Stealth Kills from the WW1 Helix Rift mission, The Darkest Hour.
This is the only "main" mission Lydia Frye has, the rest are all side activities (Associate Activities) that give Lore on the Isu.
I might do some of those at some point too, but when I have more time, not now.
Back to writing I go~!
Trying to steal the frontpage from me?! Proud of you, man. It took me a while to realize you were doing speedy stealth kills. What's up with that guy not seeing you at 2:44?
Thanks Aurel. Your pride is always appreciated. As for front-page theft, I'm trying to do no such thing! We can share it, if anything haha. Yeah, I started doing stuff like this to add some variety to my Non-Lethal stuff. I needed the extra spice since I'm so focused on writing these days that when I get a break, I want to make it count and do things that are more flavorful. About the dude not seeing me at 2:44, I'm pretty sure that Boat Doors in Syndicate are basically game-breaking. I can't be sure if this is only in this one section of game, or if it's on ALL boat doors, but the way you do it is you Whistle in front of the Door rather than when you're inside it. Then just mash Assassinate and you'll kill everyone even if there are like 80+ guards staring straight at you. It works consistently on the mission The Darkest Hour, but I'm not sure if it does on the regular Boats in the regular London simulation. I'll try it and report my findings with a short clip in a bit.
That's a pretty neat trick. I would't have mentioned my inactivity on the frontpage if someone hadn't been heckling me about it:
If I don't play Syndicate this year, then almost assuredly the next. Liberations looks worthy of buying. In fact, I plan to make one or two videos from the demo, and the fact that I'm currently working 50+ hours a week won't stop me.
If you're starting to realize how stiff and frustrating Unity's moment-to-moment gameplay is, Syndicate is not much better in terms of that. The Rope Launcher skips a lot of traversal, which you'll be thankful for. Combat is much faster than in Unity, so you can resolve unwanted combat much quicker. (Read: All combat is generally unwanted and a waste of time.) But beyond that the rest of the game feels fundamentally like a CopyPaste of Unity.
As long as you don't go in expecting a heavenly improvement, you should be able to drag the Good out of that game and enjoy what you can from it.
Looking forward to any videos you do put up. Liberation was an alright game, you can tell that it was made for a portable system when you play it, as it has the facets of Assassin's Creed III, but without as much of the depth. Still, when I played it a year or two ago, I definitely liked it enough to beat it and 100% it.
Oh, man. I started playing The Darkest Hour expecting a short side mission. It's a whole map with buroughs, Templar hunts, treasure chests, etc. This is going to take awhile...
There's one helix glitch I could use some help with. It's hovering high in the center of Tower Bridge, between the two halves of the open drawbridge (not the one way up at the top of the structure). This helix is directly over a hay cart on a boat so I assume the trick is to do a Leap of Faith from somewhere. So far I haven't discovered a Leap of Faith that passes through the helix. Any hints?
I know what you mean. Comparing the Helix Rift in Syndicate to the few missions in Unity is a world of difference. It's like its own mini open world with an entirely different character. I was pretty surprised by that, myself.
Regarding the Helix Glitch hanging just below Tower Bridge, I still don't have that one. I've heard some people say the trick is to do a moving Leap of Faith from a zipline, but I've tried a few times to no avail. The worst part is that there's no really efficient way to get back up there after failing an attempt, so it can get real old, real fast.
Okay, I found a few videos on the Tower Bridge Helix Glitch. This one appears to be the simplest if it still works, the Leap of Fail:
The others were like you said, Leap of Faith while moving on a zipline. There were several variations on where to place the zipline, etc. The common theme was to Leap just before Lydia reaches the end of the zipline. For example:
I got it using the moving zipline method on my about 3rd attempt.
I got it using the moving zipline method on my about 3rd attempt.
Me too. The straight drop method didn't work at all. She misses both the Helix and the Haystack, desynchronizing. Someone suggested pushing forward while holding the Drop button. Same result.
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
I got it using the moving zipline method on my about 3rd attempt.Me too. The straight drop method didn't work at all. She misses both the Helix and the Haystack, desynchronizing. Someone suggested pushing forward
while holding the Drop button. Same result.
This was also my experience.
I think the developers MEANT to put the haystack/glitch halfway between the bridges (unless it was used in a mission, I don't remember) so you had to span then drop. It just seems like an odd choice to have it in a hard to get location when every other one in the game is trivial to access.
Maybe they SHOULD make 50% of them or so hard to access like this. Make you think about how to use your tools or turn them into free climbing puzzles. As is, it's just a point and shoot mini-game with no payoff.
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
I got it using the moving zipline method on my about 3rd attempt.Me too. The straight drop method didn't work at all. She misses both the Helix and the Haystack, desynchronizing. Someone suggested pushing forward
while holding the Drop button. Same result.
This was also my experience.
I think the developers MEANT to put the haystack/glitch halfway between the bridges (unless it was used in a mission, I don't remember) so you had to span then drop. It just seems like an odd choice to have it in a hard to get location when every other one in the game is trivial to access.
Maybe they SHOULD make 50% of them or so hard to access like this. Make you think about how to use your tools or turn them into free climbing puzzles. As is, it's just a point and shoot mini-game with no payoff.