Pretty much. You know there are a few that didn't sign up and are feeling pretty dumb now. Haha
You could always sign up now though! Or is it too late? Not that I really care. I always use UPlay so it's all good
I'd assume it's available whenever.
I wish that in ACRMultiplayer it wont take long to get into a match
They said they worked on matchmaking so it's extremely fast every time. I wish more people played Chest Capture or Escort.
i played chest capture..its not that bad but i never played escort
Escort is great if you're playing with friends on both teams. 2 people with the VIP using "trap abilities" (smoke bomb, firecrackers, etc) and 2 people watching from above with guns and anything else.
If 1 THB game night has all players with daVinci dlc, we should keep using this plan. I work well on the roofs with my eagle eyes in these games.
yeah i don't have the davinci dlc i forgot to get microsoft points
A few players on here don't have it, either. Hopefully everyone at least has the first 2 free dlcs.
question: if i got the davinci DLC, does that mean i also have all the stuff from the free Animus project, or do i have to download those aswell?
You'll get everything. Might as well save some hard drive space and just get dlc #3 if you're going to.