Edward's voice!
Nothing really new gameplay wise, but more footage of Edward shooting guns and NOT dropping them. Funny, you'd think they would have shown that feature that totally exists.
Even without the Templars, there would still be a battle between a group that wanted freedom at any cost (Pirates) and those who want power and control (governments of the time) and they're both morally grey.
Just more proof that Ubi knew what they were doing when they chose this era.
EDIT: IGN Rewind:
They get a few things wrong (That shot of edward with his hood down is NOT him when he's older, just normal him) including mistaking Hornigold, Vane, and Blackbeard for blackbeard at different ages. But it's pretty good otherwise.
The faces look awesome. Let's just hope they will still be awesome in the actual game.
They look pretty good in the parts that are obviously non-cutscene, so I'd expect them to stay the same. Usually things don't look worse than the gameplay trailers on release, I've found. with Brotherhood, for example, everything looked a lot more washed out than the final game.
Is the "no pistol droppage" really necessary?
Ahaha, if I'm the one who makes these topics, I get to mess with you!