Assassins Creed 4 Black Flags Sequence 12 Memory 1 A Governor no Longer
An Early Death right before the assassination of Woodes Rogers.
Early Death
Many thanks to Altair Auditore, who found you can use a bayonet for ranged kills in this memory, despite all other far range weapons being unavailable. At the beginning of the checkpoint before entering the party, head left and kill the two rooftop guards, picking up the bayonet. This is the same roof Altair Auditore used to get his bayonet in the original video. Now enter the party area from the back to avoid starting Woodes Rogers' speech.
Because detection leads to desynch, you'll want to remove as many guards as possible in the nearby area. Start with any guards patrolling behind the fence. In the back part of the party area your first ideal victim is patrolling. Lure him with a whistle from the tall grass. A trick I learned is to hold down so that Edward kills the guard as soon as he comes in range. This is important because if you're not fast enough, guards can detect you before you can take them out, and it isn't reliable enough to press
as soon as the prompt appears.
Next guy is standing by the tables. Make sure you are positioned right behind the guard so that his body is in view of the guard inside the gazebo. Speaking of which, the guard in the gazebo may notice the body while turning in his patrol (it could take a few circuits though. Also he seems to notice the body more when Edward is closer to it). After inspecting the body, he'll search the nearby grass. The spot he always goes to is at the very edge, right next to the table. Cover kill him at that place and the body won't fall into the grass because of the torch between you and the guard during the kill. This works to your advantage because another guard spots the body.
Now that there aren't any guards who can immediately detect you, it's time for the target's death early. A gunshot is the only way to end his life without having to start the speech. Immediately after shooting, make a mad dash for the tall grass outside the fence. If you are fast enough, no guard will have spotted you. To make sure you aren't seen by any of the suspicious guards combing and searching the area, hide towards the back of the grass and don't leave until the suspicion clears (no yellow line around the minimap). Obviously I wanted to keep eliminating guards, and came close to getting seen. If you're wondering why not stay in the grass in the party area, the guards walk through there after hearing the gunshot, and I always was detected. But there's always a chance they might not bump into you if you tried enough times.
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Early Death
When you first start chasing after Charles Vane he appears at a view point. The mission is scripted to make him escape before reaching him, however they overlooked the fact that you still have a throwing knife available. by climbing to the spot shown in the video you can knife him without activating the next checkpoint. Killing him has no effect on the mission, and you continue as usual.
Early Death 2.0
During part when Charles shoots from a log you can also knife him, causing him to disappear (counts as a kill in stats) and activating the next checkpoint.
Use of Poison
Normally you can't use poison with the blowpipe gone during the mission and no ammo. However after crafting a dart you can counter tool with it.
Another time the throwing knife comes in handy. To avoid his gunshot run behind a ruined wall and proceed to a part of the building you can climb up to (ironically located by a scaffold the target collapses to prevent you from getting up there). When you get in range knife him.
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The memory Tainted Blood, in which you assassinate a decoy Torres and El Tiburon.
Turkey Shoot Early Death
In sequence 2 memory 2 El Tiburon first appears. Under02 originally found a way to kill him (throw a smoke bomb to make him drop his ax and use the special attack). Unfortunately it wasn't much reliable. So I looked for an improved way.
Get his attention. Be careful not to let him get close or Edward gets instant killed. Now this part is tricky because if you face the camera away from El Tiburon he disappears, even if you're in combat with him. Plus you currently have to tail a captain who is walking the opposite direction from El Tiburon. So lead him that way, towards a group of courtesans. At some point (when you have to obtain a key from the captain) his AI is no more. Just stands there and can be moved with tackle. Now for moving him into water the game won't let you tackle him off edges, so use an explosive barrel from the nearby fort.
Dead on Arrival
Kill "Torres" after he spawns in the fort. Get ahead while tailing El Tiburon and wait. Originally I wanted to stand right by the spot where he spawns, but it proved difficult with all the guards standing nearby. And yes it wasn't exactly where he appeared, but I spent so much time I figured it was close enough.
[Front-paged. -stabguy]
I tried to do a ghost run, but I really don't see how such a thing could be possible. Anyway, here's what I ended up with. Enjoy!
- No detections Never seen
- No kills/takedowns (except "Torres" and El Tiburón)
- No special outfits
- No ranged weapons/tools