You're right Jack, we need that drug NOW !
Its like that with any product or item that gives you utility. If you take economics ( or simply have common sense) you would know the more you consume a good the less utility ( satisfaction) you get from it.I think the best invention we could get in the future is a drug that makes you forget certain parts of your memory, like video games or movies, so you can replay them and get the best experience, and you can do it as many times as you want!
Law of Diminishing Returns.
Indeed. That's why i'm complaining so much about it.![]()
For example: A Desmond puzzle in Revelations.
2nd time - This is really cool !
3rd time - Ok.. i can play that again.
4th time - Boring.....
5th time - I Can't stand doing more this same Puzzle !
Which brings us to the question of why you started the game again, when you could just have replayed missions from the animus screen.
You just can't expect a game that is designed to have certain things happen to feel new every time. At least a sandbox game can have a lot of different experiences than a book or a movie. And the power-boxes mission was totally non-linear. If you wanted to be real creative, you could have raced to do them as effeciently as possible.
But at least we get an excuse to bound around Monterrigioni on motorbikes and cars. I find that fun even now.
So, yeah, there's a reason you can replay stuff from the menu.
But at the same time its a reason why we cant just replay AC1, I know eventually im going to get extremely bored of AC1 and I want a new game that is similar to AC1, maybe improved. But AC2+ are like completely different games and styles, I dont get the same feeling.
So are you saying you want to have new cities, new targets, and new missions, but with none of the gameplay features from AC2 and the same tone and atmosphere? That sounds like the laziest step Ubisoft could take, actually. And the least likely one for them to take. Your best hope is waiting for AC3 and hoping that you like the tone, targets, mechanics and crap even more than AC1.
AC1 had at the same time very unfair, and very stupid guard AI.
I never felt like I was playing towards anything but cut-scenes with targets. Stuff never truly escalated until the very end.
Assassinations were fun, but to do them, you had to figure out exactly how the gameplay worked, and you weren't really told the nuts-and-bolts of it, and even then, it was hard to control.
Investigations were impediments to getting to that fun, which gave you information that was generally given to you in the cutscene prior the assassination, or by using your own eyes.
If they fixed these problems, and released an arcade title focused on Altair's greatest assassinations, that would be great. It just couldn't be a full game, though, since they've been working very hard to get all the features that they've added since implemented properly, and it would be a rip-off to actually take stuff out of a game and then sell it full price.
I liked investigating, searching for information on my target, then scouting out the location and executing my kill.
Did you play with the GPS? Because then it's boring to look for information. You don't get to know the district either, which puts you at a disadvantage in escaping.
How do you mean, the AI was unfair and stupid? In fights the AI was good. Normally, not that good, but still okay, I'd say.
The playing as Desmond in AC 1 was to uncover the truth behind the Templars and why you're there. AC 2 was to show that he is slowly learning to become an assassin. in AC: B it shows he is now capable to do every thing Ezio can and his training is almost done and he's ready to take on the templars.
And EzioAltair56? your misspelling angers me. every post has one mistake in it. Like "Deasmond" or "im meant brotherhood befor the ending"
And EzioAltair56? your misspelling angers me. every post has one mistake in it. Like "Deasmond" or "im meant brotherhood befor the ending"
Sorry to rub salt in the wound but while we're at it, you should change your signature from "Ezio Auditoure da Ferinze" to "Ezio Auditore da Firenze".
Danpii14 wrote:
Indeed. That's why i'm complaining so much about it.![]()
For example: A Desmond puzzle in Revelations.
2nd time - This is really cool !
3rd time - Ok.. i can play that again.
4th time - Boring.....
5th time - I Can't stand doing more this same Puzzle !
Lol.Which brings us to the question of why you started the game again, when you could just have replayed missions from the animus screen.
You just can't expect a game that is designed to have certain things happen to feel new every time. At least a sandbox game can have a lot of different experiences than a book or a movie. And the power-boxes mission was totally non-linear. If you wanted to be real creative, you could have raced to do them as effeciently as possible.
But at least we get an excuse to bound around Monterrigioni on motorbikes and cars. I find that fun even now.
So, yeah, there's a reason you can replay stuff from the menu.
I know Calvar, i know... but i like to make a "new game" profile sometimes.
Also we need to discuss something... hehe
I think we all enjoy the new mechanics. It's fun. It's all really exaggerated now, but still fun. I actually found the combat in AC1 to be difficult. AC2+ actually dumbed down the combat. The larger counter windows for weapons, especially with the hidden blade, made combat even easier. The only difficulty they added to it was seekers and brutes. All the player needs is the hidden blade and they'll win.
I think Ubisoft needs to add 2 more years of development to its mission structure for AC3. I'll wait forever if it means every assassination mission is free-form and inspires creativity. I really do like lairs and puzzles in these games, but either put a couple of those in as filler and/or as side missions to keep the player going.
Keep Ezio's mechanics. Bring back investigations (maybe 10-20 different types) and make them optional. It should be up to the player to gather information and plan ahead or go in hidden guns blazing. You don't have to change the gameplay from stealthy Altair to Greek Fire shooting Ezio to appease everyone. It's all there, Ubi just needs to let us know that it's possible to be destructive or quiet by showing us demos of both sides.
Wait, why aren't we talking about Desmond's coma? Isn't this the topic's subject?!
Again Joey good idea. lol.
Wait, why aren't we talking about Desmond's coma? Isn't this the topic's subject?!
I mentioned it a few times in another topic but no one started discussing of it. We should discuss it. *I'm adding a topic of it right now*
I think we all enjoy the new mechanics. It's fun. It's all really exaggerated now, but still fun. I actually found the combat in AC1 to be difficult. AC2+ actually dumbed down the combat. The larger counter windows for weapons, especially with the hidden blade, made combat even easier. The only difficulty they added to it was seekers and brutes. All the player needs is the hidden blade and they'll win.I think Ubisoft needs to add 2 more years of development to its mission structure for AC3. I'll wait forever if it means every assassination mission is free-form and inspires creativity. I really do like lairs and puzzles in these games, but either put a couple of those in as filler and/or as side missions to keep the player going.
Keep Ezio's mechanics. Bring back investigations (maybe 10-20 different types) and make them optional. It should be up to the player to gather information and plan ahead or go in hidden guns blazing. You don't have to change the gameplay from stealthy Altair to Greek Fire shooting Ezio to appease everyone. It's all there, Ubi just needs to let us know that it's possible to be destructive or quiet by showing us demos of both sides.
Wait, why aren't we talking about Desmond's coma? Isn't this the topic's subject?!
I think it's a great idea to let you do the mission either way, but if they're going to do that, the offensive way should be more than just a set-piece. It should be a form of tactical gameplay in it's own right. I understand that some people might just find the set-pieces un-fun, but I'm hoping that they can live with a little bit of simple action gameplay in-between amazing stealth sections.
To tell the truth, I'm just plain hoping the game actually has amazing stealthy gameplay.