Altair's Chronicles | 1190 A.D
Altair, a young but experienced assassin returns home to his city from some work. He finds it under attack by Templars. In order to stop the attack, he fights back using his skills and in doing so kills a low-ranking officer of the Templar army. Al Mualim, his master, gives him the task of finding a very important object named the Chalice. It is able to unite all nations in favor of a single master, and must not fall into the hands of the enemy: thus it must be destroyed.
Throughout his investigation and adventures, Altair discovers that the Chalice is not an object, indeed it is a woman who he has an interest in: Adha. The Templars capture her, and put her on a ship. Altair fights his way to the ship and kills the Templar leader, Basilisk. However, Adha turns out to be on a different ship, and Altair vows to find her, no matter what it takes.
The first time Altair has seen the ferocity of the Templars, and the reason for having a Personal Vendetta against them in Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed|1191 A.D
During the Third Crusade, the war between the Saracens and Crusaders shadows a hidden but equally important war. One between the Assassins and the Templars. Robert de Sable, leader of the Templars has finally found an object that will unite all nations under a single flag. This tells us that the plan with Adha failed. Altair has still not heard of her at all, and has continued with his work, although with great sadness and anger, opting to not pay attention to the Creed in his rage, saying that "my way is better". This is also why his voice is low and mysterious, he is plagued with sorrow. Al Mualim sends a small strike force of Assassins to Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, where Altair, Malik and Malik's brother must find the Piece of Eden, and prevent the Templars from acquiring it. When inside the Temple, Altair breaks all three Tenets of the Assassin's Creed:
Tenets of the Assassin's Creed
Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent: Altair killed a civilian in the temple. He had nothing to do with either the Templars or Assassins, Crusaders or Saracens. He was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. He did not need to die.
Hide in plain sight, never be known until the last moment: Altair literally announced his existence to Robert when he was about to kill him, this caused Robert to catch Altair's blade arm, throw him off into another section of the temple, and make Altair break the last tenet of the Creed.
Never compromise the Brotherhood: After being thrown off into another section of the temple, the wall collapsed behind Altair and sounds of battle were heard. Arriving back at Masyaf, he told Al Mualim that he failed. He, his best student.. had failed in a simple task. Malik's brother was killed because of Altair's refusal to follow the Creed, and Malik's arm was lost in the battle with Robert and his men. Worse still, the Templars followed Altair to Masyaf, and attacked the fortress.
After the Failure at Solomon's Temple
When the Templars attacked, they brought forth a hostage who was most likely Malik's brother. He got stabbed through the back and died almost instantly. Altair saved the fortress by releasing a load of logs on top of the approaching army. They fled, and Masyaf was safe, but this did not negate Altair's terrible mistake.
Al Mualim punished Altair for his betrayal and stabbed him. Altair was supposed to die, but fate had something else in store for him. When Al Mualim discovered that Altair was still alive, he lied to him, saying that he "saw what I wanted you to see". Stripping Altair of all of his rank, he forces him to hunt down 9 men in exchange for his former life back. Each one of them says something revealing to Altair, starting with riddles and ending with a flat out confession from the last man. These are their last words:
Tamir, Black Market Merchant
City: Damascus
Last Words: Tamir says that Altair and all who oppose the Templars will pay for this death. He says that a Black Market merchant using war for profit is a strange target for the best Assassin in the Brotherhood. He believes that he is different from every other Merchant in the city. He says that profit is not his goal, but a far greater cause is. Tamir says that he is merely a pawn, as Altair is, a man with a part to play. He says that Altair's pride will destroy him.
Garnier, Hospitalier
City: Acre
Last Words: Garnier wants to know what will happen to his "children". He does not believe that what he's doing is wrong, instead he knows that what he's doing is the only right thing. He says that without the Piece of Eden, his progress is slowed, but with herbs he is able to continue. After his death, so too will his "children" die, being taken over by the insanity that exiled them from the general public.
