We've got a quote guessing game, but nothing that actually discusses great movies. This topic is just a place to rant about your favorite movies (that don't suck). So go ahead and rant!
I watched Gran Torino tonight on HBO for the first time, very deep and touching film. And Clint Eastwood is an absolute badass in it. Anyone else seen this?
Have not. Been meaning to get around to it, but my backlog of movies is... quite large.
I thought GT was very well put together. I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed the recent Sherlock Holmes movie. It was better than I had expected it to be. I also caught JCVD recently. Though I'm still not totally sure what to think about that one. It's a very unusual movie. It doesn't suck, though.
Have not. Been meaning to get around to it, but my backlog of movies is... quite large.
Not as large as mine. Still haven't seen Fight Club, The Departed, The Godfather, and a bunch of other really great films.
Asaic, was it actually good? My cousin and I were debating on whether or not to see it, due to the fact that we believed a live-action Sherlock Holmes movie would fail miserably, as much as I love Robert Downey Jr. (except in Ironman, I really don't see the appeal in it at all).
I have been meaning to see Gran Torino but never really went to the Blockbuster and rent it. I heard it was supposed to be something a little bit like Don Quijote, thou I don't see how Clint Eastwood could have a resemblance with the famous Hidalgo. As to Sherlock Holmes, have you ever seen a movie titled "O Xango de Baker Street"? It is a brazilian movie that puts Sherlock Holmes in 1886's Rio de Janeiro, investigationg the murder of a prostitute, for a change. It is a great movie and I ensure that none of you could regret watching it. The only problem would be getting it.
Yes, Sherlock Holmes was great. I liked it enough that I bought the Blu-Ray (and I don't buy a lot of movies).
Downey brings a good humor and down-to-earth-ness to the role. This movie is a departure from most other Sherlock Holmes movies, but that's because they tried to stay faithful to the original books, which they accomplished quite well IMO. Most movie versions have Holmes as an infallible, often snobbish professor-type character. The real Holmes was never written that way.
I think they really did a great job on this one. It's interesting, there is humor, it's fun and it's even a little suspenseful.
I decided to tell you guys about some sleepers. After all, you don't need me to tell you that Academy Award nominees like "Up in the Air" and "Inglourious Basterds" are worthwhile. So I looked through my Netflix returns for unfamiliar titles that I rated 5 stars...
The first is an independent teen comedy called Bart Got a Room. It's about a sad-sack boy torn between escorting his long-time friend to the prom and lining up a hot date. Title character "Bart" nearly fails to make an appearance in this Woody Allen style film. Give it a chance. There are some good laughs and a nice ending.
Another pleasant surprise was the political thriller State of Play starring Russell Crowe and Rachel McAdams. Don't let Ben Affleck's name turn you off from seeing this. He was confined to the role of a stiff politician where he couldn't ruin the movie.
Yeah, I watched Gran Torino. Probably the only movie I saw with Clint Eastwood in it. Pretty good. There's even a video on youtube that shows scenes from the movie Up and plays audio from Gran Torino and fits it together. But what does this have to do with Assassin's creed? The one part that seemed like ac was near the end when the main character gets "assassinated".
But what does this have to do with Assassin's creed?
Nothing at all. That's why it's in the Non-gaming › General forum.
Yeah, I watched Gran Torino. Probably the only movie I saw with Clint Eastwood in it. Pretty good. There's even a video on youtube that shows scenes from the movie Up and plays audio from Gran Torino and fits it together. But what does this have to do with Assassin's creed? The one part that seemed like ac was near the end when the main character gets "assassinated".
Nice spoiler tag.
I just saw District 9 today. I was blown away by the psychological and emotional torment shown.
District 9 is fantastic. I thought it was really clever how the documentary-style camera work made it feel more real despite the film involving aliens. I still live in hope that they'll make a (good) game of the film, although no doubt they would massacre the storyline
I doubt they'll make a game about District 9. It doesn't seem like game-material. If it was more focused on the action than the story and racial theme, then they probably would.
Yeaht hey won't make one now. The racial story is good and wouldn't translate well in a game but I'd still love to be able to play in that badass robot suit near the end Can't wait for District 10
Haha, yeah they better attempt a District 10. It was hinted at in the end. Also, Neil (the director) said he's been thinking about what he could do for a sequel.
