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Trying to make a mod for AC1 and I'm stuck

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effervescent apricot's picture
effervescent apricot
Joined: 01/03/2024

I posted this on Nexusmods and I thought I'd ask here as well
Original post (where you can also find the image):

I've been trying to find a way to replace Altair's skirt mesh with the normal Masyaf assassin skirt, and it ain't going well.

So far, I've discovered how to "disable" mesh files in Entity files using HxD and Anviltoolkit (look up the ID of the mesh you want to disable, and change the "01" right before it to "00"). I already knew a few things about playing around with IDs in AC Brotherhood, so that wasn't too hard to figure out.

I'm still at a loss tho

The image I uploaded here was of an experiment where I disabled the mesh "extensions" of Altair's robes, hoping it would make his outfit look more like the other Masyaf assassins. As you can see the mesh is too short and the material files were probably designed to "flow" into the extensions. For some reason I can't replace Altair's skirt mesh with a Masyaf assassin skirt mesh with the same ID, even though they use the same skeleton. I've tried disabling the original mesh and combining the Masyaf assassin skirt mesh with other meshes that could be replaced, but some vertices keep getting displaced as a result. I'm starting to think the only way to add the mesh is by adding lines to the Entity files themselves, and I have no idea how to go about that.

I'd really appreciate any advice on this Smile

effervescent apricot's picture
effervescent apricot
Joined: 01/03/2024

Nevermind I got it I think

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Congrats on making AC1 mods!

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Hello Apricot, glad to see you're putting some love into the AC1 modding! Maybe you can share your solution, for my curiosity's sake? Then also other people who have this problem in the future can find this thread and find the answer, and don't have to figure it out themselves!


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."