It's kind of funny how after Garnier is killed, there are more and more beggars, drunkards and mental people roaming the streets. Now that they have no place to go, they will return to the prisons of their own minds.
Talal, Slave Trader
City: Jerusalem
Last Words: Talal reveals that his part is played and that his death is meaningless. The Templars are no weaker or stronger than they already are. He states that God has long abandoned the poor beggars, whores and drunkards on the street. They would not make good slaves, and Talal wants to send them to Garnier to help them. He tells Altair that he does not profit from war, but that Altair only thinks he does and that Altair is merely killing all the Templars for no reason, other than he was told to.
Abu'l Nuqoud, Merchant King
City: Damascus
Last Words: Abu'l says that the reason he killed the guests at his party was not about vengeance, but about his conscience. He could not find a reason why he could finance a war for a God he does not believe is just. Instead, he finances it for the Templars, that's where the money is being sent. Abu'l tells Altair that they both fight for the same cause: to kill people that the world would be better off without. A final evil for a greater good. Altair would like to believe that they are nothing alike, but in his heart and mind.. he doubts. Abu'l says that "you cannot stop us. We will have our New World"
It's interesting how Abu'l says "you cannot stop us." He can mean it in two ways. One of them is directed right to Altair, and it's true. Altair died, but the Templars and Assassins continued to fight each other. However, more chilling is if he said that you, as in the Assassins cannot stop the Templars. We will have to see what happens in Assassin's Creed III to figure out if Abu'l's prediction was correct.
William, Liege Lord
City: Acre
Last Words: William says that he doesn't want Richard OR his son Conrad to have the city. Rather, it belongs to the Templars, and only then can it be truly safe from damnation. In killing William, Altair apparently has "damned" the city. He says that in the end, "you'll have only yourself to blame."
Majd Addin, Regent
City: Jerusalem
Last Words: Majd Addin says that the Templars wanted the city, and that he wanted power. He said that there is no greater feeling than feeling like God, and he decided to kill the people because it was fun, because it was such great power to have someone's life in the palm of your hand.
This is probably the only Templar who is actually insane. He doesn't even care about the greater Templar goal, he just wants to feel like God. Altair probably did the Templars a favor eliminating him, because he would have only dragged them down.
Jubair, Chief Scholar
City: Damascus
Last Words: Jubair says that he destroyed the texts for the greater good. Holy texts are what cause countries and races to fight with each other, and cause suffering for the families of the dead soldiers. Jubair says that he like the books, another source of knowledge with which someone disagrees. Just as Jubair burned the books, a source of knowledge, Altair assassinated Jubair, another source of knowledge. Altair begins to doubt even more.
Sibrand, Master of Teutonic Knights
Last Words: Sibrand is afraid to die, because he knows that there is no God, no Paradise or spiritual gratification. There is simply nothing. No, not even nothing. The Piece of Eden was proof of this, and the Templars were smart to be Atheists. Sibrand wanted to make a blockade with ships to stop Richard from sending reinforcements, allowing the Templars to take the city more easily. He says that he's following orders, believing in the greater good, same as Altair. This makes Altair doubt the most, and is the final assassination before the turning point in Altair's life.
Maria, Robert Impersonator
Words to Altair: Maria knew that Altair would try to kill Robert, so she and Robert made a plan, allowing Robert time to escape to Arsuf and plead with Richard as well as Saladin. Crusaders and Saracens will unite to kill a common enemy, the Assassins, who have given them 9 reasons to hate them. Altair says that he will not kill Maria, because she is not his target. She says that Altair is already too late.
Robert, Leader of the Templars
Area: Arsuf
Last Words: Robert said that Al Mualim betrayed Altair, just as he betrayed him. (Al Mualim first went to the Assassin's side of the conflict, knowing they're the stronger side) Robert said that it wasn't 9 men who knew of the Piece of Eden, but rather 10. The 10th one is Al Mualim himself. He is a Templar. Altair says that he is the Master of the Assassins. (Even if Al Mualim wasn't initially an actual Templar, he would still be a Templar due to his actions and his mindset about the world) Robert says that the Piece of Eden was Al Mualim's final goal, and now that all the obstructions in his plan are gone, only Altair remains. Al Mualim will not let Altair live.
