I've seen some nice user pics from THB members, and I'm curious to hear the stories behind those pics. I'll start with mine. It's a snapshot of Ezio after poisoning Borgia. Borgia is laying on the floor of the Sistine Chapel behind Ezio, who is holding the Papal Staff. This corresponds to my most popular AC2 vid so far:
This was a gamesradar screenshot of Altaïr's shadow during an assassination (allegedly). It was one of the first hints our site had that we would have some sort of ability to fly in the game. My name being Fly Like an Eagle, I figured I would fish up this picture from way back in the day and post it as my profile picture on THB. I like it a lot.
this little face covered in blue and yellow is the face of (locally) famous comic book character 91: an Karlsson
91 being his conscript number in the Great Swedish Army. i think he's still in the training part.
he was basically my very first look in to the army and although it's just a comic book it's probably been a big influence subconsiously to why joined up.
it's been years since i read any of the comics though, i might just pick one up soon and see if they are still any good
My picture is a painting my older daughter did for her "Color and Design" class last summer.
Mine is basically a fan art of Altair after he ascended as Master Assassin... :3
Plus the Eagle just makes the whole thing looks cooler~ xD
I just put my user picture a little while ago. It shows Ezio crouching on a fence with his mother and sister, also crouching on the fence, facing him.
I just liked the movie KICK-ASS, so I downloaded it. I thought it was bad-ass.
I think I found mine on devart, I've had this image for a some time. For a while it was my desktop background. I like it cause it's simple yet different, and I think it represents the darker side of the series (though I am unaware of what that could possibly be) or at least my own darker outlooks and expressions of it.
...I just came up with most of that, but it still applies. It gives it more meaning now than it previously had...
it's black and red, and relates to Assassins that's why.
The default pic looks just like me so why bother changing it
The default pic looks just like me so why bother changing it
You're looking awfully pale. You should get some sun.
The default pic looks just like me so why bother changing it
You're extremely flat...
Mine is a snapshot from the top of the cathedral in Acre. <3 that viewpoint.
Mine is currently Ulquiorra from Bleach. No story behind it really I just like the character it will most definatly be changing in the future just because I will feel like it.
Well, my name on here is ThreeLetterSyndrom (yes, I know there should be an 'e'), this is an AC forum and I have been studying latin for the past 6 six years, so I threw something together combining all these elements, involving my name, the logo and the creed in Latin.
Mine is a picture of grafiti from a Marine barracks in Afghanistan that a buddy sent me. It's obviously a skull with a tattered American flag bandana with two Marine KBars crossed in the back. The first time I saw it it gave me chills, and made me want to run out and get a tattoo. I have a lot of friends in the military, so this was right up my alley.
Mine is actually a wall paper of Ezio, that I found cool. I'll be changing it later..
I recently changed mine before Brotherhood came out. I pre-ordered from Gamestop, so I knew I'd be gettng the Harlequin character as a multiplayer skin. I actually play as him as much as possible. I like him because you can't really see his expression. He's always got that creepy smile on his face. The Hellequin is just the rip-off female version with no personality at all.
Pieces of Eden are pretty much what everything is all about.
Before that it was a screenshot of StarCraft II, my favorite RTS (and only RTS I play).
Nuke going off in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Because it gives a sense of awe and total devastation. Because unlike you all, I am a butcher.
I remember that nuke in Cod4. I was like "what the hell US, you can't nuke your own soldiers." But then I actually understood the plot.
Still, it wuz a major turning point.
I remember that nuke in Cod4. I was like "what the hell US, you can't nuke your own soldiers." But then I actually understood the plot.Still, it wuz a major turning point.
It was the best twist in a game I had experienced until then (sure, my gaming experience was limited before CoD4, but still counts for something). I was in denial for a full level afterwards that Jackson had somehow survived, until Price was beating Al Asad to a bloody pulp. And the timing of it was beautiful, right after you saved the pilot. CoD has been trying to replicate that ever since, and failing itself (in my opinion).
Mine is of Peugeot 404, and a special edition, thank you very much: The camionette bachée (covered van) edition.
My uncle had one when I was young and it had a hole where you could see the road beneath you, reminded me of the Flintstones' cars. The brochure says it has a maximum speed of 104 mph, but I doubt hard it could continue past 60.
Nuke going off in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Because it gives a sense of awe and total devastation. Because unlike you all, I am a butcher.![]()
I have now changed my picture to a nice screenshot I got while killing Cesare in ACB. Love the back-color against the bodies, and the red aura.
mines just a funny pic of something I believe: man walks up to you singing, punch him. but recently ive just been killing him
mines is because the joker is my favorite villan of all time
Mine is Ezio climbing a tower in Constantinople (Revelations).
I put this picture because i can't wait for Revelations, also i used to love the middle east in AC1, and the "View" of Constantinople in this picture is really sweet.