I doubt they'll make a game about District 9. It doesn't seem like game-material. If it was more focused on the action than the story and racial theme, then they probably would.
I loved District 9, I heard it started out as a movie adaption of the first Halo game though? Of course it was changed quite drastically, but still.
I heard it started out as a movie adaption of the first Halo game though? Of course it was changed quite drastically, but still.
Neil Blommkamp (not sure if that's how you spell his name) directed a short film of a fight sequence based on Halo. It was a viral campaign for Halo 3.
District 9 was based on a short film he made.
District 10 has been confirmed and is in production. Blomkamp wanted to make a prequel to District 9 but the public are keen to see what happens to Wikus and whether he recovers so it will probably be a sequel. Thats pretty much all is known so far.
I don't think it needs a sequel, I thought the ending was quite well done. It would lose some of the impact I think if he makes a sequel.
I agree that it was really clever how you were left contemplating what would happen to Wikus. It was kind of sad and I think it could easily be left like that to create more of an impact. But Christopher promised to return to help Wikus and I think many people want to see that happen. In one way, I want to see that happen but I'd also love a prequel, perhaps about the arrival of the 'prawns'...?
A 2nd film is confirmed and will almost certainly be called District 10, suggesting a sequel as thats where the 'prawns' were moved to. I look forward to a 2nd film but agree that it is not completely necessary.
Because I know few people that have, but has anyone seen Kick-Ass? It was really good.
Yeah I loved Kick-Ass! Some of it was really bizarre and shocking for a 15 (mainly a 10 year old girl shooting the hell out of bad guys in various graphic ways) but tbh I found it all hilarious. Might get it on DVD when I have enough money
Kickass was awesome, Big daddy was the best batman ever.
and i heard there is a sequel in the making
Hey, it has Nicholas Cage in it, and that's good enough for me.
But Nicholas Cage was in The Wicker Man remake, and that sucked, except for the pedo-bear slap.
But Nicholas Cage was in The Wicker Man remake, and that sucked, except for the pedo-bear slap.
Yes, as a remake of a classic film, it sucked, but Cage just cracks me up, his whole over the top craziness.
Kick-Ass has to be one of my favorite comic book movies of all time. Next to Iron Man, The Dark Knight, and Spider-Man 3 (just kidding about that last one. lol)
Yeah, Kick Ass was really good. The little girl was so seriously cute. I loved the fighting especially.
I haven't seen Kick Ass yet, but from what I've heard, they took out the best line in the comic.
Probably the best line from the comic, too.
Yeah I don't think thats in it but its good nonetheless. I found some of the Big Daddy-Hit Girl scenes to be a bit uncomfortable and strange but I guess thats kind of the idea - that a 10 year old girl and her dad fighting crime is just downright bizarre (but funny).
If you haven't seen Inception, go see it right now. Like right now. Gonna see it for the sixth time tomorrow.
Wow, 1001Human - you're like superhuman when it comes to seeing Inception.
We went out and saw "Salt" last weekend. Very fun. Adrenaline rush every moment. I'm such a sucker for cinematic stunt fighting.
I finally saw the new Star Trek(the JJ Abrams one) and i LOVED it! Every die-hard Trek fan should see that movie! The casting is all perfect especially the big 3, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the sequel.
I agree, I loved that movie.
I finally saw the new Star Trek(the JJ Abrams one) and i LOVED it! Every die-hard Trek fan should see that movie! The casting is all perfect especially the big 3, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the sequel.
When I introduced myself on AC-Maps, I said I was a major Star Trek fan. Me and a couple of other obsessed friends dressed up to go to our local cinema I was Spock, I had pointed plastic ear tips, I had my mum sew gold braid on the sleeves of a blue fleece I have. I also had a Starfleet badge I ordered off of Ebay and for extra geekiness, I also had my phone playing tricorder noises. My friend dressed up as Kirk and a female friend dressed up as Uhura, short skirt and all
. We got soooo many strange looks but it was really worth it!
Inception is probably the best film I've ever seen (although I am quite young). I absolutely loved it and really want to see it again. Everyone must see it
I just saw Inception about a week or so ago and it is one of the greatest films I've ever seen. Seriously, 1001Human is right. Everyone must see it. It's a sin if you don't.
Toy Story 3 is quite possibly the best film ever.
