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Kill Bernardo Baroncelli where he stands and other stunts

aurllcooljay's picture

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[front-paged - stabguy]

Here's a description of the different stunts I do:

Kill him where he stands. Stay far enough away that the target won't start walking and talking yet. Make sure you have full ammo throwing knives. There will be some civilians in the way so you might kill a person or two. And there will also be some guards that might come and attack you. If you run out of knives loot the dead guards.

Triple jump. This is a good way for people who aren't that good at doing stunts. Climb the tower nearby the target. When you climb around the corner you can locate the target with eagle vision. If you move any closer the target will start moving. Jump sideways along the wall and you will fall into the haystack. Jump out of the haystacks corner and you will land on the railing on the side of stairs. Jump to the railing on the other side of the stairs and you can immediately do a mini air assassination. Since the target doesn't start moving until you do he will always be in the same place when you do the stunt.

Hiding spot assassinations. I use a well for these assassinations. I either jump or fall into it and then assassinate. Now I know that stunts usually involve assassinating before the target can react, but I find it cooler and funnier that the target starts fleeing while I'm starting to assassinate, since it's too late for him to run away.

Eagle strike. I did an eagle strike in an earlier video, but in this one I did it from another place. So eagle strike can be done from either of the two nearby towers but it takes a long time to get it right and I suggest you don't try unless you have a whole lot of patience. Try to jump diagonally off the building, instead of directly off or to the side.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

I was actually thinking of doing a bench assassination by running past the target and waiting for him to pass by. Of course that would be tricky since where the target flees depends on where you are. But I spent too much time trying to perform the eagle strike correctly (so now we all know he can be eagle struck from both of the nearby towers). I only did the eagle strike to show that it can be done, but I don't recommend it for anyone who isn't patient enough to keep attempting it.

PatrickDeneny's picture
Joined: 05/24/2010

Yeah its a strange effect, but a cool one! Laughing out loud

I watched the rest of that video, Ian, after the spring-loaded assassination and like how you completely unnecessarily shoot Orsi after the waypoint separation Crazy

IanXO4's picture
Joined: 10/08/2009

excellent job! i like the spring loaded from the well. i think there is a general case of spring loaded assassinations where you start the assassination maneuver on a high speed target:

im curious to see from what other places this can be done.

haystack - check
well - check
hanging from an edge? i think this may be possible on checco orsi as he runs over a bridge on his way to the "guard tower."

im also curious to see what happens if you low profile kill a target as he runs by you hiding on a bench.

PatrickDeneny's picture
Joined: 05/24/2010

All these stunts are brilliant. The well ones are especially good. Is there any reason why you are able to perform the spring-loaded assassination like that, with Ezio drawing him in from a distance or is it just some sort of glitch?

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Wow, you commented on this while I was writing a reply to the comment from Stabguy! First of all, thanks for calling the stunts brilliant. Bernardo Baroncelli is the first target I attempted to do stunts on. I guess the hidden assassinations could be considered a glitch, because I push the assassinate button when he starts to run away. Since I'm already assassinating him while he's fleeing he can't get away, which causes the weird effects.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

I really like the spring-loaded assassination from the well. Have you figured out what the maximum range on that is? It would be funny to see Ezio vault 50+ meters horizontally. Laughing out loud

You won't even feel the blade.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Thanks for front paging the video, Stabguy. I actually didn't measure the distance (spending way too much time trying to correctly perform the eagle strike), but I guess if you eliminated his bodyguards then jumped in the well detected and did high profile assassination at the last possible second it would be possible to jump even farther. It looks like I jumped somewhere between 20 and 30 feet. I actually like the low profile hidden assassination better, dragging him from about 10 feet away. By the way, I'm thinking about changing the title picture. The other two video stills for the title picture are when I'm in the air for eagle strike and when I'm by the market stall to throw knives. And speaking of which, did anyone else try to kill him where he stands?