Subject 18, will you please drop it? People spell things all kinds of ways and sometimes use language differently, but they can still make themselves understood.
Please please as a favor, try to read people's comments with a bit more generosity and compassion - and read what they are saying instead of how they are saying it.
Also, there is loads of mistakes in the previously referred to post. Just saying...
Hey guys,
did you hear that there will be a sequel to Assassin's Creed??
Changed my picture last night. I found a pretty cool drawing of Ezio with wings, but it looks like an old drawing, not something digitally created, which is why I like it. I wanted to find a good one of Altair, but I couldn't find anything that I loved.
One of the pictures I gave up on was similar to your pic, Gopher. Around the time I joined THB, I started using GIMP 2 on a standing Ezio. I whited out everything around him and began putting spread wings behind him. It wasn't looking good, and I was heading off to college, so it being on my home computer didn't get me around to finishing it. I was calling it something like: "Ezio: Assassin's Light" (because he was the Prophet)
One of the pictures I gave up on was similar to your pic, Gopher. Around the time I joined THB, I started using GIMP 2 on a standing Ezio. I whited out everything around him and began putting spread wings behind him. It wasn't looking good, and I was heading off to college, so it being on my home computer didn't get me around to finishing it. I was calling it something like: "Ezio: Assassin's Light" (because he was the Prophet)
I found something similar to that. It had black spread wings on a white backdrop, but it was a huge picture and the wings were kind of a mess. I like this one. It almost looks like the wings are an x-ray image.
Yeah, you picked the right one. haha
Much better than mine, whoever did it.
I have no clue where it came from. I just did an image search for Ezio and tried to find something I hadn't seen before and that wasn't a screenshot or in-game image. I wanted something that was original art, but wasn't something that had been done over and over. I also love how it looks aged.
I just changed my user picture. It's Ezio in the huddle of the four main targets in the Castello.
Thinking about changing my pic again. I get bored easily with stuff like that.
My user picture is the Ottoman version of the Assassin crest. It's pretty cool.
My user picture is the Ottoman version of the Assassin crest. It's pretty cool.
That's one of the better Assassin's logos I've seen.
I'm trying to upload a new picture, but it won't go up. I even delete the current one, save, then upload the new one. What's the deal? :/
I even delete the current one, save, then upload the new one. What's the deal? :/
Flush your browser's cache.
mines just Death Notes L.Lawliet mainly i love the series and corresponds with my current studies with criminal psychology so i can become an investigator :3
Thanks, stab. I'm on my phone now, but I'll try that when I get to my laptop later.
mines just Death Notes L.Lawliet mainly i love the series and corresponds with my current studies with criminal psychology so i can become an investigator :3
My girlfriend made me watch an episode of Death Note last week. Still on the fence about anime altogether, but it's a great concept for a show.
Oh, wait. It looks like my picture is up now. I guess it just wanted to surprise me after I tried over and over again? I hate computers.
My girlfriend made me watch an episode of Death Note last week. Still on the fence about anime altogether, but it's a great concept for a show.
A lot of animes really aren't worth watching, but you should try and watch more episodes of Death Note if it caught your attention. This show really got famous for a reason, unlike many of the animes with 500+ episodes that still air today. It actually has an interesting storyline. One advice though, never watch the japanese live actions. They're horrible.
I usually have a problem with the art styles and ridiculous way that a lot of them take the unbelievable storylines so seriously. And the cheapness of reusing the same animations over again for filler. But Death Note has a good, inspired original story. I might watch a few more to see what they can do with the idea.
And I won't derail this topic this time. Lol
How do you guys like my new picture?
My user picture is of an online game I played before.
Oh, wait. It looks like my picture is up now.
It was there as soon as you uploaded it. The thing is your user picture always has the same URL. Browsers save bandwidth by caching images on your computer. If you revisit an image with the same URL, it assumes the picture has not changed and uses the local copy instead of redownloading it over and over.
So when you change your user picture, your browser doesn't know the image at that URL has changed and keeps showing you a local copy of your old user picture. This continues until you manually flush the image from your browser's cache or until enough time elapses that the browser considers the cached image "stale" and redownloads it.
stab, is there an easy way to force an img reload by default? something like "src = '/folder/userpic.jpg?[timestamp]'" where timestamp is a unique number (or random number)? im not sure how easily you can change the source for the page.
stab, is there an easy way to force an img reload by default?
It's pretty much like you said, Ian. I added a timestamp to the filename to make it unique for the browser. It may have an undesirable ripple effect: If you try to upload a new picture but there's an error (corrupted JPEG file, etc.) and you cancel then you no longer have a user pic - not even the old one.
welp i wanted to change my pic and i was thinking batman at first but then finally chose an HD pic of goku