Hey guys.
I sorta made up a new move... well not really. Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNCcqegza78 (watch in HD)
Can anyone Upload a video of doing this to two people? Basically, throw two people and do a double assassination while they are both on the ground... is that even possible?
Have fun stabbing!
First thing you do on THB is post a video?
...I'm impressed. Great job, and welcome!
Not bad, but since you throw them down, you can kill them without air-assassinating, and do a prone assassination, but I guess it looks cooler
Welcome Draco!
Yea, rather than waiting for them to fall and then stabbing (cheap-@** move ), you can free-run up a wall and by the time your up, you can perform an air assassination.
I've done this with other guards around the guy i threw too, but the video i posted was more of a montage of them to a single person. It works much better than the "headbutt/knee/punch until they fall move" since you can throw the guy into another person and if your lucky, knock down three people. then you can momentum assassinate one, stab one on the ground, and stab the other in the back right after they get up.
I need to post a video of that^. lol
Does anyone have any stunts on regular guards? lol
Cool, I never knew that was possible.