Al Mualim, Master of the Assassins
Last Words: Al Mualim says that the student cannot defeat the teacher. Altair repeats the Assassin motto, that Nothing is true, Everything is permitted. Al Mualim says that he could not bring himself to destroy the "fire in his hand", the one thing that would bring true peace. Altair says that if Al Mualim won't destroy it, then he will. He walks toward the Piece and Al Mualim's voice is taunting him, telling him to destroy it like he said he would. Altair says that he can't, and Al Mualim's voice tells him that "you can, Altair... but you won't..."
This is probably another taunt from Al Mualim. Nobody has figured out a way to destroy a Piece of Eden until the Tunguska Incident.
Bloodlines|1192 A.D
Altair travels to Cyprus to stop the Templars from using their Archives and potentially rescue Maria from certain doom. Because she is a woman, the Templars cannot accept her, as well as the fact that she failed TWICE to kill Altair in the previous encounters with him. She is deemed an unworthy ally. After the events of Bloodlines, Altair and Maria have two children. One of them conceived on top of a tower in Acre, above the spot that William of Montferrat was assassinated previously. Altair then began writing pages of a Philosophical Codex of sorts, almost an extension of the original Creed. This is what is contained within the pages:
Page 1
Altair has begun studying the Apple of Eden and cannot turn away. Malik and the other assassins have suggested taking a break or abandoning the knowledge entirely. Altair says that the Apple is amazing, not because of what it does, but how it does it. He remembers almost being taken over by it himself. He says that he freed himself of Al Mualim but doubts it. The Piece of Eden has something that must be discovered, and Altair believes everyone to be at risk until he discovers all its secrets.
Page 2
This page shows a drawing of the Templars and the Assassins waging all-out war. The Templars have more forces and farther-reaching weapons, as well as shields. The Assassins have a short blade in one hand and a longsword in another, charging towards their enemy as if they know that they will emerge victorious.
Page 3
This page shows a drawing of the Hidden Blade's internal workings. Should someone possess this page, they will be able to create the Assassins' most influential weapon.
Page 4
Altair contemplates the fact that the Assassin's Creed is completely ironic. They want to create peace, yet they murder someone at least once a day. They want to free the world from obedience to a master, but some obedience is necessary to follow the Creed. They want to show the world that blind faith is bad, all the while practicing it themselves. Altair has no true answers to why this is occurring.
Page 5
Altair thinks about Those Who Came Before. Are the Pieces of Eden actually something left behind by the First Civilization, or are they just dumb trinkets, given power only by the idiotic beliefs of those who wield them and the people they command with them?
Page 6
Altair changes the rules of the Assassin Order slightly. Just because Robert de Sable and Al Mualim are dead, doesn't mean that the Templars are no more. For their essence is but an idea. You cannot destroy an idea. Because the Templars have more raw power and more forces than the Assassins ever will, the Assassins should change their ways to lengthen their survival factor. They must not abandon the Creed, just wield it better.
Page 7
Altair explains how he felt for Adha. He chased the Templar boat and when he got there, she was dead. He killed every last man standing who was responsible for her death, yet it didn't do anything for him (perhaps this is why Ezio doesn't kill Rodrigo, because killing him won't bring his family back just like it didn't bring back Adha for Altair) Altair though that Adha would be the only woman to make him feel true love for someone. He was wrong.
It was also Maria, seeing as they had kids and were a family and everything.
Page 8
Altair doesn't understand why much of instinct is based on violence and the pain of those around us. Even in nature, as well as man. If there was a God who created the universe, he wasn't a divine and good force, but a madman.
