I'm going to be following the same overall format of Asaic's Assassin's Creed II Achievements/Trophies. So make sure to tell him he's awesome!
Due to the nature of achievements/trophies, this thread is bound to contain spoilers. Proceed at your own risk.
Multiplayer Trophies
Automatically received upon unlocking every other trophy. There is no corresponding achievement on Xbox 360.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon attempting to access DNA Sequence 9 for the first time.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 1.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon re-entering the Animus.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 2.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 3.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 4.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 5.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 6.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 7.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 8.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon completing Sequence 9.
Story Achievement/Trophy. Received automatically upon recovering the Piece of Eden in 2012.
Finish all the Memories within a DNA Sequence with 100% Synchronization (complete the side objective in the mission i.e. "Do not be detected", "Kill only the gunmen" etc.") It has to be a DNA Sequence that's NOT Sequence 1. So the earliest it can be done is in Sequence 2.
Just go to the Animus Desktop, go to DNA, and select any memory. Then just click "Replay". Good to do, if you missed Full Synchronization on a mission while trying to do the Perfect Recall Achievement/Trophy.
Locate and enter the corresponding Lair of Romulus.
Locate and enter the corresponding Lair of Romulus.
Locate and enter the corresponding Lair of Romulus.
Locate and enter the corresponding Lair of Romulus.
Locate and enter the corresponding Lair of Romulus.
Locate and enter the corresponding Lair of Romulus.
This is one of Leonardo da Vinci's War Machines. You will get this through a story mission. Just keep playing through the game, and you'll get it.
This is one of Leonardo da Vinci's War Machines. At one point in the game, after meeting Leonardo, War Machine missions are unlocked, in which you must first spend the first mission killing a Borgia Officer, and stealing his map. Then, the next part of the mission involves you actually going to destroy blueprints for the War Machine, and then the War Machine itself. You will get this Achievement/Trophy by destroying the Naval Cannon. War Machines are marked on the map and minimap with a black "L" icon. You must not be detected while you are destroying any War Machine blueprints, otherwise you will Desynchronize from the Memory.
This is one of Leonardo da Vinci's War Machines. At one point in the game, after meeting Leonardo, War Machine missions are unlocked, in which you must first spend the first mission killing a Borgia Officer, and stealing his map. Then, the next part of the mission involves you actually going to destroy blueprints for the War Machine, and then the War Machine itself. You will get this Achievement/Trophy by destroying the Bomber. War Machines are marked on the map and minimap with a black "L" icon. You must not be detected while you are destroying any War Machine blueprints, otherwise you will Desynchronize from the Memory.
This is one of Leonardo da Vinci's War Machines. At one point in the game, after meeting Leonardo, War Machine missions are unlocked, in which you must first spend the first mission killing a Borgia Officer, and stealing his map. Then, the next part of the mission involves you actually going to destroy blueprints for the War Machine, and then the War Machine itself. You will get this Achievement/Trophy by destroying the Tank. War Machines are marked on the map and minimap with a black "L" icon. You must not be detected while you are destroying any War Machine blueprints, otherwise you will Desynchronize from the Memory.
When you look on your map, you'll either see white locks, or symbols like hammers, spools of thread, crosses, paintbrushes, symbols that look like a bunch of columns with a tympanum/pediment on top of them, horses, or tall looking buildings.
In order to unlock buildings for renovation, you need to make sure that the Borgia don't have control of that area. To see which areas of the city the Borgia control, open your Map, then press the button that corresponds to "Borgia Influence". On PS3 it's , on 360 it's [RT]. If an area is rid of Borgia Influence, buildings in it can be renovated. In this case, all the buildings that were marked as locks, will now have turned into their respective symbols. You can renovate Art Merchants, Tailors, Banks, Blacksmiths, Stables, Landmarks, Medical Shops and Landmarks. All of those will count as "Buildings".
So go to your Map, and move the cursor around until it says "Antico District" in the top left. When it says that, look around for anything that doesn't look like a lock, and is fainter/less solid than the ones around it. Those are buildings that you can renovate. Just set a custom marker to it, get to it, and press the button to investigate it. You'll be asked if you want to Buy/Renovate this building. Say yes.
Do that five times, and you should get the Achievement/Trophy.
