Now that E3 has been and gone and developers have shown off pretty much all of what will be coming out over the rest of the year, what titles are you looking forward to ?
I myself am looking forward to Assassins Creed Revelations, the trailers pretty much sold me on that, but may have to see more to be sure
The Halo CE has also got my attention, loved the first halo, to the point where i completed it on legendary both on coop and single player and would love to see what it will look like on the reach engine.
The darkness 2 is a definate must have, i got the original darkness a year or 2 after it originally came out for about £10 and i never looked back, yet again the trailers have pretty much sold me on the story and i hope they release a couple more sneaky peaks before release
My last sort of definate purchase would be arkham city, loved arkham asylum, who didn't love playing as batman and now he has the entirety of gotham to run around
Ontop of all of these others that have gotten my attention are Mass Effect 3, Alice: Return to madness, Gears of War 3 (played the beta for a couple of days as i got a code very late into it and loved it) and to my suprise the LOZ OoT remake on the 3ds caught my attention too, i really would love to see what they've done with such an amazing game, beyond hopefully a retexture and slightly more fluid movement
But yes I have rambled on for a while now, so let me know what the games that have caught your eye are
I'm really looking forward to Dark Souls (360 & PS3)
Assassins Creed Revelations
Remake of ICO & Shadow of Collossus
Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception
Journey By thatgamecompany
The PSP Vita looks awesome but there will be an upgraded version later on... anyway....
batman arkham city, AC revelations and MW3
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus release date is 27 September! (I read it on Gamespot.)
The 2-game bundle will cost US$39.99. More good news!
1 day after my birthday!
1 day after my birthday!
Well, I will certainly know how to celebrate your birthday - one day late.
That's the soonest it's ever been celebrated...
That's the soonest it's ever been celebrated...![]()
NOOOOO! Don't scare me like that! I actually made this face ->
elder scrolls skyrim
saints row 3
and who on here isnt excited for revelations?
JoeyFogey wrote:
That's the soonest it's ever been celebrated...![]()
NOOOOO! Don't scare me like that! I actually made this face ->
elder scrolls skyrim
saints row 3
and who on here isnt excited for revelations?
wasn't actually aware they were making a saints row 3, my friend will be please if he doesn't already know
elder scrolls skyrim
saints row 3
and who on here isnt excited for revelations?
I'm seriously expecting Revelations to kill off what good's left of this series once and for all...
By the way, the Kinect demonstration for Mass Effect 3 was f*cking ridiculous. Microsoft just scored major points with everybody.
I'm just waiting for Battlefield 3 to come out and then my social life will probably go on hold for a little bit.
All three alpha-numeric acronyms, and all will be awesome... hopefully.
Gotta watch GoW3 and BAA also, though. Wish Gears would come out for PC...
not much of a skyrim and BATTLEFIELD fan
SEOT (spiderman edge of time)
Assassins Creed: Revelations
Wanna see how Ezio and Altair's lives ended.
Batman: Arkham City
Just wanan find out how he survives the night. I don't think I can imagine Batman beating up criminals in broad daylight.
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Tomb Raider
Grand Theft Auto V
Halo 4
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Assassin's Creed III
I'm seriously expecting Revelations to kill off what good's left of this series once and for all...
Haha...this is hilarious in retrospect.
I guess I'll make my list of games I'm excited for.
Star Wars: 1313
Resident Evil 6.
Since Cheese mentioned Super Mario Maker, I thought it good to move the conversation over here. I look forward to playing that game more than all the games coming out in the next few years combined. I mean, it's the golden age of Nintendo all over again. An endless supply of player made levels. And the few videos I watched show how some items and characters look like in the games they didn't originally appear in.
Been hearing alot about the new MGS thanks to a certain someone *cough* DAZ *cough*. I actually own the Legacy Collection and should get back to continuing through the third game and to the fourth.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Dishonored 2
Mirror's Edge Catalyst
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Those are really the big ones for me.
Dishonored 2 gives me more of Dishonored, which I loved.
Mirror's Edge and Deus Ex are both cyberpunk, which is my favorite genre.
AC Syndicate is AC, self-explanatory, and half of AC is cyberpunk (Present Day) which is my favorite genre.
Mirror's Edge also has fluid Parkour, which I adored ME1 for.
I'm currently supporting a game on Kickstarter, a horror game originally caller Summer Camp, until they miraculously obtained the rights to make it a Friday the 13th game. For $30 you buy the game digitally, and for $10 more beta access and ingame credit (naturally I couldn't resist). The higher rewards even go so far as to make your own achievement and have a character based off you.
Game is expected to come out next October. The Kickstarter ends this Friday.
That's a nice announcement trailer they made. I like that they played up Mrs. Voorhees. People forget who the killer was in the first film.
