Assassin's Creed Revelations -- Desmond Journey Teaser Trailer
OMG, It's the old Animus...!!!
I missed that voice~ <3
dude i was just about to post that but anyway it looks awsome
I actually love that woman's voice. I liked the little hints and tips she used to give (although they did get a little annoying).
I can't wait to see what happens to Desmond - the modern storyline and science makes the games a lot more interesting, while also making them more confusing.
Does anyone else sometimes wish the games were purely historical without any modern main story with all the memories and Animus stuff. Don't get me wrong, I really like the whole idea of memories stored in DNA (and it gives a good excuse for the HUD) and a modern-day fight between Assassins and Templars but I would also love to see how the series would have developed without any of that included. Anyone...?
It would be fun, but it would deprive the series of its most basic idea, and take away a lot of the strength of AC1's narrative.
If it hadn't had any sci-fi, there would be no PoE, meaning the endings wouldn't shock me and make me want more. So I'd be less interested, and the series would probably be either stuck in a rut, or not very high-profile among other games.
i would like to see that
That's a good point about the PoE actually. Like I said, the games are great as they are and probably wouldn't work with no sci-fi, but it'd be cool to see where the series would go even if that meant a less radical story.
They could make it work only if at the end of AC3, they show Desmond for the first time and goes out to kick some modern Templar ass. They would make spin-off games of the "Adventures of Desmond" (and make even more money). This would still fit, because each game skips a long period of time, so by the 3rd one, it's believable that this war could still be going on and that the entire series has been unlocked memories through a revolutionary machine called an "Animus". Ending the series with that would probably be more jaw-dropping than any they've made, actually. To make the Animus aspect intertwine with everything, they would need the DNA glitches and computer code arising randomly throughout gameplay and cinematics.
That's how I would have done it.
If they made that many variations, they would lose major credibility for the series, which might actually be happening already. Too many side games kills the essence of the series. I'm not sure that AC:R isn't going to do that. I could have sworn that after AC:B I read something where Ubi claimed they were done with Ezio, and here he comes again in AC:R. I like Ezio for what he is, an ass kicking warrior (which in many cases he is more than an assassin). If they make 3 side games containing adventures of Desmond, they're going to ruin the legacy that they've built. Kind of like Jordan's two years with the Wizards damn near hurt his legacy from his days in Chicago. (Just for you FLAE).
I'm not saying they should do that now, I'm saying that it would've been an unexpected take on the narrative.
I actually love that woman's voice. I liked the little hints and tips she used to give (although they did get a little annoying).I can't wait to see what happens to Desmond - the modern storyline and science makes the games a lot more interesting, while also making them more confusing.
I loved it too, she was fun to listen to in the Animus~ x3
As do I, those parts are always fun for me... =D
Is the voice on Brotherhood's Multiplayer the same woman? The voice that says "Please choose your gameplay parameters" (or something along those lines.)
I'm trying to hear them both in my mind. Of course, I could just check but I'm way too lazy for that
Can anyone confirm?
Yeah, they are the same.
I wonder if the Animus voice has any important significance in the story? If Revelations is going to wrap up almost everything so far, they might have to bring up 1 or 2 more secrets for AC3.
The animus voice in the "Truth" segments in brotherhood was actually subject 16. So I'd bet that the other one we hear is just part of the animus interface.
I love Desmond sequences, sure hope there is major weirdness in this one.... O_o
This seems to explain that Desmond plays most of the game, and we use his "Black Room" sequences to tap into Ezio's memories. Also, it explains the multiplayer narrative. Are we playing AT Abstergo?
This seems to explain that Desmond plays most of the game, and we use his "Black Room" sequences to tap into Ezio's memories. Also, it explains the multiplayer narrative. Are we playing AT Abstergo?![]()
I'm pretty sure that Desmond was recovered by the other Assassins after the event under the Colloseum. One of the dudes that you hear during the credits is named William(revealed in the Da Vinci Disapearance DLC), likely the same William that Lucy was communicating with via email.
The Multiplayer portion is not seen through Desmond's eyes, so it has nothing to do with where he is.
so... the guys who put desmond in the animus took his clothes off then re-dressed him in a black hoodie? lol
I'd guess that just like the animus is now rendering it's loading in black, it's reversing the colors of his clothes. You know Desmond, he'll probably remark on his sudden change.
Also, quite a few posts up, I would be interested in several spinoff games of AC3, but not ones that focused entirely on Desmond. Ubi said that they don't want to make a game where you never relieve memories, and Desmond's ability to access the animus anywhere using the bleeding effect may mean that he'll be able to control it after he repairs his mind in the Animus. If Desmond was able to use his own brainimus, I'd be willing to bet that what would seem like a long time in there would actually take almost no time , meaning he could activate it any time he wants without flopping over on the floor. And have a convenient excuse for having a pause button.