There are 12 Borgia Towers throughout the game. Each one has a Borgia Captain guarding it. Each Borgia Captain will behave in a different way. In order to burn down a Borgia Tower, you need to first kill the Borgia Captain. After he's dead, you must climb the tower.
Climbing some of the towers early on is difficult without the Climb Leap Glove, but possible. Sometimes, you might need to get at the very edge of one side of the tower, jump to the right, and then hold [Empty Hand] in mid-air to Grasp another ledge, while holding the Left Stick in the direction of the ledge. Doing this move will become necessary until you get the Climb Leap Glove from Leonardo da Vinci later on in the game.
To get the Climb Leap Glove, you need to progress far enough into the game for Ezio to meet Leonardo da Vinci. After you meet him, and he explains to you how to get upgrades, find his bench and sit on it. Leonardo's bench will always be marked with a WHITE "L" icon. You can buy the Climb Leap Glove off of him for quite a bit of money.
To use the Climb Leap Glove, while you're climbing a building, and there's a ledge above you that you can't reach; hold Up, then hold [High Profile] and tap . Ezio will propel himself vertically along the wall. Hold the [Empty Hand] button while he's in mid air grab the next ledge. This will enable you to climb higher, faster.
Once you reach the top of the tower, get over the railing, inside the little square platform, and press the [Empty Hand] button to Ignite the tower. Ezio will burn it down and automatically perform a Leap of Faith. Burning down a Tower automatically synchronizes the viewpoint and gives you all flags/feathers that may have been on the Tower.
Guild Challenges are things that the different Guilds have available as optional side-objectives. Each one requires you to do it a certain number of times. For example, Leap of Faith 40 Times. Once the total number of Leaps of Faith hits 40, you will complete the Challenge. You can see a guide on completing Guild Challenges here. Once you finish 10 of them (they can be from any combination of Guilds, or any one Guild, it doesn't matter), you will get this Achievement/Trophy.
Press Start, go to Virtual Training and select which Virtual Training Mission you want to attempt. Get a Gold medal on any three VR missions, and you will get the Achievement/Trophy.
At one point, you will have to do a mission in which you recruit two Assassins for your Brotherhood. Just look around the map for another Save Citizen symbol, and save that one as well. You should then get this.
When you gain access to Assassin Recruits, and are able to send them on missions, the game teaches you how to send them on missions. When you are setting up a contract for launch from a Pigeon Coop or Assassin Tower, the way it works is the following. When you add an Assassin to a contract, the Percent Chance of that contract being successful rises. Percent Chance of a contract is related to how high of a level that Assassin Recruit is, as well as how high the Difficulty of the contract is. The harder it is, the more EXP your Assassins get. However, the more Assassins are sent on the same contract, the less EXP each individual one gets.
Make sure your Percent Chance of Success is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS at 100%. That way, your Assassins have NO CHANCE of dying. Just keep sending them on missions and upgrading them from Pigeon Coops or Assassin Towers. Once an Assassin reaches a high enough level, the game will inform you that he is ready to become the Rank of Assassin.
You'll need to go to Ezio's Hideout on Tiber Island and attend a ceremony. After the ceremony is complete, you will get this Achievement/Trophy.
There are Borgia Flags in Rome, as well as inside Secret Locations/Romulus Lairs.
You can buy maps for flags in Rome, provided you've collected a few flags already.
If you see a flag in the distance, and you want to mark it on your map for later, enter Eagle Vision, and it'll automatically be added. Not all Flag maps are available at once, you might have to progress further into the game to get some of the later ones.
There's one tough one that's near the bottom of the map. The way you get to it is by getting on top of a horse, and jumping with the Horse over the broken part of the bridge that links the two sides.
There are also Flags in Secret Locations.
GamesRadar has a guide on how to find those here.
If you collect every single flag, you'll get the Achievement/Trophy, and you'll also unlock the Borgia Cape. This locks your Notoriety permanently at 0%.
As you play through the game, Subject 16 will leave Clusters around Rome. They'll usually be located on Landmarks, and big buildings. GamesRadar has a guide on finding them, and also on solving them.
Feathers only appear in Rome, not in any missions, or secret locations. So if you're in Free Roam, you can pretty much get all the feathers. There are only 10 Feathers in the whole game, and there's a way to unlock their locations on the map. You just need to go to an Art Merchant at a certain point in the game, and buy a Feather Map. This will show all Feathers in the game. You might need to collect a feather or two before the map is available for purchase.