I started playing skyrim again cause everyone is talking about fallout 4. I have so many huge problems with so much of that game, but I think I've accidentally started feeling excited about future games in the series, simply because they could fix some of those problems and maybe eventually end up with a game that I completely and unreservedly enjoy.
I like the idea of them so much, bethesda rpgs, but they have a really tough time living up to the ideas they aspire to. When I bought skyrim I'd never played anything like it, and I hated it so much. I don't really feel hugely different, but I have learned how to have fun with it a little bit.
Mostly by playing as the type of character I think the game deserves rather than who I actually want to be + turning the difficulty down to easy so the horrible combat doesn't last too long.
So yeah, The Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim 2 or whatever.
This is kind of a weird thing to say, but I hope they give me more motivation to establish a home and return to it, or at the very least give me more compelling reasons to make my character sleep from time to time. because I bought a home but I just use it to dump ingredients and food and my characters hasn't slept for days which is creepy.
And then there's the things I agree with a lot of the internet on: the writing could be better, the story needs to build up to and earn big events rather than that being pretty much all that happens. you never really get a chance to feel at home in a world if all you're doing is saving it.
I thought I was the only one who felt remotely similar. (Hyperbole, but yeah.) Bethesda games just... Never did it for me. I really want to love them, and they offer such interesting premises and atmospheres, but mechanically they all play really half-heartedly. Though I surely care for narratives, I'm primarily a mechanical player, and mechanics that don't work well or feel flat tear me out of an experience pretty hard. Also despite the cool premises, the worlds feel really soul-less to me. They really don't feel alive, at all. That and the very overt specific-to-Bethesda thing of, "The world clearly exists for the player, and that's why it never feels like a believable place." I feel like Bethesda will never move away from that because it's precisely the kind of experience they're known for. It's basically their essence at this point. The world doesn't move till you do, for all its attempted immersion.
well I mean, the world has to move for you for the game to actually go somewhere. I think what i'm looking for as far as writing is for better pacing and more variety in scale.
I've been reading a few of the in-game books and they tell stories that are much more like what I'd like to see. Stories that start from humble beginnings and treat big events as the culmination of something rather than an everyday occurrence.
I think what Bethesda really needs to do is focus the story more on what is interesting and exciting about the day-to-day life of an adventurer, and so you can follow that thread until you've actually built your character up into someone who doesn't feel out of place tackling huge legendary challenges.
In the stories they tell in the books, people train their entire lives to be good enough with magic to communicate with a god, or good enough in combat to slay a huge monster. In the actual game, I can start talking to gods and slaying dragons within about an hour.
I obviously don't want to have to spend years of real time to get anywhere, but it would be nice if they at least had a conceit that when you accomplish certain things and advance your character in certain ways, time passes. Like, if the amount you can level up a specific skill is capped until you train with someone, and training is represented by a montage and an indication that several months have gone by of you just focusing on getting better. Then the level cap for that skill is raised and you get new abilities, ect. Giving some presentational flair to the actual concept of what it would be like to learn and grow in this world. And that gives you a reason to seek out schools and masters other than just doing quests for them or becoming the leader of their faction: they are actually the true enablers of your progression, wheras in Skyrim they're mostly just there for flavor and you can easily max out stuff on your own.
And just like, find ways to make smaller things interesting. Instead of fighting tons of bandits mostly, why not a series of quests where you help out with the guards of a city, dealing with street crime and defusing local squabbles? It's an interesting world, and there's lots of things you could be doing in it that are ignored so some ancient evil echoey voice guy can ask you to be his friend.
I actually really like that idea. It would make all my actions feel less disjointed or disconnected, and make more sense. I'd also like there to be certain books written about the player character as well, that they could find throughout their travels as they become more well-known in the game world. If time does genuinely pass, it would be more than reasonable for citizens to begin to know who you are. Some might recognize you, and that could in turn open up the fantasy of hiding yourself with masks or just pretending to be a beggar or vagabond to remain humble. On the flipside, for players who do want the glory, they're free to walk around the game world and be basically worshipped by villagers as they please. All depending on the actions you'd done, of course. I think that would probably be enough by itself to make the world more believable for me than the ability to skip to badassery in a short time, for sure.
Some games from this year are thankfully going all the way with what they can accomplish. The building mechanics for Fallout 4 simply look amazing. Not that I'm saying the whole game is awesome or that I plan to play (not quite my style), but a whole other kind of game can be made from just that.
MGSV on the other hand I look forward to much. I had recently gotten to playing more of MGS3 on the Legacy Collection when I saw someone play a little of Phantom Pain. Like some of you said, the controls are awesome, and then I found out about recruiting allies.
In regards to Skyrim, one thing I wish they changed in the Elder Scrolls games is how you start out as a prisoner with no backstory. In Oblivion and Skyrim at least; haven't played the others. This makes sense since the games are about creating the character you want to be, but still. Instead I wish you can start many different ways, each with their own story and quest/quests accompanying it. Then tie that in with the main story.