Here's how this game works. Yourself and whoever is online right now are survivors of a zombie apocalypse. The amount of guests equal the amount of zombies. You have no weapons currently at your disposal. Elaborate on your survival companions and judge whether or not you will make it.
So as of right now there are 38 guests online. Do I like my chances?
Phi: Unfortunately for Mr. Golden Ratio, he'll probably be so caught up in doing online math problems that he won't even notice a zombie apocalypse is going on. The zombies will catch a whiff of his gigantic cranium and eat him alive.
Patrick: Deneny is young, but that means he's probably more sprightly than I am. He will serve as an excellent distraction for the zombies while the rest of my group decapitates them.
James: Living in Panama in itself is an adventure. He'll help keep us alive with his survival skills. Hopefully he also owns a machete for hacking through jungle flora and zombie body parts (I know I just grossly stereotyped everyone in Panama as being Rambo, but for this exercise, James being a commando is best case scenario for us).
FLAE: I'm willing to bet I'm the only one that actually has immediate access to a gun, so I guess I'll do most of the killing.
Do we survive? I would like to think so. I know I'd make it but we could potentially lose one of the other two. I'd probably end up with the most undead kills while James finishes close behind.
It's more fun to do this at different times during the day so make sure you don't do it immediately following another person's post. And if you don't elaborate on your survival buddies I guarantee you will lose. Hop to it!
This is brilliant, FLAE! And of course I'll provide a distraction - I do enjoy running, especially away from zombies
I'll wait until tomorrow to do my own elaborating
it's a little funny this topic came up just after i finished playing Left 4 Dead
oh, the ironing
Yeah, that's why whoever ends up with Rob online pretty much survives.
Me and 24 zombies by ourselves? well my dad is crazy and has a stock off food in case of emergency so id block all windows and doors and wait 2 weeks then bash in the zombies heads once they were weak of hunger.
Stabugy is going to try and stab the zombies. I use my 'huge cranium' and figure out a way to make a napalm bomb. We then proceed to burn the zombies to death.
Or an easier way would be to use molotovs on them but hey that's just me.
So right now it's just me and Joey against 84 zombies!
I'd probably put up a fight and take out 10-15 of the undead b*stards before quickly making a run for it. I could easily run for miles so hopefully they wouldn't catch up. I'm more of a flight kind of person than a fight
I can only imagine that Joey would stay and fight, perhaps calling up a few services using the Yellow Pages to help him
With 2 vs 84, I'll be honest - our chances don't look great...
I've passed a few gunsmiths wanting to advertise, so I have those connections.
I've passed a few gunsmiths wanting to advertise, so I have those connections.
Brilliant. Knew you'd sort something out. Once you've finished killing the zombies come and find me - I should be somewhere within a ten mile radius
So, it's Jfighter777 and I against 50 zombies...
I don't know crap about Jfighter, but I figure he can fight, since, well, that's his name. I'll do long-distance artillery with household items (I got good grades for chemistry) and he can fight them up close.
So, it's Jfighter777 and I against 50 zombies...
I don't know crap about Jfighter, but I figure he can fight, since, well, that's his name. I'll do long-distance artillery with household items (I got good grades for chemistry) and he can fight them up close.
Me up close? Na, I'll rig the traps that decimate their ranks with your chemical weapons as we withdraw. Use guerrilla tactics to pick them off.
I get to use JoeyFogey, ROB, PatrickDenny, and al-Assas as my bait against 45 zombies.
Slem's pretty good at this. We'll figure something out.
Well, right now its Calvar, Aurel and me against 41 zombies.
I would probably be able to survive with whatever melee weapons I find over the house, and a bit of fireweapon training I had a few years ago, plus I'm a really big fan of Max Brooks' zombie books so the survival guide should help me with it. I don't really know about Aurel and Calvar. Maybe Aurel will think of a really flashy way to distract the zombies while Calvar rights a 37-page long manifesto of how we struggled to survive the zombie apocalypse.
Please guys tell me you have some other talent
EDIT: I'm not really good at this...
EA17, Stabuy and I against 204 zombies! Oh noes!
I've got long distance covered. Stab does the up-close stabbing part. I don't really know what EA17 would do. How about scouring for supplies?
EA17, Stabuy and I against 204 zombies! Oh noes!I've got long distance covered. Stab does the up-close stabbing part. I don't really know what EA17 would do. How about scouring for supplies?
id run like hell and scream like a b*tch
Joey, EA17, James, bookwyrm (whoever that is) and me.
More importantly. Joey and I. Everyone knows that we're the coolest guys around here. Those 49 zombies will run back to their mommy, screaming out of fear for us.
Me alone against 128 do you guys expect?!?
Me alone against 128 do you guys expect?!?
Draw pictures of them and show them how hideous they are; they'll run away crying.
so can we use melee weapons? the rules say no weapons available.
if no weapons at all you'd pretty much have to hold off somewhere until they starve and cant move.
