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DAZ | Syndicate [Nebelungen Bboy] GMV Progress Thread

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Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Hey guys. I was inspired by hamps19's Assassin's Creed music videos to start making one of my own, for AC Syndicate.
For Brotherhood, hamps19 used WAR by DJ Pablo. So I listened to all of DJ Pablo's tracks and the one that really jumped out at me was Nebelungen Bboy. I started visualizing in my head what a hamps19-style AC vid would look like with this specific track, and I eventually made this. This thread will be for me documenting my experiences making the full video with the full song, and basically a place for me to look back on once I'm done to see all I learned along the way.

Here's an eight-second sample (all I got so far). Enjoy, if you can xD

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aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Finally, someone takes on making the ultimate music video. Just too bad consoles don't have a way to slow the game down for smooth FPS. Are you planning to record both Jacob and Evie doing the same action and blending both clips together like in Hamps' videos?

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

That's the idea, yeah: for Jacob, Evie and Lydia (all three playables). If I can do it, that is. If I can't, then I'll just do what I can and get more and more skilled with each successive one. Even now, I don't think I WILL quite be able to, since I'm limiting myself to using purely SHAREfactory for this, both because it's the only tool I'm confident in my skill with, and as a creative constraint. I still think it will turn out pretty cool! I mean, that's essentially the basis of the motion you see at the end. Lydia's section is too dark and hard to see, so I actually re-recorded that little segment and replaced it with a brighter one. The major bad thing about playing on console is that we can't get camera angles the same way Hamps does, since he actually uses CheatEngine to edit the Values of the CameraPosition on PC. I'll have to do a lot of things with cleverness rather than raw editing ability or program manipulation. I know that I REALLY REALLY want to do this, though! Since I heard that song, I'd begun wanting to see a video with it, with the same kind of "sync the music to the visuals" that Hamps would do. I haven't found one yet, so I decided to make it myself. Hamps once said, "Don't try to do this unless you're already bald," in regards to making vids like his. I hope I don't end up looking like those bald gang members in Syndicate at the end of it all Tongue

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Not sure if it still works, but in the games clicking the right stick puts the camera at a default directly behind the assassin. It would be nice to see a transition between the assassins using a zipline, followed by an air kill. This may be cheating, but also use scenes since they are already at fixed camera angles. Maybe if there's an interactive cutscene where you have to press a button to assassinate.

Never heard of Lydia until now; guess I'll find out when I get to play.

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Using scenes is not cheating at all haha. I just need to find scenes that work. Clicking Right Stick still recenters the camera. I'm wondering what I could do with that. That zipline transition is actually already planned! (mumbles something about great minds) Tongue It'll be Lydia, Evie, Jacob in that order (reverse of what the 8sec sample's order is) shooting the zipline, sliding down the zipline, Airing an enemy off the zipline.