[Front-paged. -stabguy]
Time for Emilio's house of cards to literally start crumbling!
Watch the original video to see how to remove the front door of the palazzo.
After that, go to the herald to the west of the place. Move him by getting in a fight with a civilian. After you get him through the front door, the herald won't walk back to his original location.
There is no Spoon Assassination
This has to be done a certain way because of how different surfaces are modeled. The stairs in the palazzo disappear sooner than the flat surfaces (the floor at ground level doesn't disappear at all), plus Emilio disappears when you are about a hundred meters away. So the ideal time to TINS Emilio is when he is at the highest stairs (in other words, he dies from falling the height). Here is where the herald you previously moved comes in handy. Bribe him at the right time to teleport to his location. Since it's a little over ninety meters away, the stairs disappear instantly, and Emilio is TINSed. Keep in mind that if it weren't for the herald you wouldn't be able to get past the invisible memory walls surrounding the palazzo.
Failed Attempts
I originally thought this wouldn't be possible because of failed attempts. I moved the herald outside the palazzo, but then the scene wouldn't start!
After finding a way to remove the front door, I tried moving the herald inside the palazzo, and now it works.
--- front paged by Ian ---
The method of assassination in this video is "There is No Spoon". I use it on the targets Bernardo Baroncelli and Stefano da Bagnone by placing them on a flight of stairs and getting far enough away that the stairs are no longer modeled in the game, causing the targets to fall through the floor and drown.
Mysterious Death
Start off by using the passing crowds to hyperblend on the horse. If you are not familiar with superblending and hyperblending, please see these articles first:
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Can you guess how this video will end from reading the title? The interesting part starts at 3:40.
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Still Life - Dynamic Stunt
The target circles around the yard untill he sees something suspicious, at which time he flees to a waypoint on the south side of Palazzo Pitti. This gives a brief opportunity to perform my favorite type of stunt - where both you and the target are running full speed toward the stunt location.
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Easy and Robust
Port Authority may be the most difficult mission in all of AC2. This is a nice easy way to complete the mission for those having difficulty.
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Exposed Blitz Assassination
When rounding the corner onto the main street of Forli, stay to the middle to avoid being pushed by guards on either side. The biggest challenge is getting through the guard post at the city gate. As Ezio approaches, they move into another formation (chosen at random). Your job is to find a hole in the new formation and sprint through it. Sometimes one guard will hang back and raise his sword like a baseball bat. Go to the opposite side to stay out of his reach or tap the button to jump past him.
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Anonymous Blitz
If you don't enter l'Arsenale, you will stay Anonymous and the targets won't move past their first waypoint. This is the perfect opportunity to kill them with throwing knives. They will be too far away to lock onto, so you'll have to aim "manually." Throwing knives travel in the direction of your last horizontal movement. Walk in the direction you would like to aim, and look over Ezio's head to fine tune your aim.