I can't think of any other mission in the entire AC series more scripted than this one. I hope this video can bring a little more fun to this mission.
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ive always wanted to do a variety pack, and here it is!! Give me some feedback as its my first variety pack, and im pretty proud of it
This is my first variety pack of ACB
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Superblend Assassination
To initiate superblending, you need to first blend with a group of people, and then transition to a non-standing surface during the blending grace period. I used this exploit to kill the target without being seen.
Eagle Strike #1
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Anonymous Blitz
Move quickly between pillars so that guards cannot see you continuously. This buys you a few precious moments to approach the Baron for the kill.
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Anonymous Blitz
Without a lock, Ezio will throw a knife in the last direction of travel. Look over Ezio's head to fine tune your aim.
Viewpoint Assassinations
Play along with the video below the map to quickly collect Flags 8-26, Feathers 2-4 and Rifts in Centro.
Play along with the video below the map to quickly collect Flags 79-83 and Rifts in Vaticano.
Play along with the video below the map to quickly collect Flags 1-7 and Feather 1 in Tiber.
Play along with the two videos below the map to quickly collect Flags 53-78, Feathers 8-10 and Rifts in Anitco.