[Front-paged. -stabguy]
Time for Emilio's house of cards to literally start crumbling!
Watch the original video to see how to remove the front door of the palazzo.
After that, go to the herald to the west of the place. Move him by getting in a fight with a civilian. After you get him through the front door, the herald won't walk back to his original location.
There is no Spoon Assassination
This has to be done a certain way because of how different surfaces are modeled. The stairs in the palazzo disappear sooner than the flat surfaces (the floor at ground level doesn't disappear at all), plus Emilio disappears when you are about a hundred meters away. So the ideal time to TINS Emilio is when he is at the highest stairs (in other words, he dies from falling the height). Here is where the herald you previously moved comes in handy. Bribe him at the right time to teleport to his location. Since it's a little over ninety meters away, the stairs disappear instantly, and Emilio is TINSed. Keep in mind that if it weren't for the herald you wouldn't be able to get past the invisible memory walls surrounding the palazzo.
Failed Attempts
I originally thought this wouldn't be possible because of failed attempts. I moved the herald outside the palazzo, but then the scene wouldn't start!
After finding a way to remove the front door, I tried moving the herald inside the palazzo, and now it works.
[Front-paged by stabguy]
Look at the title picture and guess what will happen.
When you start from the last checkpoint in the Emilio mission desynchronize a good distance away from where the map marker is (in the video it's nearly 160 meters away). When you spawn back there aren't any posted guards around the palazzo, and the front door is open. This is related to There is no Spoon type missions, with an object no longer being modeled in the game. Now you can just waltz in there instead of having to infiltrate from the roof.
Emilio Outside the Palazzo
After the cutscene stealthily kill all the guards in there (I also hide their dead bodies). Wait for the boat to arrive before going after Emilio. With the door missing you can drag him outside. Wait, doesn't that contradict what was later said about how Emilio died?
Anyway, Emilio's AI is to escape on the boat, but there's a problem. The AI of characters still thinks the door is there, so he is turkey shooted. Now for a stylish assassination. Place Emilio by the well outside and jump from the highest point in the palazzo, one of the chimneys. This is A Hole in One, one of the most recent assassination styles (a deadly fall landing safely into a well). Afterwards there is the scene with the thieves, and of course Rosa opens the front door, despite it not being there.
Eagle Strike on Emilio Barbarigo
The chimney on the Palazzo roof makes a decent place to perform an eagle strike on Emilio. You need to aim carefully. I jump after the guard responds, "It is done."
Superjump to Infiltrate Palazzo della Seta
Superjump was originally developed by aurllcooljay to infiltrate Palazzo Ducale:
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A humorous look at Sequence 7. Emilio leaves himself open for an air assassination when his boat arrives. I juiced it up a bit. Note how the camera can't keep up with Ezio.
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Anonymous Blitz
An anonymous blitz was previously discussed in Part 1 of this variety pack:
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Blitz Assassination
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Silent Night at Emilio's Palazzo
The goal is to kill every opponent in Emilio's Palazzo without being detected. Just for fun, I also stay entirely unseen in this mission. That means no yellow alert bars over the opponents. Also, no smoke bombs and a minimal throwing knives, just to keep it challenging.
You may need to get the first patch for AC2, which was released December 2009.