Once you collect all 10, you will get this Achievement/Trophy.
You can exit the Animus at any time to explore Monteriggioni as Desmond. There are 5 Artifacts from Ezio's time scattered around there. You only need to collect 1 to get this Achievement/Trophy. You can collect all 5, but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Asaic has created a map that you can access here.
GamesRadar has a guide on the Artifacts that you can see here.
An Execution Streak is part of the new combat system in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. Whenever Ezio kills an enemy in a fight, you can quickly aim at another enemy, tap the [Weapon Hand] button and instantly kill him in a cool-looking and efficient show of deadliness. This Achievement/Trophy asks you to kill 10 people in a row during an Execution Streak, without getting hit.
An easy way to do this is to make sure you have at least 5 Bullets, select your Sword (default right on the Dpad), and get into a fight. Your Pistol is short-cutted to your Sword, so you can stab one Guard during a streak, then shoot another one, over and over and over. Well, until you run out of bullets. The way you do this is, during the streak, instead of just tapping the [Weapon Hand] button, you HOLD it down while aiming at the next Guard. Ezio will stab the guard you aimed at, and shoot another one in the group.
Either attract a large group of guards or go into one of the Virtual Training Killstreak missions. Kill the first guard, then Stab/Shoot repeatedly until you kill 10 guards in a row. If someone is about to attack you, you CAN COUNTER in the middle of your execution animation. Just hold [High Profile] and tap [Weapon Hand]. Because Sword has such a large counter timing window, you should be able to easily counter any attack, provided you see it coming. Countering in the middle of an execution streak does NOT end your streak, provided that you quickly execute another guard after your counter animation finishes.
As you explore Rome, you will sometimes see civilians or villagers carrying brooms, while sweeping or working on something. Simply run into these people with [High Profile] held down, and they should stumble, dropping the broom. Walk up to it and pick it up by pressing the [Empty Hand] button while you're on top of it. You cannot sheathe brooms, and you will drop a broom if you Sprint or Free-Run while holding it, so the fastest you can go is Running speed. Just hold [High Profile] to Run. Look around for a guard or a group of guards, and get into a fight with them.
Brooms are just like any Primary weapon. They act the same way. So you can either counter, or execution streak a guard with the broom, and you should get this Achievement/Trophy.
Walk up to a well, it looks like a raised hole in the ground, and select your [Money] from your Weapon Wheel. Hold on PS3, or [RB] on 360 to open the Weapon Wheel. Then, just hold the Left Stick to the bottom left, and select the icon that looks like a money bag with coins coming out of it. With the [Money] selected, press the [Armed Hand] button to throw it into the well. You should get this Achievement/Trophy..
The Castel Sant'Angelo is the place Ezio rescues Caterina from early on in the game. You need to have the Parachute unlocked in order to do this. To unlock the Parachute, you need to have destroyed all 4 of Leonardo da Vinci's War Machines. After you've done that, Leonardo will give you the Parachute.
Remember the place that you first infiltrated the Castello through? That place with the Seeker, the Haystack, and the opened section of fence? Near the water with the wooden poles? Yeah, well that place is closed now. Near the end of the game, once you acquire the Key to the Castello, the gates to the Castel Sant'Angelo open up again, and you are once more able to get in.
If you don't want to wait until the very end of the game, there is a way to get into the Castello if you have Parachutes. Start by crossing the bridge to the front gate, and climb the little tower looking thing to the right. There should be black spiky looking fences all over the place. Climb to the very right and very top, as far as you can. Jump to the right, activate the Parachute, and steer to the left. If you did it right, Ezio should fly OVER the black fences and get into the area you first climbed into while infiltrating the Castello. Kill the Seeker and two Militia guards there if you want, then continue upwards.
Remember the tower you were climbing to get to Caterina? Well, you're going to need to climb that tower again, in the same fashion. Once you get to the very top however, keep trying to climb upwards through some windows on a wall to the right. Once you get on top of that section of the castle, there will be some guards walking around a square-ish area (the area from the Story trailer of AC:B). Keep climbing up, to the center, where you'll see a big, tall, wooden spire-like object. Climb that to the very top (where you'll also find a Borgia Flag).