That being said, I'd want the AC3 animus character to be really interesting, and possibly a few missions where Desmond switches to an earlier/later ancestor's perspective to more fully understand what's going on. Or just really diverse locations for each spinoff. And a few missions with Desmond using his Assassin skills and modern assassination equipment, but not half andhalf with the animus parts. And the present day freeroam environment should only be accessed through the animus, as a training ground for present day or older abilities and equipment.
JoeyFogey wrote:
This seems to explain that Desmond plays most of the game, and we use his "Black Room" sequences to tap into Ezio's memories. Also, it explains the multiplayer narrative. Are we playing AT Abstergo?![]()
I'm pretty sure that Desmond was recovered by the other Assassins after the event under the Colloseum. One of the dudes that you hear during the credits is named William(revealed in the Da Vinci Disapearance DLC), likely the same William that Lucy was communicating with via email.
Oops! I meant is the multiplayer story at Abstergo, not Desmond. Sorry for not being clear.
Let's get a Shaun game. The premise is that, on Christmas Day 2012, to celebrate the final defeat of Templar ideology [Desmond sacrifices himself to become the Assassins' enemy, forcing all of humanity to submit to his will using the Abstergo satellite; it's just that his will is the elimination of that impulse from mankind], Shaun is finally allowed into the Animus. We then get twenty hours of climbing Celtic cathedrals, getting cool inventions from the ancestor of Lego's inventor, and a thrilling climax at the Battle of Hastings.
Kind of like Jordan's two years with the Wizards damn near hurt his legacy from his days in Chicago. (Just for you FLAE).
Yes because becoming the oldest player to score 50 points in a game while also becoming the first and probably only 40 year old to score 40 points in a game really damages your legacy. No I see what you're saying
I have viewed Brotherhood and Revelations as spin-offs in general. Main series titles are what I tend to put most of my energy into, so you can all expect a rant from about why A.C:R. sucks A.S.S. by the time I'm done with it.
If they do ANY spin-offs at all, they should focus on the Assassins depicted in the Sanctuary. Imagine the diverse amount of locations and characters, the varying plotlines, and then ultimately gamers can take part in an Assassination that changes the course of history. I think that would be awesome, but that's only if my theory about AC3 in China doesn't hold up.
If they do ANY spin-offs at all, they should focus on the Assassins depicted in the Sanctuary. Imagine the diverse amount of locations and characters, the varying plotlines, and then ultimately gamers can take part in an Assassination that changes the course of history. I think that would be awesome, but that's only if my theory about AC3 in China doesn't hold up.
If I ever get into a gaming company, I'm getting you a job as a story director, FLAE.
Fly Like an Eagle wrote:
If they do ANY spin-offs at all, they should focus on the Assassins depicted in the Sanctuary. Imagine the diverse amount of locations and characters, the varying plotlines, and then ultimately gamers can take part in an Assassination that changes the course of history. I think that would be awesome, but that's only if my theory about AC3 in China doesn't hold up.If I ever get into a gaming company, I'm getting you a job as a story director, FLAE.
Sounds like an opportunity. Anyone want to float us some start-up capital? You develop it, I'll sell it and keep the finances straight.
The way Ubisoft describes it, they're treating un-numbered sequels as continuations or untold stories of the numbered game preceding. So bloodlines was the first example of this, a small addition to the AC1 "set". And then Brotherhood and Revs are the entirety of the AC2 "set". What I'm getting at is that spinoffs that don't feature Desmond or the ancestor he uses in 3 will likely not be considered part of the AC3 "set", so we'll have to wait till they're finished whatever they have for that untill they do unrelated stuff.
The way Ubisoft describes it, they're treating un-numbered sequels as continuations or untold stories of the numbered game preceding. So bloodlines was the first example of this, a small addition to the AC1 "set". And then Brotherhood and Revs are the entirety of the AC2 "set". What I'm getting at is that spinoffs that don't feature Desmond or the ancestor he uses in 3 will likely not be considered part of the AC3 "set", so we'll have to wait till they're finished whatever they have for that untill they do unrelated stuff.
Along those lines, do you anticipate that AC3 will not wrap up Desmond's story, or the main story, but rather the story will be concluded in one of these un-numbered sequels? I don't know how they're going to make compelling sequels to AC3 if they wrap up the story in that game. Even if they make other side games involving new assassins, how are they going to involve Desmond if the main story is supposed to wrap up with the numbered games?
I'm not even sure if that is clear.
After Desmond stops the Templar's PoE going off, I'm sure there's a lot more to do in the world. There are other malicious factions besides the Templars, you know. Lots of people that need Assassinating. Or maybe just secrets of the past to uncover?
