Unless someone posted in the long time it took for my phone to load up this huge topic...
And I skipped my first class the next morning. It wasn't an important one and I got an excused absence because my teacher was cool like that.
So my brother got his book idea greenlit. He wants me to draw the comic version. Hopefully I'll become a published artist in the near future.
That's awesome. What kind of book? Can you reveal anything?
I guess I can tell you that it's a mystery story, much like LA Noire mixed with Sin City. I don't even know much more than that, honestly. But hey, it's exposure.
Well congratulations and good luck.
Of course he wore those pants...
Why, GB, WHY???? (Cannot.... unsee..... eyes..... hurt......)
That's what happens when nobody replies on here. I have to jump start it. Haha. Sorry Lisa.
Oh, Lisa, we all know you like it.
Don't deny you do too, Joey!
Based on a previous conversation, I think Joey would prefer that it was anime.
Mmm yes. Those big eyes, the lack of a nose, tiny mouths, terrible lip-sync, always a dragon theme in everything that comes out. (Paris Hilton voice) That's hot...
Definitely very hot.
that song was terrible.
No, not HA, Joey. Because I just beat you!
Does anyone listen Dubstep and play Portal? Because I've got the best idea for a dubstep track ever.
F*ck no, but you reminded me of something!
So, Holly is starting her modelling career today and one of the people she'll be working with in the near future is that girl who did the live stage Portal demonstration. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I'll post the video up when I can. It was amazing.
Screw you, dubstep is awesome! Not sure what kind you've heard, brostep or oldskool.
Don't worry, though, I also listen to this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, and a lot more I'm forgetting. Point is, my music taste is broad.
I was just being random. I wasn't just referring to dubstep. Haha
Screw you, dubstep is awesome! Not sure what kind you've heard, brostep or oldskool.Don't worry, though, I also listen to this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, this stuff, and a lot more I'm forgetting. Point is, my music taste is broad.
Wow, Phi. I have great admiration for your url embedding skills.
Thank you!
i have to ask, what the hell is dubstep anyway?
is it a song, a genre, a music-mixing program or what?
Holly is starting her modelling career today
Wow. That's exciting! In my experience there are two kinds of female models. So will Holly be modeling bikinis or lingerie?
Whoa thar, stabbeh!
Just kidding. It will be artsy clothing, posing, basically whatever comes to mind when you think "model" without the degrading part. She just got her new photos up now. Anyone who would like to see, search "True Self" on facebook. They probably have a website as well, but I haven't looked into it that much.
Other good news: she was selected from all the other models to continue these photoshoots in the form of a job!
It will be artsy clothing, posing.
Huh. It seems my experience with female models is somewhat limited.
Send my congratulations to Holly on her new job. Next thing you know she'll be jetting around the country on her big modeling bucks.
I know! And I'll be her money grabber! I mean, love and support. Yeah, that's it...
Rob, check out the first two links in #923 (brostep and oldskool) I don't think you'll like brostep (most people don't), but oldskool is more relaxed.
Mmm yes. Those big eyes, the lack of a nose, tiny mouths, terrible lip-sync, always a dragon theme in everything that comes out. (Paris Hilton voice) That's hot...
and also,here's the preview pictures from my photoshoot from yesterday. Go check it out. I don't mind if y'all stalk me.
Very impressive, Holly. Very Louise Brooks; nice!
Now to remind Joey (again) how lucky he is.
Very impressive, Holly. Very Louise Brooks; nice!Now to remind Joey (again) how lucky he is.
thank you! <3
Never seen him outside of the games.
you did'nt watch the road to E3 part 3???. and he is also the voice of chris from resident evil 5
you did'nt watch the road to E3 part 3???. and he is also the voice of chris from resident evil 5
1. No, because videos like that bore me (Unless it's Tobuscus).
2. I don't care about Resident Evil. I, personally, think it's a bad game series. And his voice in it is very unrecognizable, so I never would have noticed.
Wait a second... Ianx04 or stabguy could just lock the post then they could be the last person to reply on here. .
Unless someone reopens the post.
No, not HA, Joey. Because I just beat you!Does anyone listen Dubstep and play Portal? Because I've got the best idea for a dubstep track ever.
Yes and HELL YES!!
i'm gonna be serious now and bring up the massacre in Norway.
now, i'm not usually an emotional or religius person, but that memorial sermon was beautiful, and i'm not ashamed to say i cried a little.
question to stabs /ian: do we have any norwegians in the forum?
I have a question about the last person to reply topic on the first site, who won?
I think I remember 1 or 2 members with norway as their location, but haven't seen them recently, if they exist.
I just heard about the massacre last night. I'll look it up later for specifics, but anyone can post what happened for those uninformed. I just know that it happened, not who is responsible, why it happened, how many were killed, etc.
okay, a brief summary then.
friday 3:22 PM a bomb exploded in Norway's capital Oslo near most of the government buildings with 8 dead and the area in shambles with glass and debris everywhere
just a an hour and a half later though, in a summercamp on the island Utøya for the politically active youths of norways Social Democratic party a man dressed in police uniform saying he's doing routine safety controls after the bombs, asked people to gather around him before he pulled a gun and a semi-automatic rifle and started shooting.
then still claiming to be a police sent to rescue them he convinced some to come out of hiding before he shot them aswell
police managed to capture the shooter alive, a norwegian man called Anders Behring Breivik,
so far the death count is 68.
he also sent out a 1500 page letter that's explaining the why's and how's and all that but i don't feel like going in to details right now
Wow. It's hard to believe that people are capable of doing that. Did they publicly release the letter?
It's supposed to be out on the internet somewhere. In his manifest, it said that "maybe people will think something crazy, that I'm a terrorist" or something to that effect.
I know someone who was supposed to be on the island that day, but didn't go. One of his friends is still missing last I heard.
It's a shame they don't have actual sentences for life in Norway.
I missed the first reports of the massacre due to my DofE Final Expedition but have caught up on the events since.
...and i'm not ashamed to say i cried a little
There's no shame at all in that, Rob. It's a really tragic event