the rules are simple. one person puts up a picture from a movie and the rest guess it, whoever gets it right first puts up a new pic from another movie etc.
clues are allowed if noone gets it right after a while.
first up
"A Very Long Engagement"?
How about Miracle At St. Anna?
clue: it's based on a book
All's quiet on the western front?
we have a winner.
all's quiet on the western front is correct.
you're up next
hehe ok
um looks like i dont know how to get pictures on here crap DX can anyone help me with this?
all's quiet on the western front is correct.
I don't get it. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) is in Black & White and the 2009 remake has been postponed. Are these pictures from the 1979 made for TV version with Richard Thomas?
DAMN IT! I knew it was All Quiet on the Western Front but I didn't post because I was afraid I was wrong (I remember reading that book back in the day. I HATED IT).
ROB_88 wrote:
all's quiet on the western front is correct.I don't get it. All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) is in Black & White and the 2009 remake has been postponed. Are these pictures from the 1979 made for TV version with Richard Thomas?
it's the 1979 version. does that not count as a movie?
when i saw it i downloaded it as one big piece so i saw it as a movie.
and the book was great
hehe okum looks like i dont know how to get pictures on here crap DX can anyone help me with this?
What about Imageshack?
upload something on imageshack or photobucket or whatever, and then post the link here
This was a great idea for a topic, so let's bring it back.
Time to revive this ancient topic! Tombstone with Kurt Russell and Van Kilmer.
Try to get this one.
Nice bumper sticker on the back.
Glad you noticed it (did you also notice the sticker near the corner of the bumper? It's blurry in the screenshot, but reads, "**** happens"). When I first saw this movie I caught glimpses of about half the sticker and thought, is it saying what I think it's saying? Then nearly eighteen minutes in we get a clear shot. What also surprises me is I always assumed the phrase "nothing is true everything is permitted" was invented for AC, but this movie came out four years before AC1, plus I think it's supposed to take place in the seventies.
It was used in the novel Alamut by Vladimir Bartol, which came out in 1938.
It was used in the novel Alamut by Vladimir Bartol, which came out in 1938.
Thought Alamut's maxim was "Nothing is an absolute reality, all is permitted."
You do realize the novel was written in Slovene and translated to English several times, right? The version I have uses "Nothing is true, everything is permitted."
Either way, it means the same. You could probably even say, "Not all things are absolute, but everything is allowed" and it works.
A few clues.
1. Made in 2003.
2. Is a remake.
3. Has a main villain based off a real killer, the same one Norman Bates from Psycho is based off of.
I asked stabgal for help on this and she Googled it, so now I'm disqualified.
My guess from the picture alone was Bonnie and Clyde. After the clues I might have said Red Dragon. Both guesses would have been wrong.
Since there's only a picture to go by, Google searches and stuff should be allowed. There aren't any set rules anyway, right?
I can see why you thought it was Red Dragon, made nearly the same year and also a remake of Manhunter. Plus I think I mentioned Hannibal Lecter in chat last year.
Another clue: The villain is known for the weapon he carries and the mask he wears. You shouldn't have any trouble knowing what kind of mask it is if you can find the connection between him and Norman Bates.
I can see why you thought it was Red Dragon, made nearly the same year and also a remake of Manhunter.
Right. That and I know exactly which serial killer Norman Bates was modeled after. Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs is based on the same guy. However, he doesn't appear in (the prequel) Red Dragon.
I never saw the movie pictured above nor the original, so I wouldn't have guessed it anyway.
I thought Buffalo Bill might also be based off him, but was never really sure. I guess you can say this villain is what you get if you minus Norman Bates from Buffalo Bill, except for the killing part of course.
Another clue: The name of the weapon the villain uses is in the title.
The name of the weapon the villain uses is in the title.
According to Patton Oswalt, it's the best movie title ever. The worst? Any romantic comedy with a title like Feelin' Kinda Sorta.
I guess you can say this villain is what you get if you minus Norman Bates from Buffalo Bill, except for the killing part of course.
Allow me to clarify. Light movie spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Psycho and Silence of the Lambs.
Oh, well that gives it away. I'll wait to see who gets it first, though. I haven't done much on this thread, so I'll leave it to you guys.
Say it, Joey! There are only a few people playing this game and I'm disqualified for this round. It's okay that you figured it out from the hints. That's what they're for.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was my guess.
Finally someone gets it. I was at the point of disowning you all (not really
). A very well made movie if I say so myself. In fact from what I heard its success is what caused all the horror remakes following.
Also it was easy to get the screenshots. I just had to find the video and play it full screen. Then I used the print screen button on the keyboard and saved it on paint.
Norman Bates' hobby was taxidermy, although I believe he only stuffed one of his victims. All of these characters are based on Ed Gein.
Norman Bates' hobby was taxidermy, although I believe he only stuffed one of his victims.
Well so much for Buffalo Bill minus Norman Bates. Although I hoped someone would figure out the clues that point to a mask made of skin.
The villain is known for the weapon he carries and the mask he wears. You shouldn't have any trouble knowing what kind of mask it is if you can find the connection between him and Norman Bates.
You're up now, Joey. If for some reason you are unable to get movie stills IMDB has pictures from movies.
At first glance It's a Wonderful Life, but probably not.
It looks like Twelve Angry Men.
Or maybe Citizen Kane?
It looks like Twelve Angry Men.
I should've picked something more obscure. You got it right!
Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
Yep. I thought someone would recognize it. This is Tim the Enchanter setting up the famous killer rabbit scene.
Amazing, I never saw the movie before. It was the only movie that popped in my head concerning awful medieval wardrobe (I'm sure even Robin Hood Men in Tights had better costumes, but that's low budget for you). After guessing I looked up the trailer, and one of the characters had the crown over coif outfit, which confirmed the guess was right.
Hah! Rat race. I loved that movie.
It's hard to imagine anyone seeing that movie forgetting all the funny lines and gags. I have yet to hear of a laugh out loud comedy just as good made since then.
Alien vs Predator?
Alien vs Predator?
You got it!
My friends disagree, but I think this was a pretty good movie, especially when you know the ENTIRE movie was filmed inside a box.
That movie felt pretty "BOXED-IN"! *audience laughs*