Yeah someone just emailed me about it after seeing my video on the glitch.
What route are you guys taking, I'm annoyed that on the second free run one, I keep failing to get Gold.
Don't mind me for asking this (and I hope it's the right place to ask) but what website has the world records on vr missions? Also I have a few questions: When you have xbox live does it automatically record your records, and if so do you have to be on live when you get the record? Also concerning xbox live accounts can you have an account for every gamer profile on the xbox 360?
Im not sure about the website but the records are in game
Oh, my mistake. I assumed there was a website that recorded the records. So, do you have to be connected to live when you get the record?
Yup or it wont register. I think the assassin network may have updated by now to show VR records as well
Darn it! Now I want xbox live more than ever. Anyway here's my record for stealth hidden blade 1.
I just got 297 on flawless hidden blade!!!!! 3rd in the world on xbox.
Wow nice work. Yeah I have also been working on this since they fixed the glitch, I got 159 for All weapons but you nearly got 300!
Its also interesting how harder the combat gets as the waves increase, only reason i failed at 159 was because i didnt realise the Agile guard had a spear!
Yeah, what weapon do you use in all weapons, my score of 115 in the past was with the hidden blade as it's the only weapon that counters everyone?
Inspired to have another go at the VR missions I had a go at all the combat ones and here are my records;
flawless all: 225 (only used hidden blade, it should really be banned and be called 'other weapons')
short kill streak: 961
medium kill streak: 3136
long kill streak: 4071 (it's not a record but I'm fairly pleased with it)
I've got some new free running ones as well but I think I can improve so I'll save those for later
Nice work, I use the sword. You dont have to counter the seekers/brutes/papal guards, you dodge them, its the same thing. If you dodge and then attack you keep the 1 hit kill streak going. I also use throwing knives to get double kills, and the hidden gun.
So do you just counter with the hidden blade and do nothing else, just counter 1 by 1?
Just countering would take forever!! I do it in about killstreaks of 5 or 6 at a time and then stop before Ezio's hopping means I lose track of which guard is about to attack me.
I tried briefly doing it 1 by 1 and got bored, also, not maing a mistake for a few hundred counters when it's boring would be more difficult!
I also find it risky just countering because regualar guards and those captains to slow attacks, making it easier to miscounter.
Do you find it really hard to determine who is going to attack you later on in the waves due to the dead bodies? There are so many red dead bodies everywhere that I cant actually see my enemies health bar flashing, im thinking of a strategy to make loads of kills in a "corner" and then return to the center.
I also find it risky just countering because regualar guards and those captains to slow attacks, making it easier to miscounter.
You have no idea how many times I have died as I think they're going for a fast attack and it's a slow one! It's soo frustrating as you see you got it wrong and they slowly swing at you and there's nothing you can do :/
I move in circles to avoid the body problem. If you move slowly enough in a circle near the edge, bodies have despawned before you get back round to them so the floor is clearer.
Just got a new world record on stealth hidden blade 1.
Whoa. You beat the previous record by a lot! Congrats!
Just saw this video on youtube, epic time!!! Are you close to world record times on the others?
Whoa. You beat the previous record by a lot! Congrats!![]()
The previous world record was 56.68 seconds (I think on ps3). Here's how that guy did it.
Just saw this video on youtube, epic time!!!Are you close to world record times on the others?
Stealth hidden blade 1 was the only one I tried a world record for. I'm going to try for the other two stealth hidden blade. Not so sure about the others, but who knows.
I was pretty happy with myself for holding stealth 1 and 2 world record at the same time, but now its too much effort. Il watch your vid and update it soon.
Got a Short Kill Streak of 1024 the other day.
And now I have Medium Kill Streak 2754
Just beat the hidden blade 2 world record yesterday.
I was pretty happy with myself for holding stealth 1 and 2 world record at the same time, but now its too much effort.
You're right about that. It's nearly impossible to hold both records, no one can be that obsessed...
Wooo, another epic world record!!! As I finished exams today I might go for some of the combat records.
I heard the world records for the ps3 and pc are faster. Can anyone confirm this?
Short Course 6 : 0.24.86
Flag Hunt 1 : 1.12.44
Flag Hunt 3 : 1.03.56
Here's my stealth hidden blade 3 world record.
Another thumping of the 2nd place record-holder! Tremendous!
Another thumping of the 2nd place record-holder! Tremendous!
Second place? Did someone beat one of my records?
Second place? Did someone beat one of my records?
No, I didn't mean that - sorry! I meant that you gained the world record over the #2 record holder by an impressively large margin (49.38 to 54.99). Just like you did in the earlier world records you posted. Sorry to be confusing!
I'm starting to beat some of my records for stealth hidden blade. Altair92 recently beat my record for hidden blade 1 (it seems he figured out my way of doing it), and I just beat his record. Looks like we'll be competing.
Aurllcooljay: "It seems then we are at an impass."
Altair92: "No, we are at an end."
Aurllcooljay: "I will miss you, Altair92. you were my very best competitor."