Page 9
Altair realizes that one cannot wage war against a concept, or a Creed, and that even if these things have no tangible form, they can change the world in dramatic ways in an instant. If all things associated with a concept or Creed are destroyed, it remains to be rediscovered for another day. Someone somewhere will find it, reinvent it perhaps, but not make a completely new one.
Page 10
Page 10 shows an illustration of the First Civilization fusing Technology (right) with Nature (left) to create the Pieces of Eden (Middle, Apple of Eden)
Page 11
Altair ponders that all Gods seem too similar to be a coincidence or a true story. All of their stories are also barely different. Maybe they're all the same person, using a Piece of Eden to transform the truth and cast illusions upon their followers in order to appear powerful. These people could be here right now. There are so many questions, but no answers.
Page 12
This page shows a diagram of the Heliocentric Model of the Solar System. This is interesting because the Heliocentric model isn't to be used for many years to come. This means that the Piece of Eden somehow showed this to Altair. Also, in the middle, the Sun is visibly sad. (Sad face: ) This may be warning Altair of the coming 2012 disaster where the Sun fires off a huge solar flare and it toasts the earth as it did for the First Civilization.
Page 13
This page shows a new metal (in the picture), as well as new assassination techniques that will improve the Brotherhood's effectiveness. Shown are the Ledge Assassinate, the Assassinate from Hiding Spot and the Air Assassinate. Altair says that the Hidden Blade almost defines the assassins, and that he has worked with Malik to think of new assassination techniques. He has also used the new metal to make an armor plate on the hidden blade so it may be used in combat to deflect blows. Another improvement Altair has thought of is the inclusion of a second Hidden Blade, which may be useful in assassinations or combat situations where the assassin must face multiple targets at the same time.
Page 14
Altair says that all human beings seek dominion over other beings. However, it shouldn't come to fellow humans. He sees slaves being sent off for purchase, men abusing their wives, women being mistreated only because they're a different gender. He wonders what the assassins can do to teach equality and tolerance. Sometimes he will see children barely old enough to walk being taken away from their parents forcefully and being sold for an extra coin or two, and on days such as these, he wishes the blood of the evil slave traders would spill.. maybe that is the only thing that will make a difference.
Page 15
On this page is a map/overhead view of Cyprus. This is where the majority/important part of Bloodlines takes place.
Page 16
Altair reveals that the Piece of Eden not only shows that which is past, but also the future. He thinks such a thing should not be possible and is potentially a bad thing. He is torn between doing something about his visions, or letting them idly pass. He doesn't know if he's even supposed to attempt to make a difference.
Page 17
Altair has seen a vision of the end of the world and wonders if this is what happened to the Last Civilization. If the Templars had this power, they will have achieved their goal of total global domination...
Page 18
Some of the assassins believe that hiding themselves in secrecy and the shadows is a cowardly move that slows them down. But it is in fact a necessary move that speeds up the process and makes it more effective. Someone cannot learn something simply by being told that that is the way. They must think of this themselves.
Page 19
There is a picture of Altair's Armor, perhaps containing or made of the Golden Fleece (possibly Piece of Eden). The armor is the lightest, yet strongest armor the world has ever seen so far. The risk for the formula to fall into the Templars' hands is too great, so Altair destroys it. There is only one set of armor that is this great, and only Altair has possession of it.
Page 20
The Pagan ways of worship and belief made sense to Altair, in that they explain how gravity, the tides, the wind, the sun and other forces of nature work by attaching a different god to each of them. Now that humanity is forced to believe in a single omnipotent being (God/Allah/Buddah/Rama/etc.), and now that the punishment for disobeying or disbelieving is so great (eternal damnation in the burning fires of hell anyone?), there is no way to push back a false belief in a God that is nothing but an illusion.
Page 21
Details the construction of the Poison Blade, and from which flowers/herbs to extract poison. Picture form.
Page 22
Shows a map of the world, spherical instead of flat like the people at the time believed it to be, as well as locations of other Vaults and Pieces of Eden around the world.
