Hi everybody.
The first time I came across this website was last year. It left a good impression on me, because most of the videos I had watched on youtube were all here, and the conversations on the forums are people actually interacting with each other. Most of the AC communities are either people stating their point of view one after the other, or an endless flame war. So the normal interactions and the interesting points of views here are a nice change.
I first laid my hands on an Assassin's Creed game in 2008, and I literally haven't stopped playing them ever since. I have a huge preference for AC1 ; AC2 was a good sequel which took a while to grow on me, and ACB disappointed me a little (except for the Desmond gameplay in this one). Revelations looks promising though.
Forgive me in advance for any mistake I might make, since english isn't my first langage: I live in France. (takes "pardon my french" to a whole new level, huh? )
[/poor attempt at an introduction]
Safety and peace !
Welcome. I think since the videos brought you here, you'll fit right in. Also, the human interaction here is probably the best part of the site, in my opinion. I don't think you'll find anywhere else with a better insight for the series or anywhere with a group of better players with incredibly interesting ideas on how to approach the games. Hope you enjoy.
Not a poor attempt at an introduction at all! Welcome and thanks for joining.
Bonjour et bienvenu à The Hidden Blade!
Ta introduction est très bien. Ma Français, à l'autre côté...
Si tu parles des Forums Officièl d'Assassin's Creed, je te compris! Mais je crois Ubisoft doit faire quelque chose, ou la franchise devenira... je ne peux pas trouver le mot. Mauvaise?
[Okay, messed up here. devient être, what the hell was I thinking? I hope 'devenira' (futur intended to be used) is better. :P]
En fait, je suis impatient de voir tes messages dans le forum!
P.S. I sincerely hope I didn't screw up gigantically there. I'm fairly sure I have.
Hello and welcome to the site! The friendly community is massive advantage of this site over others and you'll definitely enjoy it and fit in easily
Pas du tout TLS, bien joué ! Except for a few words (you were almost there with "devenira", which is "deviendra" instead), you have a really good handle of french. Are you learning it ?
About the franchise, it has already strayed far from AC1, and I doubt Ubisoft wants to do something about it. I'm glad we will see Masyaf and Altaïr again in ACR. "Stealthy" gameplay aside (coughbombs), I like how Constantinople looks a bit like Damascus & Jerusalem. It will be a nostalgic play.
Thanks for the nice welcome.
Yea, hi.
I gave up on the sequels the minute I first saw an AC2 footage, but I too have a bit of hope with Reveltations. At least it's not Italy.
Ah, I knew I screwed up again there. xD
I've had four years of French. I stopped two years ago. Dropped it in favour of Latin. However, I tutor a lot of kids and for the first three years, everyone has French. That means that I have to test them for their knowledge, so I pick up a lot from that as well. The more advanced stuff is more difficult, like the futur, the futur de passé and the subjonctif (is it spelled like that? We were thrown to death with a similar form with Latin, though).
I like communicating in languages strange to me, so I can pick them up even better. I was just wondering, why isn't there something like Project Euler, but not for programming, but for languages? Like, conversations that get progressively harder. This would be a much more organic way of learning than the rote repetition of grammar and words, which is boring. I daresay my English has improved a thousand times more because of my forum habits than the actual lessons I got.
Yeah, I didn't like that interpretation of the word 'stealthy' as well. Oh well. Constantinople ought to be good. Looks a lot like Damascus with those markets.
What's with the name change TLS?
btw, i've never quite understood why english speakers say "pardon my french" whenever they wanna excuse a swearword.
(or is it just the americans who do that?)
btw, i've never quite understood why english speakers say "pardon my french" whenever they wanna excuse a swearword.
(or is it just the americans who do that?)
Don't worry Rob, you're not the only one that doesn't understand it. It doesn't make any sense on this end either.
Beats me. I'd be curious to know.
Well Phi, congratulations for having studied french for this long. I will never understand what people like about this langage, it's such a pain, even for native speakers. If you have a question someday I'd be glad to help.
What's with the name change TLS?
I prefer Phi of TLS. Simple as that. I'm also looking to integrate all my profiles more and Phi is just a better fit than TLS.
The reason the English say 'Excuse my French'. My best bet: being pretty much ruled by France, the main language at the courts was French. When England got back in power again, English was to become the main language (because French was shit), but people just don't switch that easily, so sometimes some French might have slipped out.
Just my best guess.
From Wikipedia:
"Pardon my French" or "Excuse my French" is a common English language phrase ostensibly disguising profanity as French. The phrase is uttered in an attempt to excuse the user of profanity or curses in the presence of those offended by it under the pretense of the words being part of a foreign language.
The phrase has found large use in broadcast television and family films where less offensive words are preceded by "pardon my French" to emphasize their meaning without violating censorship or rating guidelines. A good example is in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Cameron calls Mr. Rooney and says, "Pardon my French, but you're an asshole." In another segment, Bueller says, "Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you were to shove a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond."
Not sure if that's completely accurate, but it's got to be close.
Nice to have another polite member.
The first time I came across this website was last year. It left a good impression on me, because most of the videos I had watched on youtube were all here, and the conversations on the forums are people actually interacting with each other.
Oh, what kind of videos exactly? There are a few kinds here, flag collections, expert gameplay, stylish gameplay and the occasionally rare Rick Roll.
Bonjour et bienvenu à The Hidden Blade!
Ta introduction est très bien. Ma Français, à l'autre côté...Si tu parles des Forums Officièl d'Assassin's Creed, je te compris! Mais je crois Ubisoft doit faire quelque chose, ou la franchise devenira... je ne peux pas trouver le mot. Mauvaise?
[Okay, messed up here. devient être, what the hell was I thinking? I hope 'devenira' (futur intended to be used) is better. :P]En fait, je suis impatient de voir tes messages dans le forum!
^Uh, translation please.
^Uh, translation please.
Hello and welcome to The Hidden Blade!
Your introduction is really good. My French, on the other hand...
If you're talking about the Official AC forums, I understand you. However, I think Ubisoft has to do something, or the franchise will be come.. I can't find the word. Bad?
Anyway, I look forward to seeing your messages in the forum!
Bonjour et bienvenu à The Hidden Blade!
Ta introduction est très bien. Ma Français, à l'autre côté...
Too many tildes! My opinion stays the same, spanish is just way easier to speak.
OT, hello Sync. Bonjour is as far as I know in french, so bonjour! And hope you enjoy the site
Too many tildes!My opinion stays the same, spanish is just way easier to speak.
Hah, you got that right. I wouldn't even bother trying to learn it if it wasn't my native language.
Oh, what kind of videos exactly?
Most of them were just for "fun" : stylish assassinations, alternative escape routes, easter eggs, glitches, etc. As much as I respect the flag videos as they must have been long and tiring to make, I prefer searching for them on my own.
I agree on that, I think if you use a map or guide to look for collectibles in games you are pretty much turning it into a chore. The reason they are there, imo, is to give you more motivation to explore the city instead of just playing through the missions. Whenever I feel like exploring the city it always feels nice that I will be rewarded for it somehow, like finding a flag. Otherwise if I have no goal, I dont feel the need to explore
Hello, and nice to meet you, sync! - a few days late but oh well.
See you around.
Ah! Je desire le singe!
The only phrase I can speak fully in 2 years of French class, and I probably destroyed that sentence. I hope you get that. XD
You want the monkey? O.o
You want the monkey? O.o
Yes! I said it right!