desmond talking to 16 about his memories and how to get back into his body
ezio seems to have found the AC:R version of a romulus lair
New look desmond arrives in the blackroom/subconscious
altair in action
Assassin's Creed Revelations: Altair & Ezio Trailer (NEW)
ops sry last vid is old -_-
I was literally about to post this, curse you!
If you'd like to see it organized, IGN has an article showing them all together:
All I can say is wow. So much more detail and animation variety. Much better cinematography, too.
Subject 16 looks suitably out of it, and still seems somewhat unhinged. altair and the apple lol in acr ezio still is a playa XD
It seems that his brain has scrambled everything, even the color of his clothes.
Please, tip your waitresses on the way out.
desmond's face looks different, how long is the timespan b/n ACB and ACR? cause he looks alot older
He looks like Niko Bellic from Grand Theft Auto IV. Well done, Ubisoft.
Good thing those videos are so short, they don't really reveal much. I thought you were going to spoil the end of the game already, just like you did with Brotherhood.
Here are two other videos.
allready put those 2 up and i spoiled brotherhood O__O ?
WTF is with desmonds face!!!
ezio 50 years old and still pimpin
altair ....umm.....ahhhh
whatever nov 15th here i come
I dunno, I think to look like Niko belic he'd have to be flying through a car windshield at 80 MPH. : P
Anyways, he looks like a more detailed blend of the AC1 and AC2/ACB face, to me. And he's definately recognizable as Desmond. The expression capture software and better mo-cap is really helping, I've got to say.
The conversation with Subject 16 is awesome because of that.
I only watched the first Desmond video (where he awakens), but not the second one. I'm not spoiling myself. I want all the surprises I can get from the story.
allready put those 2 up and i spoiled brotherhood O__O ?
Oh, I must have missed that post (either that or the videos didn't load), sorry. I thought you were the one who made the Brotherhood spoiler topic, but that was actually Calvar, for some reason I thought it was you.
Calvar went into so much detail that he explained the entire plot of Brotherhood before it was even out. His next book is due next month.
altair ....umm.....ahhhh
Did you mean "badass as always" ?
that works
Logically if you don't want spoilers, you should not click on the topic that is obviously about the spoilers. It says spoilers in the title. That's enough.
And I don't remember knowing anything more about Brotherhood than the video walkthroughs showed, and I know I only discussed those in topics specifically about them.
hey did i mis something altair said he was son of umad while in ac he is no ones son or such
Lol, Ibin La Ahad is his last name, which means "son of none". That was his father's last name too. It's not literal, just like Betty Goldman is neither Gold or a Man.
It's not literal, just like Betty Goldman is neither Gold or a Man.
Well...we can't say for sure...
Personally, I like the new look Desmond has, especially since his ragged age corresponds with Ezio. I don't know why he looks older, or why does his clothes are slightly inverted, but that's MAYBE due to the Animus interfering with his perception on color scheme or a time dilation. Oh, and the infamous Subject 16 finally arrives! I especially like his green jacket and his color scheme of his clothes (cool colors), as it fits the "sea" theme of the Animus' Black Room. The Black Room itself looks amazing, perfectly blending nature and technology in a surreal, abstract way.
As for Ezio himself, he's still a player! He still got it! And he's still gettin' some ass! And what a piece of ass it is! That's a big age gap for him, considering that our Italian monster is around 50 years old!
And finally, we come to Altair himself. I'm a little shocked to see other Assassins back them taking back off their hood. I hope that Altair will soon unveil his face to us at the end of the game - we get to see more of his head. We get to know see him a little more him, and as a result, visually interpret him in a more personal level. We can now relate to him! Hooray!
Speaking of spoilers, might not wanna look the above post.
I think he looks older because they're using better graphics technology this time. Just more detail. Though I do agree it's pushing it a little.
He's 25. It's not unrealistic to look like that. I think a lot of what people are thinking is him being older is his sadder expression.
And other differences are for a more realistic proportion, and just a new interpretation of his face.
I've seen 25 year olds that still look like kids. Hitting 30 will make you look like that, but I still know plenty of people that look much younger than they are. And yes, these are guys.
i wonder what lucy looks like with these new graphics
Yeah, I agree, Joey. There are teens that look really old, and adults that look really young.
