Hello people, I'm theLazyBlade from India. I'm fairly new to this site though I now recall that i've been here on this site years ago when i was introduced to the AC series and grew to love it.
I've been playing games since I was around 5 and been passionate about it ever since. I love games with badass movement and stealth elements where you could be as silent and deadly as you want all the way through or even if it's just a small constructive part of it. So long story short when I came to know about Assassin's Creed at first I was skeptical as to what the whole concept about it is and eventually got passionate about it and now decided to make content around Assassin's Creed and various stealth games or games with an option to be stealthy. Oh and ofcourse the STORYLINE matters.
It's nice to now finally be a part of the community
Welcome! This place isn't as active as it was back in the day. But there are some real cool people around occasionally.
Welcome! I hope you settle in and give us some of your unique insight. I hope to see your content soon!
Thank you for the warm welcome. I'll be posting stuff i.e. questions and answers, If i know any, and the videos that I make.
Here's my channel for y'all to check out. Thank you.
Here's my channel for y'all to check out. Thank you.
Subscribed. Great work!
Here's an idea for you. A video series called "The Lazy Assassin". You could show easy ways to do missions that people complain are too hard. IanXO4 got his start this way. One of his first AC videos was how to assassinate Sibrand without crossing over water.
Here is that video I mentioned. It's listed as IanXO4's very first YouTube video. The Lazy Assassin!
Here's an idea for you. A video series called "The Lazy Assassin". You could show easy ways to do missions that people complain are too hard. IanXO4 got his start this way. One of his first AC videos was how to assassinate Sibrand without crossing over water.
That is brilliant, thanks for the suggestion man, appreciate that.