--- promoted to front page by Ian ---
ive always wanted to do a variety pack, and here it is!! Give me some feedback as its my first variety pack, and im pretty proud of it
Crossbow Blitz:
Pretty self-explanatory. Since you can free-aim with the Crossbow, unlike the pistol, You can kill your target without locking on. When the mission starts, you have about 4 seconds to line up the shot and kill him, else your target starts to sprint.
Turkey Shoot:
So i accidentally figured this one out, glad i did though lol. When the mission starts, you chase your target to a building area. The script of the npc is to fight you there until you kill him. If you're in that area, he will notice you and fight you. Much like my Il Carnifice video, he will follow you to the ends of the earth. Lead him past the 'final area' of the mission. I like to get him off the cliffs for a better assassination possibility. You can turkey-shoot him on the cliff as well (as i demonstrate when i push him in the water) once you're out of the 'final area of the mission', simple get far enough away from him that you become anonymous. You can get a pretty good distance on him before starting to desync. 55 meters or so. When you become anonymous, he will just stand there, if you're out of the 'final area'. Once you've become anonymous, he'll stand frozen forever. (as far as i know). You can assassinate him at any time, or set him up for a nice stunt. Unlike Carnifice, he won't chase you once you've become anonymous. You can grab him and move him if you want. He won't return conflict with you. It's a pretty fast Turkey-Shoot, so its a good mission to repeat and practice stunts on. Probably better than Carnifice.
Turkey Shoot 2:
Well...I Turkey Shot him on the cliff...and pushed him off. Just for the lulz. (:
Parachute Drop:
Using the Turkey Shoot, I kept him in once place, allowing me for a nice drop-stunt. Yes I have attempted an eagle-strike, and i havn't quite got it yet. I got close once.
ive grabbed the outside of the low wall,
I been back and tried that, there's a low wall that i think you can grab onto but the closest I can get was landing on top of it and dying, dunno if any1 else has had more success?
no, mass. An eagle strike, as i understand, is defined as "jumping from a point high enough to kill you, catching a ledge, and air-assassinating your target"
And i've tried that eagle strike from the boriga/assassin tower. Not alot of stuff you can catch on the way down that you can get your target at
Also glad to know you've tried these (:
A quick question, What is our definition of an eagle strike? It's difficult on this guy cause for some reason it won't let me lock onto him so I climb the borgia tower drop catch a ledge then drop next to him and kill him, does that count?
I've just had at these, I got the turkey shoot and crossbow blitz but I'm stuggling to do an eagle stirke off the top of the Borgia tower atm :/
Thanks for the Turkey Shoot explanation, Arrogance. I was wondering WTF was going on!
Nice job, especially as it's your first Variety Pack.
ye i'll agree to that. They should have added a bigger pool of assassination moves. I don't really count executions at assassinations.
High profile hidden blade from behind looks so retarded in this game
i hate to say it, but ive found ac:b to be an far more glitchier than ac2. They aren't game-breaking glitches, but sure do get annoying. Im assuming Ubisoft rushed towards the end, but it turned out great as a finisher to ac2 and gameplay wise.
Nice job finding out a turkey shoot, and watching you push him off the cliff reminds me of how I sometimes liked to push people off structures.
One more thing, notice how glitchy it gets sometimes when Ezio kills the target and part of him glitches through the person? I've seen this in other videos too.
nicely done. can you write something about it so that more viewers can understand whats going on? especially for the turkey shoot.
lol bump