Three assassinations on a playlist:
Lafreniére Blitz Assassination
The fastest I've been able to kill the target. Had to sacrifice a small amount of time because of a smoke bomb. Sometimes you can reach him before getting fully detected, but I'm not patient enough to keep on trying.
Lafreniére Stunt Assassination
Apologies for the background sound. I was ignorant to the fact that my earphones had a mic.
To set up a stealthy stunt assassination from the nearby tower, you'll have to take out some of the guards nearby.
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Assassins Creed Unity Sequence 5 Memory 2
Speedy Stealth Kills
The rules are simple. Spend most of the time from the start of the mission to the end running and killing along your route to the target, using only melee kills and whatever tools are necessary.
This run is started from the haystack in the southwest corner of the area. From a reload, throw a smoke bomb to the upper right (too far left and other guards come to investigate). Kill the guard by the haystack either from the haystack or jump out and stab while he's walking towards the smoke bomb cloud.
The next two guards are still reeling from the smoke bomb, so take them out quickly. A nearby archer can easily spot you if you aren't fast enough.
Next are four other guards. With proper timing (too soon and the smoke bomb doesn't reach them, too late and they see you), another smoke bomb aids in killing unseen. Note that the enemy on the very right is non hostile, and part of a scripted speech.
On the other side of the stone fence is a guard who is usually in range of an air kill and another guard who isn't close enough to detect that kill.
Now we have a a brute under a gazebo and, whoa! I call this kill the "grabbing from above This Person is Really Awesome kill". Actually the ledge kill in Unity has been modified so you can pull guards from the side of a ledge as well as from under, usually from the side of a window. But in this case, Arno performed the assassination from higher and farther away than should be possible.
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As requested by LuckyJaguar on Youtube.
Trying for the same style as the Marie stealth kill. Basically choose a fast route to the target and take out any guards along the way, while not being fully detected.
In this case start out running to the left of the building to avoid confronting large amounts of guards. The two posted guards won't react fast enough to block a quick double assassination. The patrolling high level guard in the courtyard will have his back turned. Inside are four other guards, two posted in front of the stairs, one patrolling on one side of the room, and the other guard on the other side. Throw a smoke bomb to avoid being seen and get the posted guards. The others might not be close enough to waste your time on.
Once you're upstairs, disguise will help if you're not patient enough to blend. You won't come under suspicion for throwing smoke bombs as long as you're in disguise. Taking out the guards there isn't necessary unless you want a completely stealthy mission. I decided to just assassinate the guards in between the target and me.
What differs from the last video is that I used disguise and smoke bombs, but still didn't use ranged kills.
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Assassins Creed Unity Sequence 8 Memory 2 September Massacres Rouille Assassination
Undetected Until the Kill
The fastest route I could find. On a reload you start out the missions below the beam instead of on it. Jump down to the ground right away and head straight. Then turn left around the building and climb up from the market stall to the climbable ledges by the window. Climb straight up and the target is right ahead (when you reach the roof climb to the upper left to avoid scaling an unnecessary tower).
When you reach the roof it gets tricky because a guard always spawns shortly. To prevent him from detecting me, a cherry bomb distraction was used. You'll still cause suspicion but can start an air kill before becoming exposed.
Shortcut Route
Reloading the last checkpoint after reaching the target, you'll start on the roof. This was probably put into the game to make things easier. Start moving slightly to the right to avoid being seen right away by the rooftop guards. Now with some well aimed jumps you'll reach Rouille in very little time. But of course the nearby guards are a problem. Since you get seen before reaching the target, smoke bombs were used to avoid combat.
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Assassins Creed Unity Sequence 13 Memory 6 a Crown of Thorns.
The last memory of the sequence and assassination of Captaine Rose.
Before the fight with Captaine Rose, it's a challenge just to get to him without being seen.
Using just the hidden blade it's not that hard to make your way through the area. Also took the opportunity to achieve the double assassinations challenge.
