This little video was literally years in the making. Ian and I recorded 16-bar stunts (where you lose 16 bars of health - the maximum before death) on every target except Tamir. There were two big obstacles: having 16 bars of health to lose this early in the game (Memory Block 2), and designing a stunt on Tamir after he's been aggravated. You see there aren't any suitably high towers in the Souk.
Getting 16 bars of health in Memory Block 2
This article explains how you earn baseline and bonus bars of health. Theoretically you could earn 11 bonus bars on your first playthrough if you're careful not to max out before reaching Jerusalem Middle and then Replay Memory Blocks to pick up the rest. It's never worked like that for me.
Instead, I had to rely on a lucky carry over of bonus bars from one playthrough to the next. It was kind of a fluke. A family member came over on the holidays and wanted to try AC. I already had a complete set of savegames from my fourth playthrough so I started a new game for him. After passing the Animus tutorial, I noticed he had 11 bars of health instead of 4. Jackpot! He got a 7 bar carry over. His savegame became the basis of my fifth playthrough. I just needed to add another 4 bonus bars so I did all Viewpoints and Save Citizens through Memory Block 4.
That's where I am now. 7 bar carry over + 4 bonus bars earned + 5 baseline bars = 16 bars on Tamir. Note that I have to Replay Memory Block 2 from the Animus menu in order to carry my 4 bonus bars from MB4 back to MB2. Every attempt on this stunt begins with the Masun investigations in Masyaf. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the Tamir assassination.
Open Conflict Stunt Assassination
To get Tamir out of the Souk we either need to leave a trail of dead bodies for him to investigate or aggravate him. Then what? Ian and I had been looking for a place in Damascus Poor to immobilize Tamir for a 16-bar stunt turkey shoot. We were close at times but never found a solution.
Last year I asked Aurel for help designing the assassination. He soon found a stunt at the nearest Viewpoint that didn't rely on Tamir being immobilized. It's sometimes possible to stunt assassinate an aggravated target as long as you land behind him. Caim256 pioneered this type of stunt. In recent weeks Aurel refined the stunt (practicing on regular guards) to the one you see here.
The key is to throw Tamir on the mark where you want him and quickly climb the tower. I prefer to aim Altaïr and the camera toward the mark during the sword fight so I can just grab and throw without worrying about aim. Disengage target lock while throwing him. You need to climb quickly as Tamir bounces back to his feet and begins throwing stones.
Tamir always turns toward the tower. It's important to land behind him, with Altaïr and Tamir back to back. Mash very quickly. It's not necessary to aim with
. Altaïr will automatically pivot and perform a "taunting penalty" assassination in Open Conflict. Aurel and I both chose to target lock on the way down but I haven't confirmed this is necessary.
It all happens so fast that you don't see the 16 bars disappear from the sync bar. You can tell it's a 16-bar stunt because the sync bar disappears and screen washes with a blood red color, indicating Altaïr has zero health and is on the verge of death.
Look at the flashing lights at 1:56, it's Altair at the disco! (So you see, Stab, when I mentioned Altair at the disco that one time in chat, I was referring to this video.)
Here are the practice videos, everyone.
These were my only unlisted videos, and now they're public.
To get Tamir out of the Souk we either need to leave a trail of dead bodies for him to investigate or aggravate him.
Funny, I thought he could inspect only one body at a time.
Look at the flashing lights at 1:56, it's Altair at the disco!
I misspoke in the description about how you couldn't see the sync bar because it happened so fast. If it had been less than a 16-bar stunt, you could have seen the 12 bars (or whatever) flash red and then be subtracted during the kill animation. The fact that the whole sync bar disappeared indicates all 16 bars were lost. Text corrected.
stabguy wrote:
To get Tamir out of the Souk we either need to leave a trail of dead bodies for him to investigate or aggravate him.Funny, I thought he could inspect only one body at a time.
There's an exploit I discovered called "bread crumbs" (another one for the Advanced Techniques, Ian!) where you lure a target with a series of dead bodies. A guard/target will only inspect the same body one time. After that, he generally returns to his patrol unless he sees another dead body in his new line of sight. Like setting up dominoes: you should leave a safety gap until you're ready to knock them all over. In the case of bread crumbs, leave a gap near the target until the rest of the trail is in place. Then place the first dead body and your target will soon be on his way.
