so what game are you playin
resident evil 5 (or biohazard 5 in other countries) its a good game not scary like the other first four games but thats fine with me. can't wait for operation raccon city and RE 6
Sports Champions for PlayStation Move Not a bad game actually. Plus my younger cousin is over and I have very few suitable games (even Sports Champions is a 12 and she's only 10 )
i'm borrowing Batman Arkham asylum from a friend right now.
Been playing Mass Effect (both) for the past month
Black ops (just got it hehe) and Total miner for xbox.
Tron: Evolution (I'm surprised too!). Actually, the multiplayer is extremely addicting. It's a lot like Templar Animus training in 30 years.
But I just got my new laptop today and am downloading DC Universe Online. So I'll be playing that for a loong time.
Joey, I actually wanted to ask you how good that game was. Could you give some more details?
I did some MineCraft yesterday night. Haven't touched my Xbox for a week, so I'll be playing AC:B this afternoon.
Joey, I actually wanted to ask you how good that game was. Could you give some more details?
Do you mean Tron or DCU? I assume Tron?
Pty James wrote:
Joey, I actually wanted to ask you how good that game was. Could you give some more details?Do you mean Tron or DCU? I assume Tron?
Yes, I'm referring to Tron.
Tron has similar controls to AC when free running. Meaning you hold down and push forward to sprint/jump over obstacles and run on walls. You're only weapon is the light disc, but it can be used in several different ways. Chuck it at enemies, use it as a shield, use it for hand-to-hand combat.
It's really only entertaining when you're playing with other players. My personal favorite modes are Disintegration and Team Disintegration (free-for-all deathmatch). Singleplayer is a joke. The enemies are easy as hell and it's completely linear. You rarely get to use the light cycle in this mode.
In multiplayer, the light cycle is more of a hassle until you figure out how to do the sharp, instantaneous 90 degree turns. The level cap is 50 like ACB, but you only get damage bonuses and health regeneration perks. No unique abilities.
It's simple, but fun. I bought it off my brother for $5 and it's at least worth that. haha
It would be a fun game to play with some friends for explosive, bright fun, but I don't know anyone who has it.
I could try to get it but haven't really found a good price, considering I have to pay for it been shipped over to Panama which could cost around $15, anybody know a good place to get it at a low price? Preferably with free shipping (doesn't matter if only in the US).
Any help would be useful, and thanks in advance
These days i'm playing alot L.A Noire and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
I could try to get it but haven't really found a good price, considering I have to pay for it been shipped over to Panama which could cost around $15, anybody know a good place to get it at a low price? Preferably with free shipping (doesn't matter if only in the US).Any help would be useful, and thanks in advance
I found a few with free shipping, but they're priced just above $20 USD on ebay.
A cheaper version on Newegg has free shipping, as well, but the return policy indicates a small fee for places outside the 48 connected states. It doesn't tell how much exactly.
Thanks for the help Joey, I'll consider getting it if I have some spare money.
I was just expressing my opinion, you don't have to get it. It's fun to hear all the 10 year-olds whine about me blowing them up. There are a LOT of them. haha
Again, I will consider it. I have tried to get a different kind of game for a while and this sounds interesting, plus, it's the Tron universe.
Still, anybody know what other game could be worth getting for that kind of prices, that is like that, different in a kind of way.
If you want a new type of game, Tron is interesting enough. Especially if you go in with low expectations. I'll think of other ideas, though. Not a lot of good games are out there at decent prices.
It's summer so the pickings are slim. Lately I've just been playing NBA 2K11 and NCAA Football 2012 on the Xbox 360.
I am planning on ditching the netbook (by the way, selling for $300 and will throw in a free portable disk drive for any interested that live in the Chicagoland area *JOEY?!?!?*) for a Lenovo Laptop with an i5 processor and 6GB of RAM. It's only $600 and the netbook covers half of that, its a steal at that price. Afterwards I'll be able to run Steam, Minecraft, Netflix, etc. pretty easily. May be looking for some recommendations then.