Page 23
A picture of the Assassin's Logo/Seal in the middle of the page, and the many methods of movement the assassins have/are trained in on the borders and outsides of the page.
Page 24
Altair says that sometimes he misses his family, because he never truly got to see them for a real family. Even though they loved him very much, he did not think so. He thought Al Mualim was his true father. He says that someday he'll have a child, and it will not be separated from its parents, rather encouraged to love them and to be loved back. Fighting without love and with the idea that their children will not gain anything from this is a way to weaken the Order, attaching themselves to family is not.
Page 25
This page shows a picture/portrait of a woman, Maria Thorpe (Altair's wife)
Page 26
Altair knows the truth of how dangerous Pieces of Eden truly are, and vows never to touch the dreaded technology again. He tells the finder of the Codex to look beneath the lines (using Eagle Vision) and find where the other Pieces/Vaults are. Ezio does this.
Page 27
More and more people join the assassins every day. Altair demands these people to not be fooled by trickery, but to be persuaded by actual knowledge. Confusing and complex knowledge, for that is how life itself is.
Page 28
This shows how to build the Hidden Pistol, an add-on for the hidden blade.
Page 29
Altair states that a great conqueror named Genghis Khan is traveling across the lands and taking everything he sees for his own. Altair suspects a Piece of Eden is involved in this, and brings his kids and Maria to attempt to assassinate Genghis Khan, so they may test their skills and knowledge. (I think Genghis Khan's horse was shot by an arrow during his actual assassination in real life.. but I'm not sure. Would explain the assassin tombs.)
Page 30
Altair is dying. He wonders what will happen to his mind, his consciousness, all the memories and knowledge he has gathered throughout his life. He can't stand to know that there is no God at the end, and that all his hard work is for nothing in the end.. it doesn't matter if you're good or bad, we all die anyway. Having sworn never to touch the Piece of Eden, even he cannot resist its temptations and takes one last gaze into the object he vowed to never misuse again... Nothing is known of Altair after this. There are no more Codex pages and it is unknown if Altair is dead or still alive in some way.
Assassin's Creed II
Ezio, a young noble from the Auditore family is about to participate in an all-out brawl against Vieri de Pazzi and his men. Ezio had spoken badly of Vieri's father and sister, and thus Vieri had to defend his family's honor and dignity. "Uccidetelo!", he screamed as both sides clashed. Ezio almost single-handedly defeated Vieri's men, and just in time for his brother, Federico Auditore to come to the scene of the battle. Ezio's lip was heavily bruised and bleeding, and he and Federico went to a streetside doctor to heal. During the night-time, Ezio and Federico climb on top of a church and contemplate the good life they lead. Ezio wished, "May it never change." Little did he know, it would change.. and it would change drastically..
The Pazzi Conspiracy
Ezio's father tasked him with delivering letters and running a few errands. Along the way, he met a Courtesan and a Thief who would be invaluable allies later on. Upon returning to his home, Ezio discovered that Federico, his father Giovanni and his 12-year old brother Petruccio were taken prisoner. Attempting to discover what led to these horrible events, he climbed up the prison structure and spoke to his father through prison bars.. Instructions were given to Ezio, who was supposed to go home immediately and find an Auditore family heirloom.. as well as specific instructions.
Shattered Life
All that Ezio knew and loved was on the brink of destruction, a new and dangerous life about to consume him. With a rage he had never known before, he flew through the streets, and across rooftops to get to his house, finding a secret door with his "talent" (Eagle Vision) and discovering the secrets inside. In a chest, he found an Assassin's garb, a broken Hidden Blade (broken accidentally by Giovanni Auditore in the fight with Rodrigo Borgia in Assassin's Creed: Lineage) and a letter to the Gonfaloniere, Uberto Alberti. When he exited the house, Ezio was confronted by two guards. Unfortunately for them, it was not their duty to arrest him, and instead served as Ezio's first blood. Sickened by what he'd just done, he quickly traveled to Uberto Alberti's house, giving him the letter from his father outlining the Pazzi Conspiracy.
