I know that some of you will think that this topic is useless, but i think it's cool to "put everything togheter" here.
So.. as the title says, which are your thoughts and opinions about AC:R ?
Anything you loved ?
Anything you hated ?
Anything you think the game should or shouldn't have ?
I really think we have enough topics. When the game comes out we could use a new one like this. All we've seen is a few bombs and Greek fire. That's literally our only experience with the game. And the AC games are generally composed of mostly stuff entirely different to just what they show at E3.
Hmm.... good point, So let's wait til the game comes out. ;D
I love the fact that this game will show us new areas and some areas already visited.
Also very curious with Desmond...
I'd love to re-enact some AC1 moments as Ezio. Like, he sees Altair's "ghost" and copies him in specific parts at Masyaf. Only maybe Ezio doesn't understand the language, so Altair finally speaks fully in Arabic.
Agreed with fyByas and Joey.
Also i like that stuff of "Assassin's Dens", the Zip Lines.... but.. i have a feeling that i'll miss a bunch of nice stealthy missions. But anyway i still think that the game will be very good.
I love that we'll be able to play as Altair again.
And as i always hated, i still hate that stupid notoriety thing. I think that we need to always be notorious because you are a Master Assassin now, everyone talks about you and stuff.
You can't be running and doing some parkour/free-running with a hood and weapons and nobody notices that it's you. I think that this is pretty dumb. I think that the guards should just don't recognizeyou when your walking and in a crowded place. When Ezio is Running, free-running, Fast Walking(sometimes) or walking suspiciously ,he should be noticed by the guards.
It's been a long time that no one commented here, so i'd like to say my opinions of Ezio's new clothes.
Well, i loved it, it looks amazing and TBH i prefer this one then his normal white ones.
I think that for blending with the crowd his new clothes are more realistic. It always pissed me off when i blended with the crowd and the guards didn't notice me. I'm the only one wearing a full white clothes with a hood !
This gray clothes is much more realistic to blend with the crowd since it is a more "city colour".
It always pissed me off when i blended with the crowd and the guards didn't notice me. I'm the only one wearing a full white clothes with a hood !
This gray clothes is much more realistic to blend with the crowd since it is a more "city colour".
Ha this made me laugh, anyways i think you'r right i also hated the fact that guards dont notice you when everyone else is wearing like, brown and black clothing i mean wouldn't they notice you don't fit in?
Danpii14 wrote:
It always pissed me off when i blended with the crowd and the guards didn't notice me. I'm the only one wearing a full white clothes with a hood !
This gray clothes is much more realistic to blend with the crowd since it is a more "city colour".Ha this made me laugh, anyways i think you'r right i also hated the fact that guards dont notice you when everyone else is wearing like, brown and black clothing i mean wouldn't they notice you don't fit in?
Yeah indeed !
I'm not saying that i don't like the White robes, i'm just saying that the gray one fits better to blend with the crowd. ;D
EDIT: Another thing i discovered and i like to share is that since courtesans were illegal in Constantinople they will not return in Revelations, but will be replaced by gypsies (who function the exact same way) you can see them to the left of Ezio from dancing. Go to the Revelations Demo on youtube an watch this part 1:37 - 1:40 .
Oh god, in before Borat Gypsy jokes...