I also just beat Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker once again (playing that game on a 60" TV is insane). Both were brief but great memory trips, and I know I may sound crazy, but after playing both back to back I have to say Wind Waker is actually better. However, the first experience I had playing Ocarina of Time was immensely better than when I first played Wind Waker, without question.
I'm willing to put up with this drought of video games while waiting for the monsoon that comes out this fall. I know we say it every year, but this may be the best year gaming has had since 2007 (that's when Halo 3, COD 4, and AC1 all came out, amongst other great titles). Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3 are going to be absolutely ridiculous, and I hope to God that Revelations won't be a complete flop like the last game was. Many of you are also excited for Arkham City and frankly I can't blame you. I think Elder Scrolls V also drops this year, so that's something else to be excited for. Lots of variety and quality this year to be had, I'm psyched.
Might also start up new playthroughs of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and Red Dead Redemption soon. Sports games are sort of too easy for me...
Sports games are sort of too easy for me...
Try playing any of the Gold or Champion Cups on Sports Champions! I'm sure I've broken my back!
That's actually a really good deal, FLAE! If you've read any of my previous comments, you'd know I just got a $1000 laptop and am currently playing DC Universe Online with almost max settings. Maybe I can get it as a gift for someone if I can afford it (my temporary job ends next week). Or use it as a college work computer while my other one is for messing around with.
Either way, I'd be happy to work out a deal with you. Just let me think about how to use it first.
To be on-topic, I finally got to play DC Universe Online last night. Still getting used to PC gaming. I decided to create my character I've been evolving since I was 10 years old. It looks perfect in this game. 9 years creating this guy, developing his Watchmen-length story in my head and scribbles on paper for the last 5 years, and now I made him a virtual reality in a game. *sniffle* I'm so proud.
Might create his villain in the story when I want to switch sides. Oh hell yes!
i wanna ps3 sooo bad cause i want this game !!!!
They're currently blending both PS3 and PC servers together this week, since users are complaining about the lack of other players in the world. It just started and I saw on average maybe 5 players on each street I flew by. They haven't even migrated everyone yet.
It's mostly beat-em-up gameplay, but I think it was really for hardcore fans. So many comic characters no one knows about. I took some screenshots of my gameplay and might use fraps to record some stuff. Pretty awesome.
u know the more i hear about this game the more i hate my xbox
I know. PS3 has a lot of upsides to it. If Marvel kept going on the idea for their MMO like they originally planned (before DC) on all consoles, we'd all be a little happier.
yeah thats nice but... im not a big marvel fan
I'm tied with them. They both offer unique superhero mythos. Marvel has more personal bonding with the reader and its characters. DC is great storytelling, but they've tried recently to make more personal affliction with its characters, copying Marvel.
Marvel does better in every medium, while DC does well only in comics, short films, and anything Batman-related.
And not everyone is a DC fan, so yeah.
good point
I have tried to get a different kind of game for a while......anybody know what other game could be worth getting for that kind of prices, that is like that, different in a kind of way.
If you haven't played it, Batman: Arkham Asylum is good for a "different type of game".
Left 4 Dead is always a good choice.
Tron is still a good choice for "different".
I bought X-Men Origins: Wolverine recently, because I enjoyed it so much on PS3 (when I had one) that I got every trophy for it. I plan on doing the same for achievements. It's a very bloody comic book game that plays like God of War.
Those are my recommendations, but they are all 3rd person action games (except Left 4 Dead). I would have said something like Mass Effect, but you played that already, I'm sure.
I haven't really playes Mass effect, is it good?
Batman I already have, although I should start another playthrough, and L4D isn't just that exciting to me.
Left 4 Dead is the best when you're with friends on a difficult settting (you're guranteed to laugh). And...exscuse me...ahem...
That's what you need to get nao! Buy it!!!1!!