When you start down the large flight of stairs, wait for the two guards to pass by and quickly assassinate them. Then kill the raider captain from the safety of a cover. This will cause some nearby guards to flee, making your stealth path easier.
Continuing along the route, corner kill the stationary guard. I've gotten see before by the patrolling guard during this kill, but with the timing in the video I haven't.
Now wait till the patrolling guard can't see you and hang off the edge. By this time some guards will notice the bodies of your first kill. Shimmy your way across and kill the patrolling guard, then the two posted guards. You will complete the double assassinations challenge.
When you reach the next two guards, keep an eye out to your right for guards. Kill them when the coast is clear. You won't have to worry about enemies for the rest of this as long as you keep to the roofs.
Early Death
Now that you've reached the target, time to pre-kill him. Getting close to the area starts the scene, so lure him with a firecracker from a safe distance away. Other guards will also arrive, which can be dealt with using poison bombs.
Now sneak up on the target and... he can't be assassinated or knocked out. Immune to poison bombs and berserk darts. Combine that with lots of health and you're looking at a high level boss.
Now here's the thing: If you kill him then it actually causes the scene to start. Not sure why, maybe killing him is supposed to start the next checkpoint regardless of what part you are in the memory.
Anyway, he respawns after the cutscene, so the pre-assassination is just for fun.
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In this video I show a few ways of killing Lafreniére that I though were pretty cool/interesting. This assassination takes place during sequence 5 in memory 3.
In this part I let the graveyard caretakers and their friends(green NPC eagle vision, who will help you if you kill the bodyguards before Lafreniére arrives, do most of the work for me. I throw a cherry bomb at a certain spot which will attract a couple of guards, the allies and Lafreniére . They will start fighting and shooting at each other and one of the allies takes out the target for me and I wait until the rest of the guards are distracted by the remaining allies who have heard the gunshots and have gone up from underground to investigate.
Then all I have to do is silently finish Lafreniére off for a completely unseen kill.
I dubbed it puppetmaster because I am sort of pulling all the strings from the shadows and didn't know what else to call it
This one is pretty straightforward.
I jump in the haystack closest to the target and before the wait timer is full I quickly jump out in the right direction so I can instantly drop a smoke and run to the target. The actual time it takes from spawning to killing Lafreniére is around 6 seconds, maybe even very slightly below 6 seconds.
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Assassins Creed Unity le Roi des Thunes the King of beggars. This assassination takes place in sequence 4.
Only use the knockout ability. To remain anonymous I had to take out two other guards. Stealthy, except for when the target spotted me for a brief moment. The game requires you to kill the target with the hidden blade, but strangling him first helps with the idea of a mercy killing.
The closest thing to a punching bag. Sneak up, unsheath your weapon and beat him to a pulp.
Employee of the Month
Killed by one of his own. Berserk the gunman on the other side of the room. Make sure you kill him right after he shoots the target or he will detect you after that.
Jump Kill
A mini stunt from the highest available beam nearby, using a cherry bomb to make the target face away.
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Stealing the key to the locked side windows and doors at the top of the church creates an autosave. Restarting from that checkpoint starts Arno out with the key already obtained. This saves time from having to steal or loot it during the actual blitz. But since it depends on an exploit, the blitz would go in a different category than an exploitless blitz.
Anonymous Blitz
Before the area is loaded, hold to the upper left and tap
in high profile to jump. If done right Arno will jump the the lower roof, then to the ground. Be careful you don't jump from the highest part of the lower roof or you'll die.
Now use the lift to get up the building quickly and follow the path in the video to reach the locked window. Here comes the hardest part. You have to use eagle vision to get the target to walk in range for an air assassination while running past a guard patrolling on the same level. On top of all that, he is close enough to accidentally be targeted for an air kill. So during the running you have to get the camera facing the right way to prevent that. What sucks more is the target is close to some guards who can also get air killed instead by accident. So you have to depend on a lot of luck.
This is the fastest way I could kill Sivert anonymously. An exposed blitz would probably be from the front door.