Can zombies starve? I thought 28 Days Later showed this, but that's a different type of zombie. Calvar, give us an explanation of how zombies can starve or not!
As zombies are clinically dead, they have no basic needs such as food, sleep or anything alike. If we are talking modern zombies or "infected", the "X-name" virus somehow can maintain the central nervous system operating without the need of any other organ, meaning that it will only need to reproduce going from one host body to another.
If you are talking about "old school" zombies well then a stomach full of brains means a happy zombie!
Me vs. 30 Zombies.
It'd be tough, but as long as I had ammo and was safely at the top of a staircase, I could pull survival off.
FLAE and I versus 23 zombies.
This is like Ezio and Altaïr against 23 guards. It's just not a challenge.
what you said is modern zombies can operate the central nervous system without any other organ. The central nervous system would need to make resources go to it's other organs, like the heart and lungs to get things to the cells to make the legs not die and fall off. they need legs atleast to catch you. to do this they need food.
also modern zombies dont bite once, they rip people to shreds. so if zombie ate a mans legs there would be a zombie with no legs not able to catch anything and die off.
so basically zombies would become weaker and weaker until the last ones were barely able to operate and starve. this would make them completely immobile and easy to dispose of.
So basically everybody hide out of reach, wait 10 days, and stomp in zombies heads and burn them.
p.s sorry if i sound like a jerk im a hardcore zombie fan lol
i read The Zombie Survival Guide too.
7 reasons a zombie outbreak would fail
We better have food of our own for that long.
Heh, no worries AssassinGuy, I was mostly trying to get together the most basic zombie lore. Since there are so many versions and characteristics the "Z-virus" (wow, that's a bad joke) has throughout most zombie media, I wasn't really sure how to put it. Wouldn't it be simpler if they just were magic-spawn walking dead?
Eight members (Fly Like an Eagle, EzioAltair17, JoeyFogey, ROB_88, davinci9, acedragon88, Vanitas, and PatrickDeneny) vs. a hundred and one zombies.
It's an all out zombie war! Lets do this!
i can do this ive been playing a sh*t load of resident evil!!!
Calvar, Patrick, doomkiller and I against 53 zombies.
Calvar, Patrick and I can do this easily, but dk will screw things up.
Myself against 104 zombies. *gulp*
play resident evil you'll know what to do
It's ROB_88, Aurel, davinci and me against 32 zombies.
I'm sure Rob, Aurel and davinci can handle them. I'm going to go read a book.....
It's doomkiller119 and me against 46 zombies. I know the right thing to do... run away and leave doomkiller119 to sacrifice himself.
It's me, Stabguy and acedragon88.
Me and acedragon88 will cook some food for us for dinner while Stab kill them all with his awesome.
Stabguy and I against 26 zombies.
We will use our mad programming skills to program all sorts of devices (like lawnmowers) to kill zombies. It'll be glorious.
A little while ago it was me against 105 zombies. Everyone else is eating turkey of course. Hopefully the smells of Thanksgiving food will draw the zombies away, heh heh.
Aurel, Vanitas, Greyz and I have come to your aid.
But you already killed like 69 zombies.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving in the UK.
Right now it's me, Ian, James, Phi and Joey against 36 zombies. Needless to say we will destroy them all by joining forces in true Thanksgiving spirit.
my thanksgiving was far from happy.
my grandmother died on wensday, my last living grandparent at that. me my mom and sis rushed to ny once we heard the news. my dad did nothing but cry the hole time,it was a mess. im currently at my aunts house writing this on my sis's laptop. and my younger cousin is annoying THE FUCCCKKKKK outta me. he isn't all there if ya know what i mean. i didn't eat a real dinner to end this.
so ill be stuck in NY until my parents do the funeral arrangements, i just wanna go home......
and right about now im ready to just get snacked on by zombies
Sorry for your loss EA.
Really sorry to hear about your grandmother, EA. Hope you're okay.
I'm so sorry to hear that EA. It'll get better soon.
Man.. I'm really sorry EA. We're all here for you buddy.
Be grateful we're all so respectful here. You'll be okay.
thanks guys. this really helped seriously
i know this is completely rude, and i kinda already hate myself for doing it, but i have to bring this up.
it's a bit...odd that you brought up the death of a family member in a thread about zombies. i know it's just that way it happened whe the subject of Thanksgiving came up. but it's just something i noticed
and i'm sorry for your loss
Yeah, that is a bit odd. I didn't even notice that. O_o
Waltonruler5: Never really seen him before, but new recruits are always welcome.
aurllcooljay: He'll just glitch the zombies out, allow us to get to new areas and TINS them to er.. Death?
IanXO4 and stabguy: Having ONE of these guys is enough. But both? Auto-win.
JoeyFogey: Final member of this crew, having him on is a good enough number to go back to back.