This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5SuHRUJCQE
Basically describes everything I ever thought about or felt with the movie.
i just downloaded and watched Sweeney Todd.
it was freaking epic, but such a tragic ending.
i've never seen a musical with such a high song to talking ratio
Toy Story 3 is quite possibly the best film ever.
You said it. It was so incredibly sad at parts though. At one point, there was a fat guy sitting in front of me who was sobbing into an extra large bucket of popcorn.
I also saw Kickass recently, and I have to agree with those who called it awesome, because it was indeed awesome.
i just downloaded and watched Sweeney Todd.
it was freaking epic, but such a tragic ending.i've never seen a musical with such a high song to talking ratio
I saw Sweeney Todd the first week it came out and thought it was fantastic. Meanwhile all my friends were talking about how good I am Legend was, so I saw it the next day. It couldn't hold a candle to Sweeney Todd, I thought it was terrible.
I haven't seen Inception or Toy Story 3, and that sucks especially because I was one of those kids that got hooked by Toy Story. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD USE SPOILER TAGS. I WILL WATCH IT EVENTUALLY I PROMISE!
As for Inception, I've heard nothing but wonderful things. I'll have to see it some time, but certainly not before Toy Story 3.
Saw The Social Network last night, overall it was fantastic, and the opinion you have of Mark Zuckerberg by the end is interesting. For those that are skeptical it's not a documentary about facebook, it's about the triumph and tragedy of how Mark Zuckerberg gives birth to online social lives. The movie, and I didn't expect this, is actually really funny because of it's dry sense of humor and ridicule of douchebaggery at Harvard.
For the sense of preserving the movie I'll discuss Zuckerberg with spoiler tags:
I loved Sweeny Todd. (I love all Tim Burton films ) Inception was crazy good. I loved the little cliffhanger ending with it.
Good analysis, FLAE. I really enjoyed the movie as well.
The opening scene is one of the most arresting opening scenes of a movie ever.
Anyone seen The Social Network yet? It's a really interesting movie and surprisingly funny in places.
Anyone seen The Social Network yet? It's a really interesting movie and surprisingly funny in places.
Uh, did you just completely ignore my post?
pAtriCkdps3 wrote:
Anyone seen The Social Network yet? It's a really interesting movie and surprisingly funny in places.Uh, did you just completely ignore my post?
Oh crap! Forgot you'd mentioned it and never thought to scroll up before posting Sorry
I agree with you entirely though. Zuckerburg isn't happy with the film as it protrays him badly but I felt sorry for him more than anything. The ending really shows how money doesn't make you happy at all and the 'Winklevi' were just funny due to holding up the stereotype so well
Overall reply:
Gran Torino. Decent, ending was the best part by far. It did what it set out to do, and in those terms, it was good. just not my type of movie.
Have not seen District 9 or the new Sherlock Holmes (yet on the latter).
Kick Ass was OK. Kid was an idiot and the fact that it has Nicholas Cage is a zinger (what then again his fiery performance was fun). Cage has not made a decent movie since the 90's in my opinion (Con Air and Face Off, which ever is more recent is the last one I liked), he has been monotone ever since, yes that includes National Treasure (which I rate on the bad side of OK). HitGirl was most definitely the best part of the movie.
Whoever joked about Spiderman 3 being horrible I will shoot. If you take him going all psychotic as one giant joke, it is the best of the three movies.
Except for
Inception is the most epic movie ever, you have to see it or die in your chair.
Sweeney Todd is absolutely fantastic. Especially since Johnny Depp is singing. I even own the soundtrack. Johanna reprise/duet is the goriest song in the history of musicals.
Social Network, not interested in.
Whoever joked about Spiderman 3 being horrible I will shoot. If you take him going all psychotic as one giant joke, it is the best of the three movies.
Except forSpoiler: Highlight to viewJames Franco dying at the end. That was uncalled for...
No, I have not read many of the comics, but I have seen the 90's and portions of the older television shows.
Well that's why you thought it was good; you watched the '90's series. Not even like how Spidey should be.
I saw Sweeney Todd when it was on BBC America recently and i gotta say it was frakin awsome! Who knew the one thing missing from musicals was lots of blood and gore.
I've thought about seeing Social Network, even if it's not an exact retelling of how facebook was invented it'd be cool to see how the idea got started.