The Execution
When his father and brothers were about to be executed, Ezio was in the crowd. Amazingly enough, his father proudly screamed for all to hear, "You may kill us today, but we will stop you one day!" As the Auditore men were hung, Ezio screamed, "I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" After getting away from the execution, he was determined to keep his promise...
The Hidden Blade
Bringing the parts for the hidden blade to Leonardo da Vinci, Ezio discovered that the Assassins had changed their ways from the Creed they once had in the Third Crusade. He realized that this new Creed was in fact the philosophical codex. Using his new secret weapon, he assassinated Uberto Alberti in broad daylight with fierce brutality. Yelling at the top of his voice, "The Auditore aren't dead! It's me! Ezio! Ezio Auditore!", Ezio warned all that nobody was safe from the blade of justice any longer..
"Ezio's Family"
The Life of an Assassin
During the rest of his life, Ezio battled through countless fights, assassinated many corrupt officials and Templars, and discovered what it truly means to be an Assassin. This didn't mean a contract killer, a heartless murderer who lives in the shadows. What it meant to be an assassin, was to be one of the only people who cared for the lives of others, and who gave life itself the greatest respect. The assassins knew that there was only one life to be had, and cherished it, vowing to rid the world of the people who made this sacred life worse for daily citizens, who could do nothing to defend themselves. During his life, Ezio collected all 30 pages of the Philosophical Codex, he found all 100 feathers that Petruccio wanted, and this allowed his mother to speak again, if only once more. He finally discovered the destructive powers of the Pieces of Eden, and that they are not always a good power...
The Vault
Ezio traveled to the Sistine Chapel in Rome, where one of the Vaults was. There, he met Rodrigo Borgia, who had become Pope. Ezio assassinated Rodrigo, but he didn't fully die. He used his Piece of Eden, the Papal Staff to become all powerful. Fortunately for Ezio, he also had a Piece of Eden, the Apple. He felt the power of the Apple flow through him, and created 9 illusions around him. Nine copies of him who would fight to the death. As Ezio severely wounded Rodrigo, he fled into the Vault. When Ezio followed him, he challenged Rodrigo to a one-on-one, hand-to-hand duel. Whoever won would be Prophet. Ezio dodged punch after punch, landed blow after blow and finally, defeating Rodrigo, wanted answers. Rodrigo told him that inside the Vault was God. Ezio used the power of both Pieces of Eden to open the door to the vault, where he was approached by a futuristic hologram of a woman named Minerva.
The End of Days
Minerva told Ezio that, like humans, a race once inhabited this planet. It was called the First Civilization, and it was highly advanced. In order to control humans, who they created to use as slaves, or potentially pets, the First Civilization created the Pieces of Eden, objects that were made of pure temptation, that no human could resist. However, Adam and Eve had stolen these sacred objects, and used them to free the humans from these vile illusions. As such, they would become the precursors to the Assassin Brotherhood. They waged war, and both were eventually wiped out by a large solar flare from the sun. The planet was destroyed and made anew. Minerva says to Ezio that she wishes not to speak to him, but through him. She says that, "The rest is up to you... Desmond."
Desmond Miles|2012 A.D
Desmond Miles was an ordinary bartender. He didn't have any friends, or enemies for that matter. Until one day he was captured by a corporation called Abstergo. They forced him to enter a machine called an Animus to relive the lives of his ancestor Altair. Desmond was technically an assassin because his ancestors were. He was born into an assassin heritage, but escaped. Once done with him, Abstergo were supposed to kill him, but Lucy Stillman, an employee at Abstergo told them they might still need him. Desmond, alone, realized that the Bleeding Effect was seeping into his mind and body. Altair's life was overlapping with his. He could use Eagle Vision and discern that Lucy was an ally, and that Warren Vidic, the scientist in charge of the Animus program was an enemy. Going into his room, he saw Cryptic Visions written in blood on his wall. Just then, Lucy Stillman came into the room, and they escaped Abstergo, going to a modern assassin hide-out, where Desmond met Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane. Desmond is the only assassin they know that can help them find the Pieces of Eden and fight back against Abstergo, who wish to launch a satellite with a Piece of Eden attached to it to mind control the whole planet. They use the Bleeding Effect, in conjunction with the Animus to relive Ezio's life and gain his abilities and skills. When they are finished, Lucy tells Desmond about the 2012 Theory, where a sufficiently large solar flare may potentially burn the whole world alive. Abstergo are modern-day Templars, but they still aren't the largest threat. Desmond will have to use all he has, all he is capable of and more... if he is to have any chance at all at stopping the largest corporation of Templars the world has ever known...
