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Stylish Assassination: Wigmund

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stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

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The Grantebridge story arc climaxes with an actual prime assassination target named Wigmund (no first name).
This guide will show a way to stealth assassinate him without help from Soma and her crew.


The memory An Island of Eels begins at a camp that looks like a clan standing ankle deep in a swamp. Soma tells Eivor, "At the first sign of trouble, my crew will jump in." but then Soma herself is the only one to join Eivor on the mission. Need help busting down a door? Soma will help! Her crew will just be hanging around in the swamp. (I've read that if you stealth assassinate Wigmund and then are detected by his guards, Eivor will blow her horn to summon the rest of the crew. This has never happened to me so I cannot confirm.)

Since Soma will be joining Eivor, I let her ride in the bitch seat of my horse. No sense making her walk all the way to the Ely Monastery. It's just a short ride to the southeast. Wigmund will be on the ground floor of the north tower. That's the tall, round tower which will be on your left as you approach the monastery.

It's fairly easy to infiltrate the Distrust Zone. As long as you don't ride your horse through the front gate you should be fine. I climb the wall to the left of the front gate and then move along that wall left toward the north tower. There's one guard that I assassinate just to clear an escape path for later.


Upon reaching the north tower most players take the direct approach and force open a door. There are actually three doors at ground level as indicated in red in the following floorplan:

It's basically a square building with a chunk taken out of the southeast corner. The other three corners in dark gray are ground floor rooms with low ceilings. The main part of the building is shaped like a plus sign in light gray and has vaulted ceilings with exposed beams. Perfect for assassinating!

Instead of forcing a door, I recommend climbing on the southwest roof and entering the second floor through a missing window in green. There are several other stained glass windows which may be shot/broken out and entered, most notably the one adjacent to the southeast roof (also in green).

Once inside, get on the beams and locate Wigmund. Make sure you find the right target as there are five other guards inside with him. They move around a bit so I didn't place markers for them on the map. Wigmund travels in a predictable east-west path. I prefer to assassinate him near the west end because it makes for a quicker escape.


Since Wigmund walks directly beneath the central east-west beam, get a better air assassination angle by moving onto one of the cross beams. Again, try to nab him at a point near the west door. Tap Xbox right bumper for an air assassination. Pay attention to the final camera angle heading in to the cutscene. The camera angle will be the same upon exiting the memory corridor and that can help you get your bearings for the escape. It's a long cutscene.


After the assassination all of the doors will automatically open. The preferred escape route is out the west door. If you move fast enough none of the guards inside will give you any trouble.

Once outside the door turn right and jump down. There's a haystack but it's for jumps from a higher level. Just dodge around the haystack and head for the tree jutting from the fortress wall. From there you can make a leap of faith and call for your horse. Soma can find her own way back to camp.

Back at the swamp... the crew gives Eivor a standing ovation. After all, there's nowhere to sit.

You won't even feel the blade.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

Yay, an actual frontpage video this year. You have earned another annual THB subscription from me.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
aurllcooljay wrote:
Yay, an actual frontpage video this year. You have earned another annual THB subscription from me.

Then I got that video out just in time! Thanks for your continued support, Aurel. I recently got in touch with Firestorm. He said that he lost ac-maps due to lack of funding for domain and server costs. I'm grateful that our subscription and advertising revenue have covered the costs of running The Hidden Blade.

You won't even feel the blade.