It's easier to use civilians as bread crumbs but you can only do a couple at a time unless you're replaying a Memory Block from a completed save. Also, be careful not to move so far away that your dead bodies begin to disappear.
Ian and I originally tried bread crumbs as a way to lure the eleven man guard post away from Majd Addin for a silent assassination (i.e. anonymous before and after the kill). It didn't work. As soon as you kill Majd, the guard post teleports in and respawns in their original location. Ian characterized this game mechanic as Majd being the twelfth member of the post.
Nice work, good to see more AC assassination vids. I might get into some ACB vids again, I think most targets have been done but all my ACB vids from now will be done without watching any other youtube vids, hopefully they wont be too similar...
when you were running, i saw an icon saying "LB Chase Cam"
is that something new?
when you were running, i saw an icon saying "LB Chase Cam"is that something new?
It's a feature only in AC1. It's a cool cinematic-like option during chases.
ROB_88 wrote:
when you were running, i saw an icon saying "LB Chase Cam"is that something new?
It's a feature only in AC1. It's a cool cinematic-like option during chases.
i don't think i've noticed that even once
JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
when you were running, i saw an icon saying "LB Chase Cam"is that something new?
It's a feature only in AC1. It's a cool cinematic-like option during chases.
i don't think i've noticed that even once
Was there right from the get-go, dude.
So THIS is what you were doing playing this last night. I thought you had something planned!
Amazing work.
Every attempt on this stunt begins with the Masun investigations in Masyaf. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the Tamir assassination.
^^ that's brutal though...
Do you have videos or links to the other 16-bar stunts?
stabguy wrote:
Every attempt on this stunt begins with the Masun investigations in Masyaf. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the Tamir assassination.^^ that's brutal though...
Nah, it wasn't that bad. At least if you fail the assassination, you can always suicide and try again from the reload. My first recorded take went down like that. It took several attempts to get a successful assassination. Tamir is quicker to throw stones than the regular guards I faced in practice! I wasn't satisfied with the first take so I replayed MB2 again and nailed it on the first try. That worked out nicely as I got to open the video with the end of Tamir's cutscene.
Do you have videos or links to the other 16-bar stunts?
Whoa, that's going to take some research. The very first stunt assassination happened to be a 16-bar:
After that Ian went on a quest to 16-bar the other targets:
Garnier de Naplouse
Talal and Jubair al Hakim
Abu'l Nuqoud
I haven't found videos for Majd Addin and Maria. Maybe he never got around to those because they would be Open Conflict stunts, like Tamir above.
William de MontferratAfter that Ian went on a quest to 16-bar the other targets:
Garnier de Naplouse
Talal and Jubair al Hakim
Abu'l Nuqoud
SibrandI haven't found videos for Majd Addin and Maria. Maybe he never got around to those because they would be Open Conflict stunts, like Tamir above.
Thanks. Now I have something to do this slow Memorial Day at work.
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
stabguy wrote:
Every attempt on this stunt begins with the Masun investigations in Masyaf. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the Tamir assassination.^^ that's brutal though...
Nah, it wasn't that bad. At least if you fail the assassination, you can always suicide and try again from the reload. My first recorded take went down like that. It took several attempts to get a successful assassination. Tamir is quicker to throw stones than the regular guards I faced in practice! I wasn't satisfied with the first take so I replayed MB2 again and nailed it on the first try. That worked out nicely as I got to open the video with the end of Tamir's cutscene.
Do you have videos or links to the other 16-bar stunts?Whoa, that's going to take some research. The very first stunt assassination happened to be a 16-bar:
After that Ian went on a quest to 16-bar the other targets:
Garnier de Naplouse
Talal and Jubair al Hakim
Abu'l Nuqoud
SibrandI haven't found videos for Majd Addin and Maria. Maybe he never got around to those because they would be Open Conflict stunts, like Tamir above.
*Puts on hard hat*
Looks like I have a job to do.
Awesome stunt.