I hope you enjoyed this summary of the Assassin's Creed universe, and thank you for viewing. Commenting is now officially open to everyone, so let me know what you think. Also, it would be cool if this would get front paged, but I'm not asking for anything over-the-top like that. Merry Christmas, everyone, and a Happy New Year!
Let me be the first to say...excellent work! I believe this needs to be front paged!
i've been thinking about that last Codex page where Altair writes something like: "the thing is bad, but since i'm dying, one last look can't hurt"
every time someone says "one last... can't hurt" it will most definitaly hurt, often in a pretty big way, and i think it's gonna have it's part to play in AC3. i'm just not sure how though.
Wow, nice job. I'm happy to say that MY video brought you here to THB (see stab? I told you Youtube brings us traffic )
Thanks for the comments guys, and when AC3 comes out, I'll add it to this page as well.
*head explodes*
Need's to be front page'd. Awesome topic.
Front Paged! Front Paged!
I posted this on a ACII forum on
Many people commented it was very good, deffinately deserves to be front paged.
Okay, okay... front paged.
Lol, I need to write a novel on these forums some day as well
Wow! That's impressive. Just two little nitpicks, though -
- Page 25 of the Codex was a picture of Maria - she's wearing an hood similar to the one from Altair's dream, Altair and her would have been together for a long time at the writing of that Codex page, and there's really no other possibilities for the person's identity, so you don't need to say "most likely Maria Thorpe".
- The hidden blade was broken because of Giovanni's fight with Rodrigo Borgia in AC:Lineage, it wasn't intentional.
Wow! That's impressive. Just two little nitpicks, though -- Page 25 of the Codex was a picture of Maria - she's wearing an hood similar to the one from Altair's dream, Altair and her would have been together for a long time at the writing of that Codex page, and there's really no other possibilities for the person's identity, so you don't need to say "most likely Maria Thorpe".
- The hidden blade was broken because of Giovanni's fight with Rodrigo Borgia in AC:Lineage, it wasn't intentional.
Both are valid points. These should probably be fixed.
Great job man. Sums up all of the important plot points really really well.
Thank you all, I love the front page.
This is the first time in my life where I actually felt like somebody truly respects me.. like TRULY.. SERIOUSLY.
I know it seems weird, but hell!
Points that were wrong have been fixed, thanks for feedback.
respect? of course! you deserve it daz! youve made some awesome contributions in your short time here. i hope youll stick around.
I'mma be sticking around for a whiiile.
i've been wondering about the expansions Altair's Chronicles and Bloodlines.
is Desmond or the Animus ever mentioned in any of them.
i mean in the main games we follow Desmond who sees/plays Altair and Ezio. but if the player follws Altair first hand instead, then that is a whole other thing
In both games, you see the Animus as it is in the room in Abstergo. However, Desmond isn't shown, except for there may be a reference to him in one of the instruction manuals.
Altair's Chronicles did not reference the animus or Desmond at any point. You play from within the animus in both Bloodlines and Discovery and it gives you tutorials and such, but no mention of Desmond. You don't step outside the animus or have any contact with the real world whatsoever.
AC: Brotherhood is coming out soon.
It's story and my interpretations of strange Assassin's Creed-esque details will be edited into the second part of the article.
