--- promoted to front page by Ian ---
This may be my most accomplished work yet. One thing the Pazzi Conspirators have in common is you talk to a mercenary before starting the assassination. You appear in front of him during the scene, so I use this as an opportunity to appear right by the target after the scene. Almost all of the Conspirators can be killed immediately after the scene, except for the one on a tower. I move the mercenaries by grabbing someone and moving that character and myself around the mercenary. I do not show this setup, but in case your not familiar with it you can see it at the beginning of another one of my videos.
That's so cool! AC:B is out and yet there are still significant exploits being found in AC2.
Yeah. Ubi released Brotherhood too early.
I'm still playing ac2 for now because there's still a lot to do. I hope you make a video about the fastest assassinations (like the eleven man blitz for ac1).
No I meant between the cutscene and assassination.
Obviously it isn't edited as its a blitz (and as you said its all about speed) but you just kill them so ridiculously fast its hard to tell what even happens Pretty amazing tbf. I take it you experimented with exactly where the targets appeared so you were pretty much on top of them after the cutscene?
Yeah. I got lucky with Stefano and got him on my first try, but it took at least a few times with the other guys. I'm not sure if I got Bernardo right where he stood or not, the other times I tried I wasn't in the right place and was gentle pushed out of the way by him. These are pretty much the rest of the superfast blitzes I expect to be in the game, unless there's something like this in one of the expansions.
Haha. That's absolutely genius. Its really cool how you can move the Mercenary around
Is that all real time with nothing cut out? It looks edited as its so fast...?
Haha. That's absolutely genius. Its really cool how you can move the Mercenary around![]()
Is that all real time with nothing cut out? It looks edited as its so fast...?
I didn't show the setup if that is what you meant. I didn't change the timing during the blitz part at all, because blitzes are about how fast you can kill the target, during what part does it look edited?