Sometimes and some places, through obstructions glitch often appear in this game. Here I found an strange place can be through the wall by air assassination. But I'm not sure why things happen, have you any idea?
BTW, here is an easy way to enter Fort George in earlier.
Have you tried infiltrating the fort during the memory it opens up? You might be able to place a mine with interesting effects or somesuch thing.
The wall glitch belongs to a category of glitches very common in gaming. Technically we call it "clipping" since the parts where your character isn't supposed to move through are called "clip". What is happening is you make a jump into a bunch of clip, so the game tries to push you out. However, if you jump in the right way (for the AC games in specific, momentum is important), you can trick the game to push you out the other side, hence clipping through.
Other techniques for clipping also exist such as countering an attack (the animation displaces your character while there is no collision detection so the piece of clip effectively doesn't exist).
Yes, I have tried it, but it seems feasible to escape from the military area in sequence 11, as it cause desynchronization. And part of the fight with Haytham, all acts will be limited.
I have tried to take the same method from the wall outside, but I can't through wall to kill Jagers. I'm not sure whether it is because they are not close to the wall like those soldiers in my videos. Also, I guess that gap on the wall may be one of the reasons.
Thanks for your comments, but unfortunately I can't be more clearly expressed in English.
I can understand it, so it's fine. Shame it doesn't work like that.
This reminds me of that one glitch I encountered...
This reminds me of that one glitch I encountered...
Yup! or like this......
Hi! I haven't try it. But i am very interested . Thank you so much for sharing. Keep on posting!"link"
Nice try
souncloud123 wrote:
Hi! I haven't try it. But i am very interested . Thank you so much for sharing. Keep on posting!"link"
Nice try
Obvious spambot is obvious.