It's a very very good book.

The one by Aldous Huxley? I've had some people recommend it to me, whats it like? At the moment I am working my way through a trilogy of books by Robyn Young, set in the 13th Century, portraying two different opinions of the crusades, from the viewpoint of Amir Baybars, a sultan who hates the Christian invaders (Baybars existed in real life, and at one point captured Masyaf), to Will Campbell, a templar in training, who discovers about a secret sect inside the Templar order that fight against corruption and people using the Templars power for their own ends. It's funny reading this book then playing Assassins creed as the two pieces of fiction as they both portray two complete different versions of the Knights Templar. And heres the kicker. The founder of the secret sect of the Knights Templar that fights against corruption and evil is none other than our old friend.....Robert De Sable.

Thanks to SBIzokronus for the fantastic sig!

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

Brave New World is a book that's set about 600 years after the death of Gerald Ford, who has basically become God, although the society has no religion because that would lead to conflict. It basically describes the closest thing to a Utopia possible. In the society, babies are all put in test tubes and conditioned from the start until they reach adulthood. They are conditioned to not question the belief in "Our Ford," to be peaceful with other "humans," and to willingly accept and enjoy their predetermined roles in society.

Now here's where it gets tricky. A Utopia is defined as a place where humans no longer feel the need to progress nor can the digress, right? Human nature prevents this, but this society has found a cop-out. They've developed a drug called "soma," which is a perfect non-lethal mixture of marijuana and cocaine. The people can take a gramme of soma whenever they begin to feel any form of negative emotion, that way everyone remains happy, no one feels a need for change, and society can keep on going.

In addition to promote happiness, sex is encouraged from the start of birth, and rejection is pretty much not allowed. That means that kids are having sex with each other, teens are having sex with each other, and adults are having sex with other adults all the time. There are no relationships, because that would encourage potentially harmful emotions such as a break-up or a divorce. Everyone is having one-night-stands, and between frequent sexual activity and a gramme of soma a day, everyone remains happy.

Now, you may think to yourself that if every book needs a conflict, and this is a Utopia down to the final detail, then where's the conflict in this? When you start reading, you'll begin to follow the life of Bernard Marx, one of the people selected for a higher role in society. Here's the catch, though: He doesn't think like everyone else. He behaves like a human would today if they were dropped into this society.

I'll leave it at that. It's a pretty quick read (about 250 pages), and if you need to do a book report over spring break or something I'd highly recommend it. It's probably the best book I've ever read.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

lightchipster's picture
Joined: 11/29/2009

That actually sounds pretty good, ill try and find it.

Thanks to SBIzokronus for the fantastic sig!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

so, military training starts tomorrow. just so you know why i'll be missing for a while. there are computors there, so i'll check in when i can. but i'm guessing time will be limited.

i'm leaving around noon so i'll try to log in once before i leave. but if not:
see ya later

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Good luck ROB.

I've read Brave New World, a classmate let me borrow it from her, and it's a pretty crazy book. When I saw all those things about the test tubes and the soma and everything, I began to feel kind of... disturbed. Like something out of SAW movies, you kinda start wishing your body was more "concrete" or "grounded" to the Earth. When you read books like this, you realize exactly how physically weak the human race is. We create technology that is stronger than us, and we still can't improve ourselves. Then, comes the human advantage of knowledge. With knowledge comes power, but too much knowledge isn't good. While reading this book, I didn't think it was a Utopia... I thought it was a HELL. I didn't understand what Aldous Huxley is trying to say, but it's one of the most eye-opening things you'll ever read.

And it's kind of funny, because the way the world keeps progressing... isn't too far from what Huxley had in mind with that book. Freaky.

lightchipster's picture
Joined: 11/29/2009

Good luck Rob!

Thanks to SBIzokronus for the fantastic sig!

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
I've read Brave New World, a classmate let me borrow it from her, and it's a pretty crazy book. When I saw all those things about the test tubes and the soma and everything, I began to feel kind of... disturbed. Like something out of SAW movies, you kinda start wishing your body was more "concrete" or "grounded" to the Earth. When you read books like this, you realize exactly how physically weak the human race is. We create technology that is stronger than us, and we still can't improve ourselves. Then, comes the human advantage of knowledge. With knowledge comes power, but too much knowledge isn't good. While reading this book, I didn't think it was a Utopia... I thought it was a HELL. I didn't understand what Aldous Huxley is trying to say, but it's one of the most eye-opening things you'll ever read.