I didn't realise there was a game for X-Men Origins: Wolverine...?! Mind you, I suppose all films have games these days I quite enjoyed that film though so might give the game a look
The movie was good, I thought. If they took out the cliche'd *holds dead lover in arms and shouts to the sky* scene and fixed "The Deadpool" character, it would've been better.
The game is a lot better than the film. Possibly the best comic book movie game ever made. It's amazing watching all your wounds heal up after being cut, blown up, shot, etc 5 seconds before. Great use of technology right there.
Ah nice. Yeah the film got some poor reviews but it was decent enough, I thought. The game sounds good - will have to check it out.
I haven't really playes Mass effect, is it good?Batman I already have, although I should start another playthrough, and L4D isn't just that exciting to me.
Get Mass Effect. Stop reading this and go get it. WAIT! Finish reading this, then go get it.
ME1 is much more RPG-ish with stats determining if your bullet hit or miss (your reticle is more of a target select) and biotics/techs on individual cooldowns. ME2 adopts Shooter style shooting (relational hitting, you hit where you aim) and shared cooldowns between your abilities (which there are fewer of). Both have brilliant stories and pretty good characters. Plus, you can import save files from ME1 into ME2, and later ME2 into ME3 (not sure about ME1 into ME3). I played ME2, loved it, backtracked to ME1 and am now completing a full playthrough (just restarted ME2 with my ME1 character).
I am also playing Team Fortress 2, a bit of Deus Ex (got it for free on Steam with my Deus Ex: Human Revolutions pre-order), and some L4D2.
Anyone who likes Wolverine, realistic unlockable costumes, blood, giant monsters, or Hugh Jackman shirtless, will love XMO:W.
My DC Universe Online character.
really awesome joey does he have any superpowers
Flight was the only thing I gave him. Apparently every character has super strength. Otherwise he uses gadgets to help in fights.
Very nice, Joey. Kind of looks like a cross between Iron Man and The Flash (in a good way).
He's mostly like Batman, if anything, character-wise. haha
I've actually had black & white drawings of him where people thought I drew an earless Batman. It's as close to my original idea as I could get, except the chest symbol is supposed to be a golden bird across his chest, not wings, and his boots should be all yellow, but I liked the boots I ended up with. It has more style.
Ok, what I meant was, he's red I see what you mean about Batman actually.
A little snippet from some Gotham City gameplay of mine the 2nd day I played. Just for anyone interested in the game/comics/my awesomeness.
i wanna play this soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad and LMAO beating the shit outta that kid at the end
The issue I have with it is that it slows down when I look horizontally in most cases. I found out that it's a connection issue where I usually play. My wifi here isn't very good on this side of the house. That's kept me from playing it too often, but if it ran smoother, I wouldn't stop playing. Scarecrow's mission was nerdgasmic for Bat-fans.
If someone else besides Sony Online Entertainment made it, we'd be able to play it. Sony seems to like to take everything away from xbox users. DCU, ACB beta, ACR beta... At least we stole GTA from them. And now MGS. Mwahahaha!
Pty James wrote:
I haven't really playes Mass effect, is it good?Batman I already have, although I should start another playthrough, and L4D isn't just that exciting to me.
Get Mass Effect. Stop reading this and go get it. WAIT! Finish reading this, then go get it.
Hahahahah, I already have BOTH Mass Effect games. Actually, as I mentioned in a previous post, its the only thing I have been playing for the past month.
Jfighter777 wrote:
Pty James wrote:
I haven't really playes Mass effect, is it good?Batman I already have, although I should start another playthrough, and L4D isn't just that exciting to me.
Get Mass Effect. Stop reading this and go get it. WAIT! Finish reading this, then go get it.
Hahahahah, I already have BOTH Mass Effect games. Actually, as I mentioned in a previous post, its the only thing I have been playing for the past month.
Then why did you ask if it was any good? You should know the awesomeness of Mass Effect for yourself.