Highlights from Sequence 9 of Assassin's Creed II, set in Dorsoduro during Carnevale. THB regulars may want to skip And They're Off and CTF as these are merely FAQs for beginners who have difficulty completing these missions. There's a "Click here to skip FAQs" button for your convenience.
Nun the Wiser
Five well-placed gun shots are enough to essentially clear the square for Carnevale. The host must be embarrassed to address an audience of four people.
[Front-paged. stabguy]
Sunday Stroll Stunt: This stunt is done from a viewpoint, nearly high enough that the fall kills Ezio. Start off by poisoning a character to make the target flee (apologies that I poisoned a civilian, just trying to save time ). When the target flees you want to stay within forty meters to avoid desynchronization. You need to quickly climb up to the spot on the viewpoint before the target passes by that area. As you can see there are two different outcomes. One is a side step kill animation. The other is a stationary kill animation. One more thing to note is since Ezio is down to no health squares when he hits the ground there is a short slow motion effect.
Tripwire: Basically the same as the Sunday Stroll Stunt except the target is killed with a manually aimed hidden gun. I kill a group of guards to avoid open conflict.
Long Shot: What I like about this one is it gives me a reason to use the sprint board. Get to the area where the archer is patrolling on the platform overlooking the bonfire. Kill him and use his dead body to make the target flee, lock on and aim the hidden gun. The mission fails when you are 40-60 meters from the target. I don't know why that is, but I think it might be affected by how fast you and/or the target is moving. I get fifty five meters when I choose to shoot. I might have been able to get a little more, but the mission would usually fail and I didn't want to take any chances.
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Here is a description of the video:
Dynamic Stunts: If I remember correctly a dynamic stunt is a stunt done on a fleeing target from a high height. I especially liked it because I had never done this before, and I heard it was the favorite assassination style of a certain person. This involves using a smoke bomb from a distance to make a fleeing target run without having to worry about desyncronizing if he gets too far away. The targets usually take predictable paths (not random) depending on where you are when you throw the smoke bomb.
Tripwires: Tripwire is basically aiming with your hidden gun and shooting when the target passes by, and since the targets take certain routes with the smoke bomb trick I decided to use the hidden gun's tripwire kill when they
come to a certain spot. But one thing I don't like about this is the fact that other characters walk through the wire before the target does. Nevertheless I did try to keep them away (just to make it more realistic) with dead bodies and poisoned people, but that didn't help much. So lets just say they saw the wire and walked over/ducked under it while the target was too busy running to notice it.
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Zero tolerance has a literal meaning in this video as I try various assassinations in the contract.
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Anonymous Blitz Assassinations
Here are 3 ways to kill Checco quickly without being detected.
Dive underneath the canal grate to cross the city walls quickly. Transition to fast walk as you pass through the group of people standing by the fast travel station. You remain blended for several seconds after you emerge from this group, which gives you time to approach Checco unnoticed.