And it's kind of funny, because the way the world keeps progressing... isn't too far from what Huxley had in mind with that book. Freaky.

At first, with the whole electrifying babies then letting them have sex with each other, I thought Huxley belonged in an insane asylum. But you have to realize something; this book was published in 1936, and he speaks of ideas regarding birth control and test tube babies. These sciences weren't even hypothesized back then, and weren't available until recently. So Huxley silently is probably one of the greatest scientists who ever lived (though I imagine no one ever read his book back then, due to WWII, the material, and living in Albert Einstein's shadow).

What he's trying to say is that no matter how we try to delude ourselves and no matter how much progress we make, humans will never ultimately reach world peace or utopianism. The reason is because humans have a tendency for conflict, and no two men or women think alike entirely. This leads to debates, arguments, war. We can't overcome or stop it because it's human nature. Quote Richard the Lionheart at the end of Assassins Creed:

Richard the Lionheart wrote:
We come into this world kicking and screaming. Violence is who we are...

And his point couldn't have been proved at a better time, because the greatest conflict in history was about to begin two years later, and 48,000,000+ died during it. Even if they're conditioned to believe in something like in Brave New World, humans also have a tendency to make mistakes. That mistake in the conditioning causes someone to think differently or die earlier than others, that difference in thinking leads to conflict, which leads to violence which leads to downfall. That was his point, and I think it was proved very well.

Now DAZ, you say that

DAZ wrote:
We create technology that is stronger than us, and we still can't improve ourselves. Then, comes the human advantage of knowledge. With knowledge comes power, but too much knowledge isn't good. While reading this book, I didn't think it was a Utopia... I thought it was a HELL.

A few things:
1. The idea of a Utopia is that you can't progress any further but you cannot digress either. The technology is already at its peak in this book, and human nature cannot be changed, but rather "copped-out," and that's what soma's for.
2. Knowledge is forbidden in this society. You only know what you're conditioned to believe, you can't learn anything else. However, this society believes too much knowledge is an excellent thing. It's just that with all that knowledge, you jeopardize the society with potential conflict, so you are sent away with others who have learned too much.
3. The thing that must be kept in mind is that while we find them inhumane and disgusting, they view us as prehistoric and idiotic. What we deem unacceptable could be a custom in their society, and vis versa. I tried to keep that in mind as I read through this book, that way I could get a better feel of what the book was really about, rather than just see Lenina basically rape John and call it okay. It also doesn't seem like a Hell if everyone in it is enjoying themselves. Hell is a place of misery and endless torture, this society, at least for it's citizens, seems like Eden.

Now then, Rob, we've spoken of what you must do. You have to kick ass in basic training if you are to ever become general of the Swedish army by the time WWIII rolls around. Good luck, young soldier.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

finally i got the night off before i'm too tired to care. i'm telling you my officers are evil. atleast the 2 of lower rank, the big bosses are pretty good though except when they forget too give us stuff and/or info

basically, the lower the rank, the louder the voice

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

lightchipster's picture
Joined: 11/29/2009
ROB_88 wrote:
basically, the lower the rank, the louder the voice

Heh, they are shouting, in order to make up for shortcomings elsewhere....

Thanks to SBIzokronus for the fantastic sig!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

i used to like snow before but a few days ago we were running around in knee-high snow training combat-stuff for hours.
now i freaking hate snow. this place is too damn cold

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

lightchipster's picture
Joined: 11/29/2009
ROB_88 wrote:
i used to like snow before but a few days ago we were running around in knee-high snow training combat-stuff for hours.
now i freaking hate snow. this place is too damn cold

Yeah, I hear that, the other day, the fire alarm went off at our school, because of a burst gas pipe. As per school procedure, we were evacuated down the road to the nearby primary school. We were stood there for about an hour and a half in the snow and the freezing cold till they managed to fix the leak. Bet it was much colder for you though.

Thanks to SBIzokronus for the fantastic sig!

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

The tsunami warning for Hawaii has been canceled. Too bad. I was out there waiting for it on my surfboard. Cool

You won't even feel the blade.

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009
stabguy wrote:
The tsunami warning for Hawaii has been canceled. Too bad. I was out there waiting for it on my surfboard. Cool

There's no limit to your craziness is there?

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

do you really need to ask that?