Jump off, and activate the Parachute. You should then get this Achievement/Trophy.
After you renovate Bartolomeo's Barracks, you can go inside the building and down the stairs to get to his own personal little fight club. You can also participate in fights, and bet on the outcome. Once you beat a difficulty level of fight, the next one is unlocked. Your first task is to just get through all the difficulty levels, and reach the last one.
The fights will involve Ezio fighting off multiple Mercenaries under a time limit. No weapons, man to man. Bare handed. However, Ezio can still fight dirty. So hold the [Armed Hand] button as soon as the fight starts, and release it to toss sand at a Mercenary's face. Sometimes, if done correctly, you can insta-kill him by pressing the [Armed Hand] button right next to him. If not, another trick you can use is to do the Kick,Punch,Kick,Punch combo. Don't mash wildly on the buttons, just press the button once, the [Weapon Hand] button once, the
button once and the [Weapon Hand] button once. Ezio will then do an instant finisher animation.
Once you've unlocked the final difficulty level, bet as much money as possible on it, and start it. If you win, you should get this Achievement/Trophy.
Sometimes, when you access the Animus Desktop by pressing Start, you will notice the "Leave Animus" button having a ! beside it. Leave the Animus, and walk to the area around the statue of Altair. There should be a glowing laptop. Press any button to access it, and select Desmond Miles. You should then get this Achievement/Trophy.
This is easy enough. All you LITERALLY need to do is get one kill in a multiplayer match, and then finish the game (don't quit) afterwards. The tutorial will teach you all you need to know about multiplayer.
Basically for needle in a haystack you gotta be in a haystack (or maybe a bush) and wait for your target to go buy and drag him in. I have done it heaps thanks to this little method:
If you ever see your target go into a haystack, instead of standing outside the haystack and attacking him from the outside, lock onto the haystack and jump in with him. He will get forced out, and no matter where your camera is facing if you mash [Weapon Hand] you will attack him before he gets away, you also get a hidden bonus.
~ Jack-Reacher
You can also just do the Introductory Session until you get it. All you have to do is look for any haystacks and gentle push the Barber nearby. There's a second or so grace period of him just being pushed away so you can dive into the hay next to him and kill him. You get the achievement/trophy easy this way.
~ JoeyFogey
10 seconds before the end of a match, get a kill and take the lead, then make sure you stay with that lead until the match is over.
I'm not sure exactly what this one is asking for. I need more info.
I'm not sure exactly what this one is asking for. I need more info.
Exactly what it says on the tin, you need to earn 750 points or more on a kill. A video that might help is this one, by Jack-Reacher.
I'm not sure exactly what this one is asking for. I need more info.
You need to escape two or three people chasing you at the same time. An easier way to do it is in Manhunt, when you're on the Defenders' team. Get two people or more chasing you, and leg it. Use Smoke Bombs, hiding spots, Charge, whatever, ANYTHING to escape from them.
I'm not sure exactly what this one is asking for. I need more info.
This is fairly straightforward, but it takes a while. Just keep playing the game until you get to Level 50, and you should get this.
Any help or feedback would be appreciated.
As would be any additions to the information already there.
Thanks in advance,
- DarkAlphabetZoup
PS. Asaic, you're awesome!
The guide looks great! Thanks for making it, it brings this site that much closer to being a complete ACB information source.
Thank you!
If anyone can give me some info on what to write for the multiplayer ones, that would be great. Also, if anyone sees any holes, or something missing that they want to add, feel free to comment and tell me what's up.
Thank you everyone, long live TheHiddenBlade.