*slash slash chink*
Cesare Borgia (at the bankers party): "Don't look so glum, enjoy yourself."
Rodrigo Borgia: *looks at all the half naked people* "Um, how about not?"
Especially after he looks at Juan Borgia. Gaaaakk! Cannot un-see! Need brain bleach!
I dont get the internet much, but seeing as you guys will be beating each others records I might update it weekly instead of each time a record is broken.
A huge mistake of mine was uploading a video each time i broke a record, as it just made it easier for others to beat mine. However I knew eventually others would beat the records, so I thought it would be better to be the first person to document that method of beating the record, that way your accomplishment is timeless.
Weeeeee, here we go again!
Short Course 1 28.97
Short Course 2 34.70
Short Course 3 18.53
Long Course 1 1.24.43
Short Course 4 24.80
Short Course 5 32.73
Short Course 6 25.00
You son of a...
Scratch my previous comment about me beating your times.
I've also improved my Short Courses 1 and 3 times, but I can't remember them of the top of my head.
Only two more courses to go before I'm in the top 100 for every course.
So I decided to get back into it and try claim back my record for hidden blade 1, stealth.
Gave up after an hour, I have no idea how you guys managed to find a much faster route. I will stick with it though! I mean people are still beating MGS2S VR records and that has been out for years now, so I know its still possible for this game.
Does anyone ever do the best they can, go to the leaderboards, see who the best person is, and wonder how the hell they did everything in less than 10 seconds? This isn't particularly ACB-related, but any game with challenges like this. They're either superhuman or they found some way to exploit a glitch or hack the leaderboard list. Some of them just seem impossible by a human.
So I decided to get back into it and try claim back my record for hidden blade 1, stealth.Gave up after an hour, I have no idea how you guys managed to find a much faster route. I will stick with it though! I mean people are still beating MGS2S VR records and that has been out for years now, so I know its still possible for this game.
I think I know the route Altair92 took, but I never seem to get it right. I'm considering making a video on it if I do manage to beat his record. At least the top two in stealth hidden blade 1 are THB members.
Does anyone ever do the best they can, go to the leaderboards, see who the best person is, and wonder how the hell they did everything in less than 10 seconds? This isn't particularly ACB-related, but any game with challenges like this. They're either superhuman or they found some way to exploit a glitch or hack the leaderboard list. Some of them just seem impossible by a human.
You know us, we never use hacks or cheats, just tricks, glitches and exploits. That my friends is called "creative advantage". Not sure if it can be said for other games, I remember hearing about someone getting 0:00 time for some CoD game, and there's no way that's possible.
Yeah i looked at the hidden blade record and saw aurel and a person named D4NY something. I thought I recognized that name from somewhere.
Finally I reclaimed first place in Stealth Hidden Blade 1! That took a lot of patience though. The last few times before that I almost got first place but messed up at some point (proof that Ubi and Abstergo have it in for me).
Here are my records for all the stealth hidden blades.
1. 44.18
2. 37.67
3. 46.65
They are currently the world records (at least last time I checked).
Nice times phi, I have work to do
After painstaking effort and some spare batteries my better times are;
short course 1: 28.53
short course 2: 34.70 (Shouldn't really be here as it's the same as yours but I though it was funny how we got exactly the same time )
long course 1: 1:23.15
short course 5: 32.50
short course 6: 24.76
long course 2: 1:23.98
Just reclaimed the world record for Stealth Hidden Blade 3 yesterday. I wasn't surprised someone had beaten it since I spent the least time on it. The new record is 42.65 seconds.
How the hell did you get over 1000 for short kill streak Joey? did you use short blade throwing knives?
How the hell did you get over 1000 for short kill streak Joey? did you use short blade throwing knives?
Because I'm awesome. Actually, I can't remember because I haven't played ACB in about a year. Can't tell you, haha.
RE: Short Course 6
I'm pretty sure JoeyFogey has beaten 25.00 seconds (sorry Phi). He's in the 24s on my leaderboard.
That said, can I ask you (Joey/Phi/anyone else here) how to do the hard part of short course 6? I'm sure you know the part I'm thinking of... You have to jump down to go through a tunnel... but there's a floating platform you grab onto if you jump too late, two beams you have to jump through, etc. When do you time your jump to get between the beams? Or is it trial and error and you just hope you get it right? I'm assuming this is where I'm losing close to 2-3 seconds on you guys... (my top for this is around 29 seconds, so I'm losing time elsewhere... but this is the toughest part of any of the freerunning courses).
I just tried over and over.
One of my friends is in the 23s, which is bloody fast.
I just tried over and over.
I figured as much...
Hope to post some numbers worthy of the THB leaderboard someday...
EDIT: Is there any difference if you release all buttons after jumping? Will it end the free-run and make your character free fall instead of grabbing things?
Not entirely sure about that one. But what you need to pay attention to more than the controls is the routes you are taking. I can (or could) consistently get a sub-20s time on short course 3. It's because the route I take is very inventive.