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Uberto Alberti Non-story Assassination

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aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Just think of it as taking out the trash early. Wink This video takes place when you reach the part of the game to assassinate Uberto.

Start by clearing the area of guards. I start at the stairs leading to the docks, where I plan to kill Uberto. There is a group of thieves nearby to hire. The archer first killed might not be necessary, but just in case. You can either quietly go behind him or use the group of thieves. Now use the thieves to lure away the posted guards at a bank. Stay there for a guard group that walks in that area. Then proceed to another guard group nearby. Now go to the building with Uberto. Outside are two guards talking. Blend with the courtesans and fast walk to the guards. Kill one of them while still in blend and kill the other before he can see you. Their bodies will attract the two guards outside of the doorway. Use the courtesans to distract the guards for easy stealth kills. There is a group of guards nearby, but they shouldn't be a problem.

Now for moving Uberto. Grab a civilian and throw him at the target when you get eight meters away (the closest you can get before he sees you is seven meters, but throwing people moves you closer). By knocking him down with characters you slowly move the target. Move him all the way where the setup started. This takes time and patience.

Non-story Death
When you finally move the target into water here's what happens: The target symbol still appears on the map. It falls for about two hundred meters below the map. Now there's no way to start the memory corridor scene without restarting. In the video I return back to the target's original location.
Uberto will still detect you if you kill someone (not sure if this works everywhere or just in the building).

Comic Relief
If you get in a fight with a civilian, he/she will still attack you during the assassination scene, and during the scene after the memory corridor.

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

The prompt doesn't show up when you go the scene? That's weird.

Nice video, though.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

You have to be close to Uberto for the prompt to show up. It may be possible to scene assassinate Uberto when he falls in the water. And since water has a habit of removing characters from scenes, he might not be there. But I've already spent so much time perfecting this.