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

If you've beaten Modern Warfare 2 watch this video you'll laugh so hard:


Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010
Fly Like an Eagle wrote:
If you've beaten Modern Warfare 2 watch this video you'll laugh so hard:


Lol Big smile funny vid

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Pty James's picture
Pty James
Panama City
Joined: 12/05/2009

And I had to play 10 hours to see this?

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

Here's how I described this video to Ian:

It's the equivalent of Desmond and Lucy escaping from Abstergo and encountering an unarmed Rodrigo Borgia in the parking garage.
*stab* - roll credits.

You won't even feel the blade.

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

Ian doesn't play COD?

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

i'm assuming that was a glitch that got fixed pretty earlie though.
i tried it myself when i heard about it, but it wouldn't work

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
AssassinLinfonel wrote:
Ian doesn't play COD?

No. Neither do I. We don't get out of the Animus much. Wink

ROB_88 wrote:
i'm assuming that was a glitch that got fixed pretty earlie

I showed it to someone who dismissed it as a joke video. Can anyone confirm it was an actual exploit?

You won't even feel the blade.

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

Big smile Lol, I'm not really a fan too, in addition to the rest of the world except for ian and stab

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
stabguy wrote:
I showed it to someone who dismissed it as a joke video.

Based on the YouTube comments, it does appear to be a joke video (I made a similar joke about about a speed playthrough of AC1 in Eagle's Pranks). Those who claim it's real sound like they're just trolling others to try it. Too bad. That would have been a funny exploit.

You won't even feel the blade.

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

BTW, haven't heard about Chaos, Bleeding, Feaky, and some other dudes from AC-maps in a while. They're not planning to migrate to THB?

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009
stabguy wrote:
(I made a similar joke about about a speed playthrough of AC1 in Eagle's Pranks).

i can't believe i was that stupid. the editing was so well done, i was unsure if it was real or not
well played, my good sir

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
AssassinLinfonel wrote:
They're not planning to migrate to THB?

Since I'm both the admin here and a moderator on AC-maps, I'm careful not to recruit members to "migrate" to THB. I made one announcement there when we first launched the site and put a link in my signature. That's where I drew the line. AC-maps is a well designed forum where I got my start and made many friends. Fire has stated that he wants his site to continue on and he deserves our support in that goal.

You won't even feel the blade.

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

You think you two could pull off a merger of some sort? Maybe link the maps together and become "The Hidden Maps?" Big smile

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

Now if the new site will become Hidden Maps, I don't think many people will find the website FLAE's eye roll

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

A friend just send this to me by e-mail. It's so freaking funny! Big smile

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

This is from like over 5 years ago. I'm surprised you haven't seen it until this point.

What makes me laugh is how some people don't understand why this ad got banned.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

5 years ago? Ah well, still awesome.
Almost made me buy a X-Box 360 Tongue

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

But instead you bought a PS3. Enjoy the online when AC2: Episodes comes out Cool

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

AssassinLinfonel's picture
On top of the Duomo
Joined: 03/02/2010

Glad your back FLAE, wouldn't know how the forum games survive without you... Big smile

We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

so, army training is now officially over.
but damn what a MUCK-party, i've never been so drunk in my life Big smile

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009
ROB_88 wrote:
so, army training is now officially over.
but damn what a MUCK-party, i've never been so drunk in my life Big smile

So now what happens? Are you just in the reserves?

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

well. it's complicated cause the whole armed forces are right in a period of change, and it's gonna take a while for it to kick in.
so for now i'm just in the HomeGuard. which means i will serve on my spare time. i don't know if that is the same thing as your reserves.

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

Does that mean you get to keep a gun? Evil

By the way, you got me hooked on that Rise Against song "Hero of War," now I can't stop listening to it...

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

ROB_88's picture
up north
Joined: 11/11/2009

well no, i don't get to keep the gun at home. and i don't really see any reason to have it at home anyway.
we don't have quite as liberal gun laws as you do.
so any weapon i have is safely locked away in storage until needed.

and that is a freakishly good song

Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will in fact calm up

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

It's been a pretty depressing week. Chicago's Polish population is larger than that of Warsaw, Poland's capital, and I'm sure you're all aware of the tragedy that took place in their government last week. So all week I've been able to look outside into traffic and see Polish flags flying from cars in memory, and it's extremely sad.

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!

Fly Like an Eagle's picture
Fly Like an Eagle
CBus, Ohizzle
Joined: 11/11/2009

*this is an irrelevant post, just trying to get this topic to three pages*

Live by the creed, die by the creed!
Pussy, money, weed, that's all a n*gga need!