I like Desmond better this way. I can believe that he's been through a lot of turmoil, and lived on his own most his life. I actually was kinda annoyed by his faces in the previous games, I don't know why. I guess they didn't really seem like assassin material. I love his character and voice, though. This one is a blend of AC1 and AC2, with extra detail and new parts.
Personally, I like it. And it looks similar to Niko in mainly the head shape and hairstyle, which is really common, actually.
Lol, Ibin La Ahad is his last name, which means "son of none". That was his father's last name too. It's not literal, just like Betty Goldman is neither Gold or a Man.
no i meant should he then not know who his father is
Calvar The Blade wrote:
Lol, Ibin La Ahad is his last name, which means "son of none". That was his father's last name too. It's not literal, just like Betty Goldman is neither Gold or a i meant should he then not know who his father is
As I said: it is just a name. It only means that one of his ancestors started a line with that name. His father had the same last name as him. Other than that, it means nothing. Just as Betty Goldman is not the son a of a gold man.
It could just be his father trying to discipline his son. Think about it.
(Puts finger on your lips) Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
*whispers* Just...think...
no i meant should he then not know who his father is
Although Altair was raised by al-Mualim, he does know who his parents are. He mentioned them in the Codex in AC2, saying that he didn't know them well even though they lived in Masyaf. So his last name isn't meant to be literal.
Is it just me or does that S16 not sound anything like Cam Clarke?
Is it just me or does that S16 not sound anything like Cam Clarke?
He sounds a lot different, yes. I'm hoping it's just that he's more calm now that he's had time to adjust to being... well, dead, and it's just Cam Clark performing a different way.
What if it's not Subject 16? They never said it was. We just automatically assumed it was. Perhaps it's Desmond's subconscious in human form, helping him through the Animus.
If that's really him, then that was an awful way of telling us. Would've been great if we found that out as soon as Desmond was at the end of the Black Room.
ah wasn't he in that video ? cause i remember 16 saying "thats it thats your way out" or something like that
That doesn't say it's him, though. The guy's proof points to it, but not that quote you posted.
Well since the part of the animus Desmond is in is supposed to not be user-friendly, and that rules out the dude being anything like an animus help program, AND he matches perfectly with the blurred out pic of 16 from the encyclopedia, I'd say it's not possible he's anything else.
As for how they revealed it, we kinda knew that 16 would be in there with Desmond. Knowing what he looks like hasn't answered most of the questions we have about him, and his new demeanor causes as many problems as it solves.
I never said it wasn't, I'm throwing things out there. This entire series has been full of plot-twists and deeper meanings. I'm thinking it is Subject 16, but I really don't want it to be because of the reveal before the game even came out. It's like drinking your entire water supply before you head off into the desert without anything else. Why the f*ck couldn't you wait?!
I never said it wasn't, I'm throwing things out there. This entire series has been full of plot-twists and deeper meanings. I'm thinking it is Subject 16, but I really don't want it to be because of the reveal before the game even came out. It's like drinking your entire water supply before you head off into the desert without anything else. Why the f*ck couldn't you wait?!
If the main big reveal of the game was s16, they wouldn't have given it to IGN.
Don't worry at all. I'm sure that there will be tons of other things that catch you off guard.
Still, showing Subject 16 or any game plot point we're still curious about should be saved until people play the game. After it's out for a week, then do whatever you want with it, but bad choices like this (if it is what we're all thinking it is) make me disinterested in the series once more. Please don't ruin this, UBi.
Okay. Me, I don't mind it that much.
yeah your over acting abit i get where your coming from but like calvar said if this was something big they wouldn't have shared it with IGN seriously
i wonder what lucy looks like with these new graphics
With this new technology I bet you'll be able see the flesh rotting on Lucy's corpse!
Now that's stanky, Stab.
Good guys' corpses don't rot unless it's in the horror or artsy genre. : P
ACR final boss: Zombie Lucy!!!
if this was something big they wouldn't have shared it with IGN seriously
ahem. Mario's death comes to mind
EzioAltair17 wrote:
if this was something big they wouldn't have shared it with IGN seriouslyahem. Mario's death comes to mind
I'd say that Mario's death was very minor in the overall story.