- DarkAlphabetZoup
Basically for needle in a haystack you gotta be in a haystack ( or maybe a bush) and wait for your target to go buy and drag him in. I have done it heaps thanks to this little method
If you ever see your target go into a haystack, instead of standing outside the haystack and attacking him from the outside, lock onto the haystack and jump in with him. He will get forced out, and no matter where your camera is facing if you mash square ( or X) you will attack him before he gets away, you also get a hidden bonus
Basically for needle in a haystack you gotta be in a haystack ( or maybe a bush) and wait for your target to go buy and drag him in. I have done it heaps thanks to this little methodIf you ever see your target go into a haystack, instead of standing outside the haystack and attacking him from the outside, lock onto the haystack and jump in with him. He will get forced out, and no matter where your camera is facing if you mash square ( or X) you will attack him before he gets away, you also get a hidden bonus
Thank you very much, Jack. I've added this to the guide, with your name at the bottom
Thanks for providing my video as well, although I think its a bit overkill lol
Anyway il go get the bonuses required for the other trophies next time I go online
Thanks for providing my video as well, although I think its a bit overkill lolAnyway il go get the bonuses required for the other trophies next time I go online
It's alright, you know. The more points the better
If you ever see your target go into a haystack, instead of standing outside the haystack and attacking him from the outside, lock onto the haystack and jump in with him. He will get forced out, and no matter where your camera is facing if you mash square ( or X) you will attack him before he gets away, you also get a hidden bonus
Kind of reminds me of one of my fun little things to do while roaming the streets of Rome on a guard-killing spree. Whenever I see a group stop and the seeker heads towards a cart, I run right past him, hop into the cart, then assassinate him from within. It just feels...ironic.
You'd think they'd notice a guy with a bunch of gear jump into a pile of hay, RIGHT when they're checking it.
That's actually kinda scary, you're poking a haystack, and then.. some guy JUMPS right into it. You're like. Hmm. OK. As you stand up straight, your poke-mission completed, you notice a rather distinct cutting pain where your chest used to be. To add insult to injury, you get pulled into the haystack, and decide that it's significantly harder to breathe. Although that may just be related to your brand new chest wound.
You'd think they'd notice a guy with a bunch of gear jump into a pile of hay, RIGHT when they're checking it.
That's actually kinda scary, you're poking a haystack, and then.. some guy JUMPS right into it. You're like. Hmm. OK. As you stand up straight, your poke-mission completed, you notice a rather distinct cutting pain where your chest used to be. To add insult to injury, you get pulled into the haystack, and decide that it's significantly harder to breathe. Although that may just be related to your brand new chest wound.
It kind of loses its humor when you deconstruct it like that...
Blimey, DAZ, this must have taken ages. Thanks for all the effort and time taken to do this. It's already proved most helpful.
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
You'd think they'd notice a guy with a bunch of gear jump into a pile of hay, RIGHT when they're checking it.
That's actually kinda scary, you're poking a haystack, and then.. some guy JUMPS right into it. You're like. Hmm. OK. As you stand up straight, your poke-mission completed, you notice a rather distinct cutting pain where your chest used to be. To add insult to injury, you get pulled into the haystack, and decide that it's significantly harder to breathe. Although that may just be related to your brand new chest wound.It kind of loses its humor when you deconstruct it like that...
Yeah, I guess it does. Making things funnier is definitely NOT my forte. But that is -> (points to car).
Blimey, DAZ, this must have taken ages. Thanks for all the effort and time taken to do this. It's already proved most helpful.
Thanks for the kind words. And yeah it did take a while, but I think it took less time than the one Asaic did for Assassin's Creed II because I kinda ripped off almost his whole format.
I'll second that
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
Sticky?I'll second that
Thank you
Basically for needle in a haystack you gotta be in a haystack ( or maybe a bush) and wait for your target to go buy and drag him in. I have done it heaps thanks to this little methodIf you ever see your target go into a haystack, instead of standing outside the haystack and attacking him from the outside, lock onto the haystack and jump in with him. He will get forced out, and no matter where your camera is facing if you mash square ( or X) you will attack him before he gets away, you also get a hidden bonus
You can also just do the Introductory Session until you get it. All you have to do is look for any haystacks and gentle push the Barber nearby. There's a second or so grace period of him just being pushed away so you can dive into the hay next to him and kill him. You get the achievement/trophy easy this way.
(I'm not cheap! I just wanted to see if this worked and it did!!!)
You can also just do the Introductory Session until you get it. All you have to do is look for any haystacks and gentle push the Barber nearby. There's a second or so grace period of him just being pushed away so you can dive into the hay next to him and kill him. You get the achievement/trophy easy this way.(I'm not cheap! I just wanted to see if this worked and it did!!!)
Added that. Thank you.
woahhhhh.... nice job!
woahhhhh.... nice job!
Thank you. That is.. if you're talking about the original post.