Finding this Lair of Romulus for the first time can be a challenge. The icon on your map leads to a tent in a campground. The entrance is actually underground, directly below this tent. This video shows two ways to reach the entrance. The first is based on a procedure outlined by morninglord. At 0:25 I do a regular left jump. If you have the climbing gloves then you can also do a Climb Leap + Catch Ledge Left here.
We believe the game designers intended you to reach the entrance by repairing the aqueducts in two places. This brings water to Cloaca Maxima and allows Ezio to swim right up to the Lair of Romulus. The video shows where to make the two repairs. You may need to topple nearby Borgia towers in order to repair the aqueducts. I haven't determined the earliest time in the game when this approach becomes available.
Once inside Terme di Diocleziano there's plenty of chasing and fighting. The final fight is not shown but here's a tip: there are collapsible structures to Ezio's left and right. Draw the wolf men in by climbing on top of one. Then drop down and Grab/Throw one guy into the scaffold. You can take out a whole wave in one collapse. Repeat on the other side.
At the end of the video is a bonus segment suggested by Asaic.
There are three Borgia Flags inside each Lair. If you are looking for a specific Flag refer to this index:
Flag 87 - 3:49
Flag 88 - 6:01
Flag 89 - 7:15
[From the forums - stabguy]
The horse exploit is a broken timeline exploit in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. You may have noticed some things in the game like how it keeps track of how much ammo your ranged weapons have, and also when you replay memories you seem to have a different weapon equipped. It's because the game keeps track of these things when it auto saves.
The horse exploit allows you to start the checkpoint of the mission on a horse. To do this get on a horse when you have to assassinate the Baron and have it auto save (it auto saves when you fail the five minute full synchronization). Then get detected to restart from the last checkpoint and you will appear on a horse! I show a blitz using the horse. This isn't the fastest possible assassination, just an example. It might be possible to do a super fast blitz by using a ranged weapon on the horse since you are able to aim above the stairs while riding it. However I haven't been able to kill the Baron like that, especially since it's hard to aim manually while on the horse. If it is possible the Baron can be killed in just a few seconds.
I also show something funny afterward. The hostage can have a heavy or long weapon in her during the scene after the assassination. First distract the Baron with a smoke bomb or money, then equip the weapon, hold down the button, call assassin recruits or arrow storm, then let go of the
button right before the Baron dies. You'll likely hear the sound of the weapon hitting someone when this works. Make sure the hostage is between you two or you might accidentally throw the weapon at the Baron. Now enjoy the hilarity with a whole scene of an impaled character. Afterward the weapon falls to the ground when she disappears.
To replay this Lair of Romulus, go to the DNA strand and select Sequence 2, Memory 7 ("The Halls of Nero").
There are three Borgia Flags inside each Lair. If you are looking for a specific Flag refer to this index:
Flag 84 - 2:47
Flag 85 - 5:40
Flag 86 - 8:42
Hey guys and girls, just a quick video i've made showing a very quick way you can farm borgia couriers that works 100% of the time, so check it out
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Altair92 has already shown a nice mysterious death on the Banker (Juan Borgia) using the hidden blade:
---promoted to front page by Ian---
For the Baron and Banker assassinations detection will result in desyncronization. You can avoid being detected by the target if you throw a smoke bomb then quickly grab him with a weapon (kill all the nearby guards first). Then you can move him anywhere you want, just be sure to throw him instead of let him go since he will probably see you. In addition there are other detection tricks on both targets.
[Front-paged by stabguy]
The Banker Juan Borgia can be turkey shooted by waypoint separation. To do this first kill the guards in the area to avoid detection. Then lure the Banker with a dead body to the edge of the ruins right above a haystack (you can either throw money and kill the character there or carry a dead body to that spot). Throw a smoke bomb to avoid being detected by the Banker, grab him, and drop him right over the edge above the haystack. If done correctly he will fall into the haystack, which will prevent from him taking any damage. He will no longer move since his waypoint is up in the ruins, and although that isn't far away he would have to walk around to the other side to get up there.
Eagle Strike After Waypoint Separation: Even after Waypoint Separation the target can be lured to places with dead bodies. I do an eagle strike from the top of one of the pillars (sorry if it wasn't fast enough).
Waypoint Separation Stunt: This is simply doing a stunt assassination where the Banker stands after the turkey shoot. I get as close as I can get without accidentally doing a leap of faith and perform a sideways jump.
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Alright here is how offensive decoy works. If you see a stationary group, eliminate as many as possible by using obstacles to block the compass. You will normally narrow it down to 2 people. Use decoy on one of them, if it is the player it will say you can only use it on civilians, and if it isnt well it will turn into a copy of you and you know the other guy is the real target. This could work with poison, but I wanted smoke for now to get focus kills.
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