The goal of this mission is to kill every guard in the Doge's Palace and Carlo Grimaldi without being seen at all. That means no yellow bars over your opponents.
Most of my videos start at the checkpoint immediately before the assassination mission. This missions starts earlier - at the checkpoint when you land on the roof.
This isn't a complicated mission. For the most part, the video is self-explanatory. Here are some minor notes:
0:06 This mission was performed after a reload. For whatever reason, the archers and guards tend to pop in when I play this mission on the initial attempt. Nothing ruins the immersion of the game like a guard suddenly spawning and looking right at you when you're trying to be sneaky.
1:37 Wait for the patrol to walk past the 2 posts in the open courtyard so that they don't detect the air assassination.
3:06 Nice view of the guard-free palace. There are some guards right outside the western gate, but you can't kill them without being detected.
3:40 Carlo accuses Ezio of the poisoning, but nobody is around to hear. To blitz assassinate Carlo, immediately climb out the window, hop onto the awning, and air assassinate. Thanks to angusmcguire for the tip.
4:33 In the background, the western gate opens, and the guards walk away when they don't notice anything unusual.
I did this twice and i managed to kill all the guards inside the palazzo yet i was still detected by the ones that come in to investigate. The first time i got Carlo when he was at the bottom of the stairs, the second i got him at the top of the stairs.
Are the stairs the sweet spot for remaining annonomys after the assassination?
hmmm... my guess is that you were notorious at the time, making you more easily detected.
hmmm... my guess is that you were notorious at the time, making you more easily detected.
Nope, I'm sure that i was incognito during both attempts. Maybe it has something to do with if you air assassinate the gaurds on the roof since that raises your noteriaty.
Yeah, I have this problem too. I thought I was incogneto most of the times, but I'll see if I can try it again.
I just tried this again and i can't figure out how i become exposed after assassinating him.
do you blitz carlo by air assassinating from the window as shown?
do you blitz carlo by air assassinating from the window as shown?
I did, as soon as i can move i run out the window and pounce on him. Everytime i return from the memory corridor the the gaurds outside are alerted. I' not fully exposed(the radar isn't red) but i hear the gaurds shout.
I've killed all the gaurds inside the palazzo which only leaves the ones outside.
what do the guards shout? what is the color of the border around the minimap? if its white, you arent detected, regardless of what you may hear.
Great vid, Ian!
I've done the kill-all-the-guards-first thing successfully three times on this mission and I've noticed a few differences between my experiences and your video. I'm assuming it's just 360 vs PS3 differences.
There is another guard on the roof on the far side from where Ezio lands. Like the other archers it is not necessary to kill him, but it's fun. It seems a little strange that there is a missing guard in the PS3 version.
When killing the central-most of the three south guards, using the exact same AtA as you did no less, the southwest guard always notices the corpse immediately (they can ID corpses from further away than they can ID Ezio) and he approaches. Moving either east or west usually triggers the SSI from one of those two south guards, so I pretty much need to sprint straight out towards the center of the courtyard. As a result, I typically leave these three for last. It's interesting to note the slight difference in guard behaviour.
I never tried an AtA against Carlo as he was escaping. If you let him reach the bottom of the stairs, he turns and locks onto Ezio and begins the pleading animation. If you kill him, the location of his corpse triggers the guards who enter when the gate flies open and they come right inside to investigate. I imagine this is the same on both consoles.
thx asaic!
"There is another guard on the roof on the far side from where Ezio lands."
maybe its a matter of initial attempt vs reloading a memory. i'll check this out next time. ive never seen another archer besides these 3. if its a difference between xbox and ps3, it would be a first. there has never been a discrepancy like this before in ac1 or ac2. theres a possibility that ubi eliminated that archer to help deal with guards popping-in on ps3, which is quite severe in this mission.
"the southwest guard always notices the corpse immediately "
i have a distinct recollection of the same thing happening to me as i was exploring this mission. i suspect it has to do with differences in notoriety. one of the difficulties in planning the "silent" missions is that your notoriety increases as you kill the guards. sometimes i go out of my way to kill a difficult guard earlier just avoid having to deal with his increased alertness later.
maybe its a matter of initial attempt vs reloading a memory.
That was exactly the case on Majd Addin. There was an archer to Altaïr's right (above stage left) who wouldn't spawn on a reload.
maybe its a matter of initial attempt vs reloading a memory. i'll check this out next time. ive never seen another archer besides these 3. if its a difference between xbox and ps3, it would be a first. there has never been a discrepancy like this before in ac1 or ac2. theres a possibility that ubi eliminated that archer to help deal with guards popping-in on ps3, which is quite severe in this mission.
It could very well be. There is a very significant performance difference between the two systems, at least when playing in HD. The 360 has very few hiccups whereas the PS3 version is slow to load, has choppy framerates and has a lot of pop-in. It wouldn't surprise me if it was a performance tweak for the PS3 version.
i have a distinct recollection of the same thing happening to me as i was exploring this mission. i suspect it has to do with differences in notoriety. one of the difficulties in planning the "silent" missions is that your notoriety increases as you kill the guards. sometimes i go out of my way to kill a difficult guard earlier just avoid having to deal with his increased alertness later.
Definite possibility.
Come to think of it, I seem to remember being put on full noteriety at the beginning of the flying machine part and it just staying that way. I'll have to look into that.
based on this video, i dont think there is a 4th archer on the roof. from what i can tell, the xbox and ps3 versions of this mission are the same.
ok. i get 3 archers on the roof regardless of whether its the initial attempt or reload. i suppose maybe the archer only appears if you are notorious when flying in, but i doubt it.
Is there any way to wacht Carlo and the Doge playing chess without triggering the memory cutscene? Oh, the video, right, DON'T YOU HAVE TO WORK OR SOMETHING? HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIGURE THIS STUFF OUT?!
thx james! i'll look into the chess game next time im there. i recall catching a glimpse of it once.
you can watch them play chess by hanging over the window opening. they dont move at all. you can lock onto carlo, but i dont see a way to use throwing knives on him.