After Desmond stops the Templar's PoE going off, I'm sure there's a lot more to do in the world. There are other malicious factions besides the Templars, you know. Lots of people that need Assassinating. Or maybe just secrets of the past to uncover?
True. I just figured that the Templars were the focus of this war. I'm sure that there are plenty of other groups that are worthy of some assassin wrath. The tough thing is though, it seems like the developers have gone out of their way to paint anyone who history considers "evil" or even controversial as a Templar. They've kind of handcuffed themselves a bit.
Actually, they've said that many people who know about the PoE's were acting alone, like Savanarola, or the Hermeticists in the Davinci dissapearance. I expect those types of people to factor more heavily in the animus sections, though.
If ACII, Brotherhood, and Revelations are thirds of the same story according to Ubisoft, wouldn't that mean the thematic point of ACII[Whole] is that without the Templars, you will kill the people you love and break your mind in the process?
No, it's that the Animus messes your mind up bad, and Ancient races can mind-control you from the dead somehow. : P
I don't think we'll know the theme till "All is revealed". : P
The sixth sense, Knowledge, allows one to anticipate that of which is to come (Eagle Sense), or the intentions of beings (Eagle Vision). The First Civilization used this sense with nearly everything, so that's how they were able to mind control Desmond "from the dead".
I suspected as much, but for comedic reasons, I simplified what we knew to make it sound even more insane that it is.
well it looks like we have a reason to play as deasmond now unlike AC BROTHERHOOD OR AC 1
How did we have no reason to play as Dezzie in AC1? You're forgetting that "dude relives memories" is the series' most basic idea, far more important to the franchise than open cities or blades. The Desmond segments also lay open the world in a way Altair can't; at the end of the game, when you break into the conference room, the confirmation that every mythological object is real, that's something you can't get with one man in the twelfth century.
Yeah hewkii9, Desmond's story is important, but it doesn't mean that we need to "play" Desmond in AC1, the only thing you do is walk to the Animus with Vidic saying: Time's wasting. Or something like that.
Also the mission with Desmond on ACB isn't that important for the story (just some of them). You go throught monterigioni activating Energy Boxes has nothing to do with the main Story, so ezioaltair56 is right on one side, and you are right on another.
Come ACII, everybody would flip out if it turned out that future dude we only saw in cutscenes was actually the main character. So it's better we played as him.
Yeah agreed, That's why i said that you are right in one point and on another you aren't. ;D
We needed to play as him, but some missions it's kinda useless. Now in AC:R we NEED to play as Desmond, his missions are really important this time..
Umm, finding the Apple of Eden is pretty important for the main story.
Yeah that's why i said that some missions with Desmond is useless and another missions aren't.
Finding the Apple of Eden is pretty important but connecting energy boxes isn't important.
That's what i'm trying to say.
EDIT: Desmond missions in Revelations is really important, because he is in one sort of a coma and he'll try to solve "puzzles of his mind", it's kinda this.
Yeah in Brotherhood find the Apple is really important, but as i said, connecting Energy Boxes and stuff like this isn't important.
im meant brotherhood befor the ending
Yeah agreed, That's why i said that you are right in one point and on another you aren't. ;D
We needed to play as him, but some missions it's kinda useless. Now in AC:R we NEED to play as Desmond, his missions are really important this time..
this guy gets it
Turning on energy boxes and finding the sanctuary gave Desmond a place where he could set up the animus and power to do it with. Which he then used to find the Apple in Ezio's memories. So those things, while being small, lead to finding the apple.
Yeah i know Calvar, but why we can't just see a "cinematic" of Desmond turning on the Energy Boxes ?
Finding the Sanctuary was usefull and fun thought.
So you can get a chance to do a little tour of Monteriggioni, with Desmond's new skills. So you can see how lit looks in modern times, now that it's a tourist trap.
Hmm... interesting, good point.
But IMO, in the first time i played this Desmond mission on ACB it was cool, second it was ok, third it was boring. lol
But other than that, good point.
That part of the game was designed to be good on the first play-through. Just like watching cutscenes or the opening titles.
Indeed. That's why i'm complaining so much about it.
For example: A Desmond puzzle in Revelations.
2nd time - This is really cool !
3rd time - Ok.. i can play that again.
4th time - Boring.....
5th time - I Can't stand doing more this same Puzzle !
Its like that with any product or item that gives you utility. If you take economics ( or simply have common sense) you would know the more you consume a good the less utility ( satisfaction) you get from it.
I think the best invention we could get in the future is a drug that makes you forget certain parts of your memory, like video games or movies, so you can replay them and get the best experience, and you can do it as many times as you want!