--- promoted to front page by Ian ---
So when I was playing through the last sequence of AC2 I found this...
At the last area in the game you can climb to the roof. From a certain ledge (by where the lever to open the door is) you can jump and grasp the ledge of a window and climb to the roof from there. Now time for infiltration. From certain places on the roof you can slip inside the building. Because I didn't pull the lever to open the door detection won't result in desynchronization, which contradicts the idea of having to be anonymous when in the building. However I'm unable to progress any farther in the game. Next I look inside the Sistine Chapel which is currently empty (it's empty until the last checkpoint before you kill Rodrigo). With more exploring I found climbable ledges outside the chapel that lead me to the secret passageway in the back of the church. There's also more to see in this area. There's a good view of the courtyard outside the chapel (the same courtyard you pass through when you exit the chapel in the beginning of AC:Brotherhood). There's also the place where the piece of Eden is hidden in Brotherhood.
Very nice exploit!!! I always wondered if there was a way to have more fun in Rome in AC2
i was talking about the video his copy of ACII looks pretty buggy .....
i was talking about the video his copy of ACII looks pretty buggy .....
Umm...well...he kinda exploited a "glitch"...I'm confused.
EzioAltair17 wrote:
i was talking about the video his copy of ACII looks pretty buggy .....Umm...well...he kinda exploited a "glitch"...I'm confused.
ooooh lol
ooooh lol
Uh, yeah. You're not supposed to have access to the roof which is why there's invisible platforms and glitchy surfaces.
I miss Ezio's Ac2 outfit
I miss Ezio's Ac2 outfit
me too why is your copy so glitchy ?
Arrrogance wrote:
I miss Ezio's Ac2 outfitme too
why is your copy so glitchy ?
Awesome. I don't have the time to even start looking for glitches like these. Great work!
Wow, this is really cool! A very nice find. It's a shame you can't continue with the game after infiltration but still a fun exploit, nonetheless.
that was pretty cool.
and what was up with the bodies lying on the floor above you at 3:30?
That was after the fight with Rodrigo. I tried going behind the building when he was there but got detected (apparently he can see through walls).