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Silent Dining: Stealth Kills in A Dinner Engagement Memory

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aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

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Assassins Creed Unity Sequence 10 Memory 1 A Dinner Engagement le Peletier Unique Kill and Stealth

Silent Dining

The goal is to kill every guard from the window infiltration to the dining room without being seen (no yellow or red detection meters).

After stealing the wine, bribe the woman to get in through the window. The first guard you encounter is facing away. In the next room are two guards. Wait for one to walk to the window before taking him out. The other is stationary at a fireplace.

Next room has a posted guard facing the doorway and another walking between that room and the next. Wait for him to leave the room. It would seem you couldn't enter the room stealthily without going through the locked door nearby, but the guard facing the doorway can be rush killed. A reliable way is to take cover behind the door and run at him while mashing Armed hand . Then kill the other guard while his back is still turned.

The dining room contains six guards. Four guards at each corner of the center tables, one guard near the entrance of the previous room, and on patrolling around the center tables.

Wait for the patrolling guard to turn away and take out the closest three, who are facing away. When the patrolling guard gets close enough to the brute you can get them in a double assassination. If you don't have the double kill ability take him out before he gets close to the brute, or you will get seen. Only one guard left.

Unique Kill

Interesting how the mission works. The poison kill is available as long as the target doesn't go to his room or flee. Two conditions exist that make him run away:
1. Guards detect you are you are within a certain distance of the target.
2. You get within a certain area within the center dining tables.

So you can incapacitate the target while the poison kill is still available (came really close to being in the flee zone during the knockout). Now for some ridiculous character AI. The butler continues to pour the wine for a knocked out le Peletier and his daughter Suzanne engages in a one sided conversation. Also worth noting is after the conversation Suzanne no longer has the AI to run out of the room, meaning she doesn't flinch when her father le Peletier is assassinated. Evil

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

I need to replay the assassinations in this game, but just haven't had the time.

For this one I went in the window, bezerked a body guard, and the target ran back to the room where I could kill him. Would like to do things more stealthily than that next time.

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

gerund's picture
The Netherlands
Joined: 10/29/2012

He's rolling around on the floor in pain.

"ah, nothing a glass of wine won't fix"

"...and if I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know."

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
For this one I went in the window, bezerked a body guard, and the target ran back to the room where I could kill him. Would like to do things more stealthily than that next time.

Getting the target to flee without being detected sounds stealthy to me. You could make a whole variety pack on how to kill him when he flees.

InTehVaria's picture
Joined: 02/21/2013

So Le Peletier has no actual AI in the ordinary sense, instead he piggybacks on the guards' awareness, and failing that, it's a super simplistic trigger area that causes him to flee. Wow. That's different from, say, Marie Levesque. You've really dismantled this scenario completely, and it turns out it's held together really flimsily. A real shame.

There's no good explanation for his daughter's AI wanting to return to the chair after standing, so bizarre that that made it into the final version of the game.

That against-the-wall assassination animation is unbelievably cool. I'd seen it before, but it's a show stopper every time.

Calvar The Blade's picture
Calvar The Blade
Joined: 11/21/2010

I'd imagine the complex behaviors he displays required them to sacrifice some of the properties of a normal NPC in both his and his daughter's case. After all, there aren't systems built into the game for fleeing to a specific spot, or being put into a non-violent and mobile poisoned state (that also involves pathing to a specific spot) by interacting with a prop.

The need to bandaid this together plus the scarcity of the unique kills makes it pretty clear that said concept was either pretty late in development, or was massively scaled back due to issues exactly like this one.

A novel concept, as it can add more variety into the game without requiring new systems to be built, but maybe it would work best when applied to less complex things or NPCs than the Target.

the posts a bit guy

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

This mission could have used more polish. Le Peletier can detect you when he's walking to the room, in which case he flees, or when he gets to the room, in which case he constantly tackles you. Get in combat with him after that and he won't attack you. The only pacifist target in the game.

But besides that he's a walking puppet, or as Ian puts it, an animated game prop. Speaking of which, le Peletier's AI is very similar to Marco Barbarico's.

InTehVaria wrote:
There's no good explanation for his daughter's AI wanting to return to the chair after standing, so bizarre that that made it into the final version of the game.

Yes, very strange the level designers didn't make her take the same path out as when she runs away.