Safety and peace,
Wow! I just read this (and played the music at the right time) and that is truly amazing DAZ! Given the length of the ENTIRE storyline, this was an amazing summary.
Thank you very much, Joey. to you, too.
Really though, when I play the games I think to myself "The Desmond story is cooler and more important!" and then I think that "Wait, the Animus story is equally as important..." "But DESMOND is the one that's saving the world soon!"
Arrghh... So hard to choose.
It's kinda like we get two games in one with each AC game, really. I love it.
Yeah I totally agree.
I'm just immersed in the entire mythology. Everything they do actually makes some sort of sense. If Assassins were real, I'd be more than willing to join them.
Assassins WERE real.
Or at least what they were based on was.
Masyaf is also a real place, in Syria.
Thinking about visiting there, someday.
Apparently some people have started "restoring" the castle and stuff.
Well, I was talking about the game version. I know about the real ones. I even put up a forum about it! xD
I think it was called "The Real Assassin Order" or something?
If there were REAL GAME VERSION Assassins, the first thing I would think is that there were real Templars, that actually want to do bad stuff. In which case, I would attempt to join the Assassins. I'm kind of partial to my fingers though.. I know you don't have to to get the Hidden Blade, but still.. MEH. I like my fingers...
Well, at least they fixed it so that we don't have to lose our finger!
I mean, they have a replica version of the hidden blade.
I'll be buying one later this year.
Wow nice. I'll be using that in my Halloween costume, along with throwing flor- er.. pennies all over the place.
Wow thats a long read. Great Job . I like Ubisoft's version of the creation story better.
Wow thats a long read. Great Job. I like Ubisoft's version of the creation story better.
Where can I find this version?
xplic3t wrote:
Wow thats a long read. Great Job. I like Ubisoft's version of the creation story better.
Where can I find this version?
LOL never mind, I just got it. Had a really dumb moment there.. for quite a while. As do I. Eve stole the Apple of Eden from Those Who Came Before. She ran away with Adam. I should be adding Brotherhood story, as well as theories that Lucy is descended from Eve, and Desmond is descended from Adam. Either that, or Lucy is NOT descended from Eve.. Lucy.. poor Lucy. Ending of Brotherhood.. I felt pretty bad. The worst is that the game allows you to struggle against Juno's will. I'm starting to think that Those Who Came Before are total assholes.
Even worse was that the ending was spoiled for me way before I got to it
I spent the whole time playing wondering why he would do it
Even worse was that the ending was spoiled for me way before I got to itI spent the whole time playing wondering why he would do it
Oh no, did I spoil it for you, or did someone else?
It wasnt on this site
Necroing old threads...
It would be great if you continued with ACB and ACR.
Al Mualim punished Altair for his betrayal and stabbed him. Altair was supposed to die, but fate had something else in store for him. When Al Mualim discovered that Altair was still alive, he lied to him, saying that he "saw what I wanted you to see".
I thought Al Mualim intended to not kill Altaïr from the beginning ? That it really was an illusion. Because in the final fight he tells him that the Templars had to die anyway, so he used him to this end.
Hey, where's DAZ? He hasn't been here in forever!
I edited my previous message thinking it would up the thread, in vain.
bump !
Which means.. I can continue the ACB and ACR story!
(I'm a writer, yayyy, if anyone wants to check out my short story (19 000 words) after it's Edited, hit me up).
After ACIII comes out, I'll also do that one. For the next little while, I'll replay Brotherhood and Revelations, then do each story in sequence
I love you, brethren! Ready to DAZzle you with my worrds once more.
You've got some story telling to do verry soon, Daz. I'm looking forward to it! Also, maybe you could help me in understanding how exactly the Persian assassin Darius I, from the tombs conducted his assassination and what not. I find the timeline to be very confusing when you go as far back as 5th century B.C.E. (465, to be exact) Either way, great account of the main storyline! I loved the music at the end summary btw, that was classy