......What will we see?
A Sequel
A Prequel
Or...please i hope not...
A spin off .
This is possibly Waaaaaaaaaaaay to early to be thinking about anything after ACIII. Cause you know, ACIII hasn't been released yet, so we have no clue to where the AC story is heading next. But that's the fun of it really.
So out of the three things we might see. What do you want to see?
I'm not ready to start thinking about post-AC3. If this doesn't tie up the Desmond storyline then i will be severly disapointed.
Me too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxm4zWZVG9Y corey may got asked that same question he gave the answer *i cannot say*
They already said this will be Desmond's last game. So unless they already started working on another game (I hope not), they shouldn't release anything for two years.
I'm thinking that Desmond will be a character in following games, but not the one we play as or a huge part of the story. Which is why Corey is being vague. Technically it ends his major arc, but he's not down and out.
I'm thinking that Desmond will be a character in following games, but not the one we play as or a huge part of the story. Which is why Corey is being vague. Technically it ends his major arc, but he's not down and out.
So maybe he'll be the ancestor this time?
So maybe he'll be the ancestor this time?
Desmond as the ancestor? Really?
EzioAltair17 wrote:
So maybe he'll be the ancestor this time?Desmond as the ancestor? Really?
Pretty dumb idea i know.
All his descendant would be reliving is him lying down.
All his descendant would be reliving is him lying down.
Depends on exactly how final his end in AC3 is. If he gets a girl and goes on to be an important assassin, EA's idea isn't that ridiculous.
Alright. I've done some minimal thinking about this. This is all what I would LIKE to happen, not what I THINK will happen.
End of Desmond's Story:
Desmond find's "her" and saves the earth from the flare. WOOO!!! ... but the Templars (and Abstergo?) remain ...
Next mini-series of games:
I would like for this series of games to go one of two ways in relation to Desmond's 2012 actions.
1 - (less appealing) Follow another group of Assassins around to see what they were doing before the 2012 stuff.
2 - (more appealing) Follow a group of Assassins around in a future year (maybe sometime around 2018 or so... one game every 3 years) with their struggle with Abstergo.
New Assassin/Ancestors:
Desmond was definitely of western descent and had western ancestors to show for it. I'd like for the new assassin recruit to have eastern ancestors...
- WWII Japan... and assassin working against the Templars that we know led the world into WW2.
- Fuedal China around 600BC - the Zhou Dynasty - the times of Sun Tzu and his writing The Art of War... hopefully he'd be a friend of the early Assassins, and not a Templar... (yes, I know Assassins aren't thought to be a thing until 1092 in Persia/Syria... but the ideas came from somewhere).
- Someone in the time of Attila the Hun
- Maybe up into Russia...
- Maybe earlier Japan with ninjas in Fuedal Japan... not sure how I'd feel about TWO Japanese ancestors though... due to wanting fresh storylines/scenery/etc.
Really, I haven't thought about the ancestors much, just that I want them to be new and fresh. The Eastern weaponry would provide some fun stuff... swords, throwing stars, psi, nunchuck, etc etc...
But I think I'd like for the new protagonist to come AFTER the 2012 Desmond events.
Ummm, desmonds first ancestor we played was arabic, which is definitely eastern.
Ummm, desmonds first ancestor we played was arabic, which is definitely eastern.
I don't think you read McStab's post correctly. He was saying Desmond has western ancestors.
Sure, Altair was Arabic. I'll counter with these two points though...
1 - Maybe it's just because I live in the western world and have been taught history from this point of view, but I don't consider the Crusades an eastern conflict... partially because:
2 - Was the Holy Land really considered the East in the 12th Century? I mean, the Americas hadn't been discovered yet, to my knowledge, which puts the Holy Land right in the middle, possibly to the west if anything. In fact, I thought the Holy Land at that time was thought of as part of South Eastern Europe... doesn't sound Eastern to me.
And to Joey's comment: yes. it would be easier to have eastern ancestors if the main protagonist was of eastern descent. I know VERY VERY little about the history of the far east. I mean, except for spices and commodities came from there. I think it would be interesting to be exposed to some of this history.
Maybe see what the Polos were doing over there before Ezio had to go find all those books... haha
If you actually look at the amount of land covered by the three AC protagonists it's quite a distance. It's kinda unfair to say that the focus has been narrow by classifying that whole part of the world as "basically western". We HAVE had a far eastern assassin in the story, and that will almost definitely be followed up with a game set in that area somehow related to that character.
Well according to this page here, AC will go on.
I mean if ubisoft made spin-offs before there gonna do it again. (hopefully I'm wrong)
Want to see Assassin's Creed VIII? Assassin's Creed IX? How about one every year? If Ubisoft has its way, you will.Says Ubisoft executive director Laurent Detoc:
"It's very simple to me: There's no such thing as not being able to annualize a franchise. If it's good, people will come."
Of course, Ubisoft has never been shy about turning out Assassin's Creed games as fast as they can make them; Assassin's Creed III will mark the fifth game in as many years since the franchise started in 2007, and it's not like other major franchises, like Call of Duty, don't put out yearly releases themselves. And that's just console games: there are no fewer than five games on mobile platforms and portables.
On the other hand, we do wonder exactly what mechanics the series will be adding once it gets to the tenth game. What's your guess? How will they keep it fresh?
Please no annual releases, Ubi. Sixty dollars a year is just too much.
People will keep buying them. You can bet on that. Hopefully they do take a break soon, though.
Yeah, I like to think they could put out a game every year and a half, to two years. Keep the quality going and improvement time long enough. Especially if one a year starts coming out like AC, II, and from what I've seen of III. (yeah I skipped those other two things
release one in the next two years, and then the year after that release one that was being developed in conjunction seems to be the most likely thing to happen.
I agree now that you say that. And I hope you're right, Calvar. That second release would be AWESOME! (I'd assume)